HP CM1312 MFP Series User Manual

Page 269

background image

menu map

printing 159

mercury-free product 244

control panel 191

Microsoft Office Basic Colors

palette, printing 88

Microsoft Word, faxing from 134

comparison 1

modems, connecting 107
multiple pages per sheet

Windows 68


n-up printing

Windows 68


configuring 20, 45
device polling 169
IP address configuration 50
link speed settings 51
operating systems

supported 46

product discovery 47
protocols supported 47
troubleshooting 221

Network config menu 20
network configuration page 49
network port

locating 6
setting up 48

network report, printing 159
Network Settings tab, HP

ToolboxFX 170


HP Web Jetadmin 172
Macintosh installation 37

Neutral Grays 87
New Zealand telecom

statements 246

noise specifications 239
number of copies, changing 74


online support 234
operating environment,

specifications 239

operating systems supported 28,


operating systems, networks 46

supplies and accessories 228

ordering supplies

Web sites 227

ordering supplies and

accessories 229


setting, Windows 68

output bins

locating 4, 5

output quality

copy, troubleshooting 211
HP ImageREt 3600 90
HP ToolboxFX settings 167
print, troubleshooting 202,


scans, troubleshooting 215,


outside lines

dial prefixes 115
pauses, inserting 112


packaging device 235
page order, changing 68
page-by-page scanning

(Macintosh) 42


blank 209
excessive curl 208
misfeeding 208
not printing 210
skewed 205, 208

pages per sheet

Windows 68


ADF, sizes supported 144
copy settings 79
covers, using different

paper 67

curled, troubleshooting 205
custom size, selecting 67
custom-size, Macintosh

settings 39

default settings 167
fax autoreduction settings 122
first and last pages, using

different paper 67

first page 39

HP ToolboxFX settings 168
jams 195
pages per sheet 40
size, changing 79
size, selecting 67
supported sizes 55
troubleshooting 207
type, changing 80
type, selecting 67
wrinkled 205

paper input trays

feeding problems,

troubleshooting 209

part numbers

cables 229
supplies 229
user-replaceable parts 229

parts, user-replaceable 229
password protection 172
pauses, inserting 112
PCL drivers

universal 28

PCL settings, HP ToolboxFX 170
phone book, fax

adding entries 131
deleting all entries 111
HP ToolboxFX tab 162
importing 111

phone numbers

HP fraud hotline 175


receiving faxes from 124, 137

phones, connecting extra 108
phones, downstream

sending faxes from 135

photo 149
photo index 149
photo menu 24
photo printing 149
Photo setup menu 12

copying 81
memory cards, inserting 150
printing a thumbnail

sheetx 155

printing directly from the memory

card 154

scanning 104
scanning, troubleshooting 215

physical specifications 238


Index 257

This manual is related to the following products: