Genicom GEK 00031B User Manual
Page 165
5000 Series Programmer’s Manual
Loading Forms Sequence: Allows forms to be loaded and stored into
printer memory.
General Command Syntax
DCS P1;P2&p record ST
P1 specifies the form file format. (must be 0)
P1 = 0 LG-series printer logo file format.
≠ 0 Sequence is ignored.
P2 defines the replacement action.
P2 = 0 Replace the named form.
P2 = 3 Replace all forms.
The record includes the form header that defines form parameters
and size, and the form data string.
ID Length = Two digit number (01 through 99) that defines
the length of the form ID.
Form ID =String of one to 99 printable characters that identify
the form.
CNTL Encoding Character = Indicates the start of control-
character encoding. The character is always in the range of 20
through 7E hex, and is followed by a two-digit hexadecimal
number equivalent to the ASCII value of the control character to
be encoded. When a control character is required within the
form data, the control character must be entered in its
hexadecimal format and preceded by the CNTL encoding
Form Data Switch Character = Designates the insertion of the
form’s fill-in data. The character is always in the range from 20
through 7E hex. The form-data switch character must be
different from the control-character encoding character. The
form data switch character is not printable within the form and
should not be used in any control sequence in the form.
Form Length = A five-digit number, 00001 through 65,535,
that defines the length of the string that follows. The string
count includes all characters other than uncoded control
characters 0 through 1F hex.
Form Data String = Form data is a string of text and command
sequences with encoded control characters. Terminate the
string with a ST (ESC \ or decimal 156) command.