Riello UPS PowerShield³ User Manual

Page 59

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UPSMON User Manual

Uninstallation of the UPSMON


In the section “General State” it is shown the Ups complete status. The status information depend on the type of monitored Ups. The
colours show the status of the UPS, green status means OK and working (i.e. Ups On); yellow status means not serious anomalous
condition (i.e. Battery On or Bypass On); red status means an error or problem (i.e. overload).

In the section “Backup time” it is shown the battery autonomy (in hours and minutes) and the charge percentage of the battery.

ATTENTION: the value of autonomy depend on the load of the Ups.

In the section “Time remaining” will be shown the effective working time before shutdown system.

ATTENTION: in normal condition (line present) will be shown “--:--“. In battery on condition and shutdown configuration enabled, will be
shown the countdown before the shutdown of the system.

ATTENTION: the section “Autonomy” and “Time remaining” could be unavailable for some Ups type.

In the section “States and alarms” will be shown Ups states and alarms. The difference between states and alarms will be made from the
icon place side by side with the text.

In the graphic (Standard) visualization will be shown three measures: voltage input (monofase or threefase); load percentage (monofase
or threefase); voltage battery (depend on the Ups type).

In the numeric (Detail) visualization will be shown all of the detailed information with regards to the measured values from UPS.

In the block scheme visualization will be shown the internal scheme of the Ups. The colors of every UPS block show the status of the
UPS, and if a situation with the UPS or the system is critical. Green means OK and working. Grey means that the object is present but
not in use at the moment. Yellow means a not serious anomalous condition. Red means an error or problem has occurred with this
object, if any values are critical, a system shutdown and/or technical service may be required.

If the parallel groups have been configured (see Upsetup), a summary list of all the UPS within a group can be displayed by selecting
the name of the parallel group from the local tree structure.

The top of the screen shows the status of all the UPS modules belonging to the group, taken from the “General Status” section of each

The graphic shows the load supported by the UPS within the group and calculated as the average of the loads shared between the group
UPS modules. The graphic also shows another transparent bar which shows a projection of the load supported in the event of loss of
group redundancy (e.g. if a parallel group comprising of three UPS modules has a redundancy level of N+2, the transparent bar will
show the load that the remaining UPS module would have to support should the other two redundant modules fail.)

The “Backup time” section shows the battery backup time in hours and minutes as well as the battery charge percentage of the UPS
which has the lowest backup time (for redundancy level N), or the UPS with the second lowest time (for redundancy level N+1, the
third lowest time (N+2) or the fourth lowest time (N+3).
The “Remaining time” section shows, as when there is no parallel group, the effective operating time remaining before the system shuts

The “Other Values” section shows the voltage, current and frequency values of the parallel group. The frequencies and voltages are the
same for all the UPS modules within the group, while the current values represent the sum of the currents present on each UPS in the