2 software update, 3 diagnose, 2 software update 15.3 diagnose – PLANET UMG-2000 User Manual
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Shut Down: Shuts down the UMG-2000 Series.
Restore To Manufacture Default: Restores the UMG-2000 Series to manufacture
default. This will restore all configurations to default and clear all data in
the disks. You must backup the configuration and important data first.
15.2 Software Update
The “Software Update” page allows the administrator to update the software to the latest
Select Software Image: Selects the update image file on your PC or file server.
Uploaded Version Number: Displays the uploaded software version.
Download the latest image file to your PC. Select the software image that you want to
update on your PC and then click “Apply” to update.
15.3 Diagnose
The page “Diagnose” allows the administrator to test hardware. The diagnostic report will
be shown after the testing.