4 format unit (04), Table 96.format unit (04) – Hitachi ULTRASTAR 15K450 HUS154530VLF400 User Manual
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Hitachi Ultrastar 15K450 (FC-AL) Hard Disk Drive Specification
19.4 FORMAT UNIT (04)
Table 101: FORMAT UNIT (04)
• FMTPINFO (Format Protection Information) set to zero specifies that the drive shall disable the use of protection
information and format to the block size specified. FMTPINFO set to one specifies that the drive shall enable the use
of protection information and format to the block size specified + 8 (e.g., if the block length is 512, then the format-
ted block length is 520). Following a successful format, the PROT_EN bit in the READ CAPACITY (16) parameter
data indicates whether protection information is enabled. When protection information is written during a FORMAT
UNIT command (i.e., the FMTPINFO bit is set to one), protection information shall be written with a default value of
all FF's.
• RTO_REQ (Reference Tag Own Request) specifies whether the initiator or drive has ownership of the Logical Block
Reference Tag field in protection information. If the FMTPINFO bit is set to zero and the RTO_REQ bit is set to one,
Check Condition status will be returned, with the sense key set to Illegal Request and the additional sense code set to
Invalid Field in CDB.
If the FMTPINFO bit is set to one and the RTO_REQ bit is set to one, application client ownership of the Logical
Block Reference Tag field is enabled, (i.e. the initiator owns the Logical Block Reference Tag field). If the FMT-
PINFO bit is set to one the the RRTO_REQ bit is set to zero, application client ownership of the Logical Block Refer-
ence Tag field is disabled (i.e. the drive owns the Logical Block Reference Tag field). Following a successful format,
the RTO_EN bit in the READ CAPACITY (16) parameter data indicates whether application client ownership of the
Logical Block Reference Tag field is enabled.
• FmtData set to one specifies that a Data Out phase follows the Command phase. The Data Out phase consists of a
Parameter List header, optionally followed by an Initialization Pattern Descriptor, optionally followed by a Defect
List. If FmtData=0, the following defaults are assumed: DPRY=0, DCRT=1, STPF=1, IP=0, DSP=0, Immed=0.
• CmpLst
• - set to one specifies that the Grown Defect List (GList) existing prior to the issuance of the Format Unit command
be discarded. If provided, the DList then becomes the GList. Following these operations, the Drive will be formatted
with the PList and GList.
• - set to zero specifies that the GList existing prior to the issuance of the Format Unit command is retained. If pro-
vided, the DList is combined with the GList to become the new GList. Following these operations, the Drive will be
formatted with the PList and GList.
Note: The drive manages two internal defect lists and one external. The Plist is created at time of manufacture. The Glist is
built after manufacture by the Initiators’ use of the REASSIGN BLOCK command and the Automatic Reallocate functions.
The Dlist is an external list. It is supplied by the Initiator in the Data Out phase of the FORMAT UNIT command.
• Defect List Format specifies the format of the defect descriptor transferred to the Target when FmtData bit is set to one.
The Target supports the following three defect descriptor formats for the FORMAT UNIT command:
Command Code = 04h
Defect List Format
VU = 0
Obsolete = 0
VU = 0
Reserved = 0