The transport section, All notes off, Led display, chord button and knobs – Arturia KeyStep 37 MIDI Keyboard Controller and Sequencer User Manual
Page 17: Hold/chord button
1.6.3. The transport section
The Transport buttons control the sequencer, the arpeggiator, and external MIDI devices
using MIDI Machine Control. But they also can send other MIDI messages if your DAW does
not respond to MMC commands. Use the MIDI Control Center to make changes.
All three buttons are active in sequencer mode, while only Play/Pause and Stop are used
with the arpeggiator.
Each button has an secondary function when creating a sequence (Append, Clear Last, and
Restart). These features will be described in detail in All Notes Off
The Stop button has an additional function. If for some reason you end up with a stuck note,
just press the Stop button quickly three times in a row. KeyStep 37 will then send an All Notes
Off command over MIDI.
1.6.4. LED display, Chord button and knobs
The four knobs have two functions; they enable you to create chords and strum patterns in
various forms and double up as bank and CC controllers.
The LED displays the data you dial in with the knobs and the Chord button gives access to
both the Chord and the CC functions.
1.6.5. Hold/Chord button
The Hold button enables you to add more notes to the arpeggiator while it is running (up to
32!). It is also used with the Shift button to toggle Chord mode on and off.
There's more information about the Hold and Chord modes in
Arturia - User Manual KeyStep 37 - Introduction and Overview