TA Triumph-Adler CX 8682 User Manual

Page 103

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U1 Plot 103

Attention: If you enter a larger value, you will obtain

a s m a l l e r drawing: The entry 1 equates to 0.125 %.
Example: if you enter 801, the drawing is reduced to
99.875 %.

Pattern style:
Three types of patterns are defined for Calcomp drawings, in
which the “Pattern“ command is used.
“Round“ means that a certain colored area is filled with a
certain number of filled circles, which are given a certain
arrangement on the area, to achieve an intended color
In “Random“ on the other hand a percentage of color
saturation is determined for the same colored area, which is
then converted into the necessary number of pixels, which are
randomly arranged over the area to achieve the intended color
Which is why that when circle patterns are overlapped, the
covered areas can not be as clearly identified as if two random
patterns are overlapped. The recommended default setting is
therefore “random“, because you can achieve the best results.
As the “round“ setting has been installed as a standard to date,
this option has been retained of you do not see the need to print
the same drawings differently in future.
Finally, you can also select the grey value pattern “symmetric
pattern“. As the name suggests, the “symmetric pattern“
produces a symmetrical grey value pattern. Try and see which
pattern produces the best printing results for your graphic. Try
and see which pattern produces the best printing results.
Synchronization is used to check the completeness of the
Calcomp—files, which have been sent from the application
program. Four pieces of information are used for the
synchronization settings:
• Sync char

• End char