Parameter description – Riello UPS PowerShield³ User Manual

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Advanced UPSMON Configuration

UPSMON User Manual


UPS definition

Parameter name

Parameter description

UPS Name

UPS identification name.


The PRTK is used to determine the type of UPS to be monitored, the code to be entered can be
located on the UPS.

UPS Serial number

The UPS have unique serial numbers, this number used to identify the UPS. Enter the serial
number as printed on the UPS identification label. This field is important for the correct
operation with Teleservice program.

System shutdown

This field is used to specify the parameters for the system shutdown, the system Shutdown can
be triggered by either a specified time after AC Fail or if the UPS autonomy time is below a
specified time. If the UPS sends a low battery signal to the computer (i.e. the UPS backup time is
low), the Upsagent will ignore the specified times and start the system shutdown procedure

UPS shutdown

This field can be used to send a shutdown signal to the UPS once all remote computers have
shutdown, at this point the UPS will then shutdown.


Ups Connection

The UPS connection must be set to the chosen method to be used for the communication between the computer and UPS(s). The first
method of connection is local, this connection method is used when the connection to the UPS is to be made via a serial port, if this
method is to be used ensure that the correct serial port and UPS address is selected. All the other settings for the serial connection (baud
speed etc) are automatically set for the selected UPS type. The second method of connection is remote via a network, for this connection
an IP address for the computer or SNMP adapter must be specified for the device where the UPS is connected and the device number
(usually 1).