Genicom GEK 00031B User Manual
Page 128
Chapter 6. Epson FX286-E Emulation
Vertical Tab (0BH): Ends the current print buffer and causes its
contents to be printed. A CR function is always performed upon
receipt of a VT code. The VT code then advances the paper vertically
to the next vertical tab position in the channel selected by the ESC /
sequence. If no channel has been selected, channel zero is used.
Following power-up or initialization, the eight vertical tab channels
are in an initialized state (no tabs have been inserted into a specific
channel nor has the tab erase command been received). If a VT code
Is received at this time, a vertical move equal to the current line
spacing is performed. If the command to erase tabs is received (ESC
B NUL or ESC bn NUL), received VT codes will produce no vertical
motion but will cause a CR to occur.
A maximum of 16 vertical tab positions are allowed for each of the
eight channels. If there are tabs in the currently selected table, but
no tabs set beyond the current line. a vertical tab will cause paper to
advance to the top margin of the next form.
When a vertical tab would cause the printer to exceed the current
form length (minus any perforation skip distance) the vertical tab will
act as a form feed. Vertical tabs are converted to absolute positions
when set. Future changes in line spacing will not change the position
of the vertical tabs.