Epson Y465ss127mo User Manual
Page 115

head moves across the paper, with the second dot printed slightly to the
right of the first. This process produces darker, more fully formed
In double-strike mode, the print head goes over each line twice, making
text bolder. For even greater boldness, emphasized and double-strike
be combined. The following samples show the different effects you
can achieve.
T h i s i s R O M A N p r i n t i n g .
This is ROMAN emphasized.
This is ROMAN double-strike.
This is ROMAN with both.
Italic printing
You can select the italic mode by using the ESC 4 software command. A
sample of italic printing is shown below.
T h i s i s R O M A N p r i n t i n g .
This is ROMAN italics.
The underline mode automatically underlines any piece of text. It
underlines spaces, subscripts, and superscripts without a break.
T h i s i s c o n t i n u o u s u n d e r l i n i n g .
Superscripts and Subscripts
Superscripts and subscripts can be used for printing footnote numbers
and mathematical formulas. The example below shows underlining,
superscripts, and subscripts combined in a mathematical formula.
average =
Using Software and Graphics