Epson 715c User Manual
Page 138

adjusting, 24 to 26, 72 to 74
capturing and saving in projector, 77
capturing and saving on memory card,
correcting shape of, 26, 79, 96
focusing, 25
height, adjusting, 25
positioning, 25, 73
previewing captured, 66 to 67
problems with, troubleshooting, 94 to 98
raising, 25
resizing, 34
shape, correcting, 26, 79, 96
size and projection distance, 10
size range, 121
turning off (using A/V Mute), 33
zooming, 25, 33
Input signal setting, 74
Installing projector, 106 to 107
Kensington anti-theft device, 8, 11
Keystone button, 26
Keystone correction, 26, 96, 121
automatic shutoff, 27
number of hours used, 81
replacing, 86 to 88
specifications, 122
status light, 91
Language setting, 81, 90
Laptop computer
connecting to, 12 to 14
displaying on, 24, 95
Laser disc player, connecting to, 15 to 18
cap, 21
cleaning, 84
extending, 20
specifications, 121
Light button (on remote control), 30
Lights, status, 91 to 94
Lines, drawing on screen, 37
Logo, saving on projector, 77 to 79
Macintosh, connecting to, 111 to 113
Manuals, 3 to 5
Memory card
accessing, 40 to 42, 52 to 54
compatible card types, 41
inserting in projector, 54
problems, 101
removing from computer, 54
removing from projector, 40 to 41
saving images on, 65 to 67
transferring scenarios, 52 to 54
Memory Stick, 41
About, 70, 81
Advanced, 70, 80 to 81
Audio, 70, 74 to 75
Capture, 65, 70
changing settings, 70 to 71
Effect, 70, 75 to 76
Reset All, 70, 82
Setting, 70, 79 to 80
using, 70 to 71
Video, 70, 72 to 74
Microdrive, 41
Monitor adapter, Macintosh, 111 to 112