Ip extensions using ip talk, When connection is broken, Overview of the main window – AltiGen MAXCS 7.0 Update 1 MaxAgent User Manual
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MaxAgent Manual
IP Extensions Using IP Talk
To use IPTalk, you need an AltiGen-certified USB headset system
(your phone system administrator or AltiGen dealer can
recommend headsets).
You can run only one instance of MaxAgent with IPTalk
per system.
To make and receive calls using IPTalk,
1. Connect your headset to your computer.
2. Use the MaxAgent dialing and call accepting functions as usual
to make and receive calls.
When Connection Is Broken
When a connection with the phone server is broken, a message
box pops up asking if you want to connect again. Clicking Yes will
restore the connection without you having to go through the log-
in process again.
Overview of the Main Window
Once you log in to MaxAgent, the main window appears. This
window provides tools to manage and monitor calls, and is your
window into your workgroup environment.
You can customize the MaxAgent display: select the theme; the
toolbar buttons, tabs, and columns you need and their order of
appearance; the sort order; and so on. See “Customizing the
Display” on page 20.