Nikon D5 User Manual

Page 362

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Extension Cord MC-21/MC-21A: Can be connected to ML-3 or

MC-series 20, 22, 22A, 23, 23A, 25, 25A, 30, 30A, 36, or 36A.
Only one MC-21 or MC-21A can be used at a time (length
3 m/9 ft 10 in.).

Connecting Cord MC-23/MC-23A: Connects two cameras with

ten-pin remote terminals for simultaneous operation
(length 40 cm/1 ft 4 in.).

Adapter Cord MC-25/MC-25A: Ten-pin to two-pin adapter cord

for connection to devices with two-pin terminals,
including the MW-2 radio control set, MT-2
intervalometer, and ML-2 modulite control set (length
20 cm/8 in.).

WR Adapter WR-A10: An adapter used to connect WR-R10

wireless remote controllers to cameras with ten-pin
remote terminals.

GPS Unit GP-1/GP-1A (

0 246): Record latitude, longitude,

altitude, and UTC time with pictures.

GPS Adapter Cord MC-35 (

0 246): This 35 cm (1 ft 2 in.) cable

connects the camera to older GARMIN eTrex- and geko-
series GPS units that conform to version 2.01 or 3.01 of the
National Marine Electronics Association NMEA0183 data
format. Only models that support PC interface cable
connections are supported; the MC-35 can not be used to
connect GPS units via USB. The units connect to the
MC-35 using a cable with a D-sub 9-pin connector
provided by the manufacturer of the GPS device; see the
MC-35 instruction manual for details. Before turning the
camera on, set the GPS device to NMEA mode
(4800 baud); for more information, see the
documentation provided with the GPS device.

Modulite Remote Control Set ML-3: Allows infrared remote

control at ranges of up to 8 m (26 ft 3 in.).