Viewing queues – AltiGen MAXCS 7.0 Update 1 MaxAgent User Manual

Page 61

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MaxAgent Manual


Much of the data reported here is also reported in the Supervisor’s
view of group statistics and is further discussed in “Viewing Group
Statistics” in the MaxSupervisor Manual.

Click the Export button to export the statistics as a .csv (comma-
separated values) file.

Click the Print button to print the statistics.

Viewing Queues

Click the WG Queue tab to view the calls in queue for the
monitored workgroups. You can export the data to a .csv file (click
the Export button), and you can print the data as a WG Queue
Report (click the Print button).

These are the fields on the WG Queue tab:

ID—Call ID in the queue of one workgroup. The ID is unique
within a workgroup, but may be repeated in all workgroups.

Group—Workgroup name or workgroup number

Queue Time—Duration of the call in queue

Priority Queue Time—Duration the call has been in queue at
the current priority level. Priority queue time is reset to 0 when
the call’s priority is promoted to a higher level.

Caller ID, Caller Name (if available), DNIS

Priority—The priority level assigned to the call

SKLR—Skill level required

Type—Queue call type