RIGOL DSA875 User Manual
Page 91

Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation
User’s Guide for DSA800 Series
X Axis: set the X-axis unit to frequency or time unit. Note that all the
points of the current limit line will be deleted when the X-axis unit
Freq Interp: set the Freq Interp to Log or Lin. In Log mode, both the
frequency and amplitude use Log unit to make interpolation operation; in
Lin mode, the frequency uses a Lin unit and the amplitude uses a Log unit
for interpolation operation.
Rel Setting: enable or disable Relative Frequency (Rel Freq) or Relative
Amplitude (Rel Ampt). When the Rel Freq is enabled, the frequency you
are editing is the difference between the frequency of the current point
and the center frequency. When the Rel Ampt is enabled, the amplitude
you are editing is the difference between the amplitude of the current
point and the reference level.
Del Limit: delete the limit line you are editing.
Fail Stop: select whether to perform the next sweep if the test fails.
Beeper: turn on or off the beeper. When the beeper is on, it beeps when
the test fails.
3. Restart
Re-execute the active or suspended test.
4. Pause
Suspend the test after the current test is finished. At this point, the
measurement data stops updating, but the sweep continues.
is displayed
in the test result display window.
5. Resume
Resume the suspended test and the test data begins updating again.
displayed in the test result display window.
6. Meas Mode
Set the measurement mode to single or continuous. In single mode, the
analyzer stops after the specified number of tests. After this, every time when
Single is pressed, the system executes the specified number of tests and
updates the test data. In continuous mode, the analyzer tests continuously.