Sequences & arpeggios – Arturia KeyStep 37 MIDI Keyboard Controller and Sequencer User Manual
Page 35

3.1.6. Sequences & arpeggios
When playing a sequence, the notes in the sequence can be strummed. Just activate chord
mode and hear how the individual notes of the sequence are extended to strummed chords.
When gates in a sequence overlap the chord generator will restart when a new gate is
detected. The actual notes you hear will depend on the current settings of the Chord knobs
and the current Scale.
There's another thing worth knowing: when a sequence is playing with chord mode active
and you play the keyboard, the notes of the sequence will be chorded but the notes you
play on the keyboard will not. When you stop the sequence the KeyStep 37 will switch from
chordifying the notes of the sequencer to chordifying the notes you play on the keyboard.
The LEDs above the keyboard will help you to distinguish notes played by the sequencer
(green) from those played on the keyboard (yellow).
In Arpeggio mode, each note you play becomes the root of the chord generator will add
its notes to. This makes it very worthwhile to try different arpeggio patterns and hear their
effect on chord generation.
Arturia - User Manual KeyStep 37 - Shift Functions