1 pppoa configuration procedures – Home Dynamix ANEXX A User Manual
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4 Ports 11g Wireless ADSL2/2+ Router
44 PPPoA Configuration Procedures
From the Setup main page, click on New Connection.
Enter a unique name for the PPPoA connection in the Name field. The name must not have spaces and
cannot begin with numbers.
At the Type field select PPPoA. The PPPoA connection setup page is displayed as shown below.
The Network Address Translation (NAT) and the Firewall options are enabled by default. Leave these in
the default mode.
5. Under
PPP Settings, select the encapsulation type (LLC or VC).
Note—If you are not sure just use the default mode.
6. Under
PVC Settings, enter the values of VPI and VCI settings.
Note—Your ADSL service provider or your ISP will supply these.
Select the quality of service (QOS); leave the default value if you are unsure or the ISP did not provide
this information.
8. Click
Apply button to complete the connection setup. This will temporarily save this connection as
illustrated in figure below. A new link has been created for this connection in the left-hand column. You
can Connect/Disconnect/Apply/Delete/Cancel this connection using this screen.
To make the change permanent , click on Save All.
10. To check on the connection status, click on Status (at the top of the page) and select Connection