ProSoft Technology RLX2-IFH9E User Manual
Page 101

ControlScape ♦ RadioLinx
Dialog Boxes
RadioLinx® ControlScape FH
User Manual
ProSoft Technology, Inc.
Page 101 of 132
March 16, 2011
8.17 Edit BootP Table Dialog Box
The Edit BootP Table dialog box opens when you click the Edit Radio IP Address
button on the Select Radio dialog box. Use this dialog box to associate IP
addresses with radios.
BootP Table: The BootP Table is a list of radios, sorted by serial number and
IP Address.
Add: Click the Add button to add a new radio to the table. This action opens
the Set a Radio IP Address dialog box (page 121).
Edit: Select a radio from the table, and then click the Edit button to modify
the IP address for the selected radio. This action opens the Set the Radio IP
Address dialog box (page 122).
Delete: Click this button to delete (permanently remove) the selected radio
from the table.
OK: Click the OK button to save your selection and close the dialog box.