Hitachi ULTRASTAR 15K450 HUS154530VLF400 User Manual
Page 351

Hitachi Ultrastar 15K450 (FC-AL) Hard Disk Drive Specification
When the drive receives a SEND DIAGNOSTIC command specifying a self-test to be performed in the background mode, the
drive will return status for that command as soon as the command descriptor block has been validated. After returning status
for the SEND DIAGNOSTIC command specifying a self- test to be performed in the background mode, the drive will initial-
ize the self-test results log page as follows. The Function Code from the SEND DIAGNOSTIC command will be placed in the
Function Code field in the log page. The self-test Results field shall be set to 0Fh. After the self-test results log page is initial-
ized, the drive will begin the first self-test segment.
While the device server is performing a self-test in the background mode, it shall terminate with a CHECK CONDITION sta-
tus any SEND DIAGNOSTIC command it receives that meets one of the following criteria:
a. The SlfTst bit is one
b. The Function Code field contains a value other than 000b or 100b.
When terminating the SEND DIAGNOSTIC command, the sense key shall be set to NOT READY and the additional sense
code shall be set to LOGICAL UNIT NOT READY, SELF-TEST in PROGRESS. While performing a self-test in the back-
ground mode, the drive will suspend the self- test to service any other command other than SEND DIAGNOSTIC (with Func-
tion Code field set to 100b) WRITE BUFFER (with the mode set to any download microcode option), FORMAT UNIT and
START UNIT STOP command. Suspension of the self-test to service the command will occur within 2 seconds. If SEND
DIAGNOSTIC (with Function Code field set to 100b), WRITE BUFFER (with the mode set to any download microcode
option), FORMAT UNIT or START UNIT STOP command is received, the drive will abort the self-test, update the self-test
log, and service the command within two seconds after the command descriptor block has been validated.
An application client may terminate a self-test that is being performed in the background mode by issuing a SEND DIAG-
NOSTIC command with the Function Code field set to 100b (Abort background self-test function).
Elements common to foreground and background self-test modes
The Progress Indication field returned in response to a REQUEST SENSE command may be used by the application client at
any time during execution of a self-test to poll the progress of the test. While executing a self-test unless an error has occurred,
the drive will respond to a REQUEST SENSE command by returning a sense key of NOT READY and an additional sense
code of LOGICAL UNIT NOT READY - SELF-TEST IN PROGRESS with the sense key specific bytes set for progress indi-
The application client may obtain information about the twenty most recently completed self-tests by reading the self-test
results log page. This is the only method for an application client to obtain information about self-tests performed in the back-
ground mode. The default self-test results are not logged in the log page.
Tests performed in the Short and Extended Self-test
The following table defines the tests performed in the short and extended self test. They are defined by their segment number
which is also used to report Self-Test Results, in
Log Sense Page 1
0. Note that the only difference between the Short and the
Extended tests, is the sequential verify test in segment 7h. Also note that either of these tests can be run in foreground or back-