PLANET GSW-1602SF User Manual
Page 92

User’s Manual of GSW-1602SF / GSW-2404SF
Path Cost
Cost of the port participating in the RSTP topology. Ports with a lower cost are less likely to be
blocked if STP detects loops.
Edge Port
Indicates whether the port is enabled as an edge port. It takes the value "Yes" or "No".
P2p Port
The Point-to-Point operating state. This is the actual device port link type.
Indicates the current spanning protocol on the ports.
Port State
The current port STP state. If enabled, the port state determines what forwarding action is taken on
traffic. Possible port states are:
• Disabled -- The port link is currently down.
• Blocking -- The port is currently blocked and cannot be used to forward traffic or learn MAC
addresses. Blocking is displayed when Classic STP is enabled.
• Listening -- The port is currently in the listening mode. The port cannot forward traffic nor can it
learn MAC addresses.
• Learning -- The port is currently in the learning mode. The port cannot forward traffic however it
can learn new MAC addresses.
Forwarding --
The port is currently in the forwarding mode. The port can forward traffic and learn
new MAC addresses.
Table 4-21
Description of the RSTP Port Status
A port transitions from one state to another as follows:
• From initialization (switch boot) to blocking
• From blocking to listening or to disabled
• From listening to learning or to disabled
• From learning to forwarding or to disabled
• From forwarding to disabled
• From disabled to blocking