Riello UPS PowerShield³ User Manual

Page 52

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Advanced UPSMON Configuration

UPSMON User Manual

Broadcast message

If selected this enables a message to be sent to remote users via the network. For Windows the
message is broadcast to all connected users or only to some users depend on the configuration
inserted in the page Configurations, for other systems the ups_mess.scr (or .ncf for Novell
Netware) script is executed.

Recommendation: Use the wall command to send message to all connected users on Unix

Shutdown system

If selected this option enables the shutdown of the system, for Windows the ups_shut.cmd file is
searched for possible user specified commands before shutdown (e.g. quit databases, …) then the
standard system shutdown is executed using the WIN32 API functions.
For other systems the ups_shut.scr (or .cmd or .ncf) script is started with the appropriate
commands to provide the correct shutdown of the computer.

ATTENTION: System shutdown conditions defined in the UPS connection menu is
not dependent on this job.

ATTENTION: You cannot specify a Shutdown system action for AC Fail or Battery

low; these are dependent on the UPS connection configuration. The system
shutdown time after AC Fail may be defined by two independent values (fixed time
from AC Fail and/or specific remaining backup time). The Battery Low event causes
an immediate system shutdown.


Direct email support is for Windows only, when using other system a script etc must be used to
suit the individual system.
Note: for UNIX operating system it is possible to send email message adding the command in the
script ups_eml.scr.


Enables the option to send the message as SMS to a specified GSM phone number. It is possible
to specify a name and telephone number in the Configurations Message menu.

Call to Teleguard

The Upsmon can be used to contact a teleservice monitoring and control system with regards to
the event of the UPS. The number of the teleservice company can be inserted in the Modem
Configuration Menu.


It is possible to alter the default message for a particular event. It is not recommended to change
the basic message text, as this may cause an incorrect message to be sent, which does not
correspond to the actual event.

Note: in the message text it is possible to add actual values or information which will be
displayed along with the original information, these are as follows:


The UPS or Group name will be added to the message (See main
parameters dialog box).


The System name will be added to the message (See main parameters
dialog box).


The System location will be added to the message (See main parameters
dialog box).


The time before shutdown of the local system in seconds.


The time before shutdown of the local system in the format: hh:mm:ss

$STH, $STM e $STS The three values: the time before the shutdown of the local system in

hours, minutes and seconds.


The remaining UPS battery autonomy.


The remaining UPS battery capacity.


Used to reset the event action parameters to the default state.

For the actions associated to a particular event it is possible to specify a delay in the execution (in order to filter events that last for a brief
time) and a interval for the repeat of the actions if the associated event is still active. Both value are expressed in seconds.