Metric Halo Mobile I/O User Manual

Page 369

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System Status Indicators, 58
TOSLINK Optical Digital Audio, 63
What comes with it, 57
What you need to use it, 57

Mobile I/O Is Not Powered Up, 332
Monitor (output level), 156
Monitor Control Section (ULN-8/LIO-8), 117
Monitor Controller

Adding a new Monitor Path, 198
Adding a New Monitor Source, 196
Adjusting the Monitor Level, 193
As a floating window, 194
Changing the order of the Monitor Output Paths,
Changing the order of the Monitor Sources, 197
Changing the per Path Calibration, 199
Configuring Monitor Output Paths, 197
Configuring the Monitor Controller, 195
Dimming the output, 193
FAQ, 200
Identifying Monitor Source, 191
Identifying Output Paths, 191
Interface and Basic operation, 190
Key Commands, 194
Locking the output, 193
Mini Monitor Controller Window, 194
Muting the output, 193
Overview, 189
Preferences, 199
Removing a Monitor Output Path, 199
Removing a Monitor Source, 197
Selecting an Input Source, 193
Selecting an Output Path, 193
Source Override, 193
Switching window size, 194
Ultra-Quick Start Guide, 189

Monitor Controller Assign, 184
Monitor mode (ULN-8/LIO-8), 118
Monitor Outputs (ULN-2), 74
Mute, 175, 183

2882, 59
ULN-8/LIO-8, 117


Numeric Hold Time (ULN-8/LIO-8), 122


Offline box, 143
Optimizing Input Levels, 148
Output Clip Threshold (ULN-8/LIO-8), 122
Output Trim (ULN-8/LIO-8), 121

2882, 56

ConsoleConnect, 256
CoreAudio, 329
FireWire, 326
Front Panel (ULN-8/LIO-8), 111
LIO-8, 84
Record Panel, 232
ULN-2, 69
ULN-8, 97


Panner, 174
Parameter Pop-up Controls, 157
Per Channel Control Knobs (ULN-8/LIO-8), 114
Persistent State Snapshots (ULN-2), 72
Phantom (+48) mode (ULN-8/LIO-8), 120
Phantom Power

Channel strip, 173

Phantom Power enable button (2882, ULN-8), 146
Phantom Power enable switch (ULN-2), 71
Phase Invert, 174
Plug-In Graphs, 176
Plug-in Inserts, 183
Plug-in Macros, 177
Plug-in packages, 271
Plug-ins, 176
Pop-up Presets, 158

2882, 64
LIO-8, 91
ULN-2, 79
ULN-8, 105


ConsoleConnect, 257
Control Surface, 266
Front Panel, 144
MIO Console, 252
Monitor Controller, 199
Record Panel, 237

Preset mode (ULN-8/LIO-8), 119


Rear Panel

2882, 59
LIO-8, 88
ULN-2, 73
ULN-8, 101

Reboot MIO, 335
Record Enable, 183
Record Panel

Key Commands, 237
Mirrored recording, 239
Multibox considerations, 237
Overview, 232