To generate the delay parameters automatically – RIGOL DP832 User Manual
Page 78
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations
DP800 User’s Guide
2. Use the up/down direction key to select the state (State) and time (Delay) of the
current group respectively.
When state (State) is selected, press OK to switch to the desired state; when
time (Delay) is selected, use the numeric keyboard or the left/right direction key
and knob to input the desired value.
3. Use the same method to set the parameters of the other groups.
To Generate the Delay Parameters Automatically
The instrument provides various kinds of built-in patterns and built-in time sequence
generation algorithms used to automatically generate delay on/off state and time
sequence respectively. Users can select the state generation mode and time
sequence generation mode and the instrument will generate the delay parameters
automatically according to the current settings.
1. Select the state generation mode
Press State Gen 0 1 Patt (1 0Patt) to select "0 1 Patt" ("1 0 Patt").
0 1 Patt: the state is set to "Off" and "On" alternately.
1 0 Patt: the state is set to "On" and "Off" alternately.
The instrument will generate the on/off state automatically according to the
current setting and the length is the number of output groups currently set.
2. Select the time generation mode
1) Select the generation method
Press Time Gen Method to select "FixTime", "Increase" or "Decline".
Users set the output on delay time (on delay, namely the duration
when the output status is "On") and the output off delay time (off delay,
namely the duration when the output status is "Off").
Generate the on/off delay time by increasing from the time base value
at the specified step. Users can set the time base value and step.
Generate the on/off delay time by declining from the time base value at
the specified step. Users can set the time base value and step.
2) Set the on delay/off delay
When the time generation method is "FixTime", users need to set the
output on delay time and output off delay time.
Press Time Gen On Delay (Off Delay); use the numeric keyboard or
the left/right direction key and knob to input the desired value. The ranges
of on delay and off delay are both from 1s to 99999s.