Figure 5-11. utilities window, 1 program button (pattern generation) – KEPCO KLP Series Developer's Guide, Rev 1 User Manual

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KLP-DEV 031113


The Front Panel button allows the front panel keyboard to be locked during remote operation.

The Utilities button opens the Utilities window (Figure 5-11).

The Calibration Data Dump button allows calibration data in hex format to be sent to the host
computer via the GPIB.

If the correct password is entered, the calibration Data Restore button allows the unit to accept
previously dumped calibration data and replace the Working calibration.

The Hardware Test button tests the validity of system parameters (e.g., CRC).

The Full Power Test button performs a full power test by first testing maximum voltage output,
then testing minimum voltage output.

The Update Firmware Open button allows the unit’s firmware to be updated with information
supplied by Kepco.


The Reset button resets the unit to the power up defaults: output voltage set to zero, current set
to minimum current, and output off.

The QUIT button on the Main panel (Figure 5-5) is used to exit the sample VXI plug&play appli-


Running or generating a program (pattern) is accomplished by clicking the Program button on
the Main Panel, opening the Program Lists window (Figure 5-12). Programs can either be
defined point-by-point using the Pattern Generator Open button, or by using the Pattern
Import File Select
button to import a file containing the program parameters. Once the program
is started, actual values of output current and voltage are displayed. If you exit the program
while the power supply is still on, the programmed settings in effect at that time are maintained
after exiting the program. Errors are discussed in PAR. 5.5.3.