Remote Processing RPC-210 User Manual

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S E C T IO N 2

The RPC -210 is ready to program as soon as you
connect it to a PC and apply power. This section
describes what is needed to get a sign on message.

R e qu ir e m e nt s f o r u p lo a di ng a nd d ow n lo a di ng p r og r a m s
are discu ssed. A “ Wher e to go from here” section tells
you what sections to refer to in order to use a function
on the RPC-210. Finally, a trouble-shooting section
helps out on the most com mon pro blems.


The RPC-210 is designed to handle a wide temperature
ranges at low power. These characteristics require using
CM OS com ponents. CM OS is static sensitive . T o avoid
damaging these components, obser ve the following


Ground yourself before handling the RPC -210 or
plugging in cables. Static electricity can easily arc
through cables and to the card. Simply touching
your P C befor e you touch the card ca n greatly
reduce the amount of static.


Do not insert or remove cables or components when
power is applied.


You will need the following equipment to begin using the
RPC-210. '

!' items are supplied with a development

s y st e m.

!RPC-210 embedded controller
!VTC -9F ser ial cable
!Power supply, 6 to 16 VDC @ 300 m a or
+ 5 , 3 00 m a
PC with a serial port and communications program
( s uc h as M i cr o so f t W i nd o w s T e r m in a l o r P r oc o m m )

Refer to SECT ION 4, "SERIA L POR T PIN O UT" , for
wiring information to make your own serial cable.

The application disk is helpful to run demonstration
program s. This disk is included in the development
s y st e m.


A development system has most of the software and
hardware neede d to get your card operating. A ll you
really need is a PC with a serial port and a serial
communications program. A development system
includes terminal boar ds with cables to easily access
analog and digital I/O.

Refer to Figure 2-1 on the next page. Connect the red
w i re (+ v o lt ag e ) o n t he p ow e r ca b le a ss em b ly (P / N
1725) to the terminal marked “E” on P1. Black
( gr o un d ) g o es to P 1 t er m i na l m a r ke d " G" .

You m ay plug the pow er supply into a 120 VA C wa ll
outlet or power strip. Power may be applied or removed
f r om t he R P C -2 1 0 b o ar d b y p lu g gi ng th e 3. 5 m m
connector from the power supply to the pow er cable

A p p li c at io n P ro g ra m s
To use the application and demonstration programs, you
must put them to your hard drive first. They can be any
p la c e y o u w a n t. M a k e up a su b di r ec t or y a nd r u n ' R P C -
210.BAT ' to extract the files. This program expands
files in the current DOS directory and creates additional
subdirectories. RP BASIC-52 program s are in the
BASIC52 directory.


You can wr ite and debug under M icrosoft Window s .
An easy way is to create a folder and put your editor
(Word, WordPad, Note pad, or other), term inal
program , and M S-DOS icon in it. Open the editor and
terminal programs and use the task bar to switch
between the two.

The Windows ' Terminal' program configuration file,
mon210. trm, is supplied on the applications disk and
should be in the directory where you put the RPC-210
application programs. You may need to change the
COM port.

Wor d tends to leave th e file it is editing open. When it
is open, the term inal progr am can not access it. You will
need to save and close the file before compiling.
W o r d Pa d or N o te p ad d o n o t h a ve th is p ro b le m .
WordP ad will add a .TX T extension to your file. If
y o ur p r og r a m e n de d in . B A S, y o u c o ul d h a ve p r og r a m s