To insert a +dsp process chain on a submix, Single channel +dsp mid/side compressor – Metric Halo Mobile I/O User Manual

Page 217

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Routing Examples


6. Assign the output of the Aux fader to the main output bundle of your mix.

Figure 13.27: Single Channel +DSP Mid/Side Compressor

To insert a +DSP process chain on a submix

Follow these steps:

1. On the mixer strip of the channels that you want to process in +DSP, select a bus to route the submix

to (for example, Bus 1-2). You can assign as many channels as you want to the send bus and form a
submix using the DP mixer.

2. Create an aux fader track, and set the input of the aux to the bus that you sent the submix to (e.g. Bus

1-2). Set the output of the aux to Mobile I/O outputs that are different from the main stereo output that
you are using for the rest of the mix. If you have not yet created a bundle for that output, you can create
a new bundle on the fly for your output channel(s). So, for example, if you are monitoring your main
mix on DAW 1 and 2, you could send the channel out on DAW 3 and 4.

3. Create a chanelstrip in MIO Console for the DAW channels that are carrying your submix; in this

example, DAW 3/4.

4. Insert your processing in the channelstrip- we‘re using a parallel compressor.
5. Route the POST-insert Direct outs to FireWire Returns to unused inputs in DP. We‘re using FW 11/12.
6. Create another Aux Fader in your DP project, and set its inputs to correspond to the FW return channels

you have selected.

7. Assign the output of the Aux fader to the main output bundle of your mix.