TA Triumph-Adler CX 8682 User Manual

Page 109

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U1 Plot 109

reasons could be, that the plotter is just making use of it’s
own printer functions (copy function, test plot etc.).

Scaling data is invalid

It’s a defective image file or a internal program error. Check
the image file in the file viewer or in a image editor.

The image doesn't fit on the selected medium in any

The image does not fit on the plotter roll, which has the
selected medium. Install a bigger roll, do it without creating
borders or scale the image to a smaller size.

Any existing media produces too much paperloss.

Load a medium that fit.
The automatic roll selecting can’t find a roll, on which the
unused part of the sheet is smaller than the permissible limit.
Install a fitting roll or set a bigger border for the image.

You have selected a tray that doesn't contain the

selected medium.
Change the medium or the tray.

There is no tray with the selected medium.

Choose an other medium or install a roll with the medium.

JobFlagsheet image/description file: … does not

Installation is defective or it has been damaged. Install the
program again.

Due to errors the set resulted in no prints

Check the job editor, if all entries are present and the
images are shown correctly in the file viewer. If errors are
appearing, you have to substitute the defective images. If the
images seem to be perfect, ask your dealer or a support

Due to errors the plot control thread shut down:...

An internal program error or processing error appears.
Reload your plotter („Plotter – Reload Plotter“). Thereafter the
last step will be repeated automatically.

Due to errors the set splitting thread shut down:...