B.50 [source:]voltage:limit:high command, B.51 [source:]voltage:limit:high? query, B.52 [source:]voltage:mode command – KEPCO KLP Series Developer's Guide, Rev 1 User Manual
Page 119: B.53 [source:]voltage:mode? query, B.50, Sour, B.51, B.52, B.53, B.50, b.51

KLP 031113
Long Form: [SOURce:]VOLTage:LIMit:HIGH
Description: Sets Virtual Model maximum programmable limit for power supply output voltage.
sets maximum programmable limit of the unit to the rated maximum (e.g., 75V for KLP 75-33). This
command is password protected, requires SYST:PASS:CEN prior to execution.
After executing VOLT:LIM:HIGH, the Output is set to OFF and overvoltage protection is recalculated
to be 20% above the VOLT:LIM:HIGH setting. Previously stored trigger levels are reset to zero volts
and minimum current. Stored settings (PAR. A.11) or programmed sequences using the LIST com-
mands may be outside the range established by the new virtual model. In this case, prior to execution,
the value is cleared to the default minimum (zero volts) and an “out of range” error message is gener-
If the value is out of the acceptable voltage range for the power supply model, error message
-222,"Data out of range" is posted in the output queue. If the user tries to set an output voltage value
larger than the VOLT:LIM:HIGH setting, a value corresponding to the voltage limit will be programmed
and error message -301,"Value bigger than limit" is posted in the output queue. Once the limit is
established, the unit will not allow values higher than the programmed limit. In addition, the overvolt-
age protection setting prevents programming a voltage that is less than 20% of the overvoltage pro-
tection setting, effectively lowering this virtual limit when applicable (see VOLT:PROT, PAR. B.54).
Related Commands: VOLT, VOLT:PROT, SYST:PASS:CEN. (See example, Figure B-3.)
Long Form: [SOURce:]VOLTage:LIMit:HIGH? [MIN | MAX]
Return Value:
Description: Returns value representing Virtual Model voltage limit. VOLT:LIM:HIGH? returns the voltage limit
programmed by VOLT:LIM:HIGH. VOLT:LIM:HIGH? MAX returns the rated maximum programmable
voltage for that model (e.g., 75 (Volts) for KLP 75-33. VOLT:LIM:HIGH? MIN returns the minimum
allowable voltage that can be programmed. Related Commands: VOLT:LIM:HIGH, VOLT. (See exam-
ple, Figure B-5.)
Short Form: [SOUR:]VOLT:MODE (FIX | LIST | TRAN) nn
Long Form: [SOURce:]VOLTage:MODE (FIXed | LIST | TRANsient) nn
nn =
Description: Allows the user to execute or stop a list, or to execute a transient. The default mode is FIX: the
power supply executes commands normally, and LIST commands can be issued to establish the
parameters and sequence of a list.
When VOLT:MODE LIST is issued, a list is executed (See LIST commands and Figure B-2). While
the list is being executed, LIST commands are not accepted and will produce a command error.
Issuing VOLT:MODE FIX while the list is running will stop the execution of the list and return power
supply to settings in effect prior to running the list. If the list runs to completion, the settings of the last
step of the list will be in effect.
VOLT:MODE TRAN nn (Not supported at this time, contact Kepco for more information).
Related Commands: LIST commands. (See example, Figure B-2.)
Short Form: [SOUR:]VOLT:MODE? Long
Return value: FIXED or LIST or TRAN
Description: Identifies active voltage mode. Returns LIST while list is being executed. TRAN (transient) is not
supported at this time, contact Kepco for more information. Returns FIXED while in fixed (default)
mode of operation. Related Commands: LIST commands. (See example, Figure B-2.)