ProSoft Technology RLX2-IFH9E User Manual
Page 102
Dialog Boxes
ControlScape ♦ RadioLinx
User Manual
RadioLinx® ControlScape FH
Page 102 of 132
ProSoft Technology, Inc.
March 16, 2011
8.18 Ethernet Radio Parameters Dialog Box
The Ethernet Radio Parameters dialog box opens when you open the Diagnostic
menu, and then choose Ethernet Radio.
Use this dialog box to view the settings for each Ethernet radio connected to your
Ethernet Radio List: This is a list of all Ethernet radios currently detected.
Get Data: To view the hardware settings for a radio, select the radio in the
Ethernet Radio List, and then click Get Data.
IP Settings: Click this button to open the Radio IP Settings Dialog Box (page
Refresh List: If the list of radios is empty or incorrect, click Refresh List to
populate or update the list of radios.
Done: Click Done to close this dialog box.
The following fields provide information about the selected Ethernet radio. These
fields are for information only, and cannot be modified.
MAC ID: The Media Access Control identifier for the selected Ethernet radio.
This is a unique identifier for the radio, which distinguishes it from any other
Ethernet device from any manufacturer.
IP Address: The Internet Protocol address assigned to the radio.
Subnet Mask: This defines the network ID and is typically set to All Ethernet devices on a particular network should have the
Subnet Mask set to the same value.
Default Gateway: This defines the default network that the Configuration PC
will operate on. The gateway is the computer that routes the traffic from a
workstation to the outside network.
Protocol Type: The encapsulated serial protocol type, configured on the
Radio Properties dialog box.
Port Number: The encapsulated serial port number, configured on the Radio
Properties dialog box.
Baud Rate: The encapsulated serial baud rate, configured on the Radio
Properties dialog box.
Parity: The encapsulated serial parity, configured on the Radio Properties
dialog box.
Data Bits: The encapsulated serial data bits, configured on the Radio
Properties dialog box.
Stop Bits: The encapsulated serial stop bits, configured on the Radio
Properties dialog box.
Serial Number: This is the radio’s serial number.
Protocol Version: The firmware protocol version for the selected radio. This
information may be requested by ProSoft Technical Support for
troubleshooting purposes.
Core Version: The firmware core version for the selected radio. This
information may be requested by ProSoft Technical Support for
troubleshooting purposes.
FPGA: the version number of the Field Programmable Gate Array logic in the
radio. This logic determines the hardware characteristics of the radio.