Playing single notes – Arturia KeyStep 37 MIDI Keyboard Controller and Sequencer User Manual
Page 31
3.1.2. Playing single notes
We'll first have a look at how chords are formed in Keyboard mode. In this mode the
KeyStep 37 will take the note you play as root note and add the notes of the chord type that
you've selected with the Type knob.
If for example you've selected Oct as Type and you play a C on the keyboard the Chord
generator will add a "C" one octave above it, two octaves above it and three octaves above
it. Turned fully counter-clockwise the Type knob is off. To hear the full string of notes that are
added in chord mode set the Notes knob fully clockwise, the Vel>Notes knob fully counter-
clockwise and the Strum knob to 64.
Set the Type knob to USr and play a single note on the keyboard. Slowly turning this knob
clockwise reveals twelve chords options. You'll hear the note retrigger whenever a new
chord appears in the LED. The chords you'll hear are:
USr, Oct, 5th, sus(pended), min(or), m(inor)7, m(inor)9, m(inor)11, M(ajor), M(ajor)7, M(ajor)9
and M(ajor)11.
Arturia - User Manual KeyStep 37 - Shift Functions