Remote Processing RPC-210 User Manual
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S E C T IO N 1
The RPC-210 is a small embedded controller
program mable in BASIC, C or assembly. This version
includes a BA SIC lang uage, RPBA SIC-52. This
program is a variation of the original INTEL BASIC-52.
Prog ram ming is usua lly done on a P C with a serial por t.
Additional hardware features include:
On car d Flash E PRO M allow s progr am upda tes in
the field without remo ving any parts.
LCD charac ter por t with contr ast adjustme nt. A
keypad may also be connected.
Thirty + digital I/O lines
Two a nalog outputs
Eight channel, 12 bit resolution A-D converter
Hardware counter/quadr ature encoder
Real time clock with inte rrup ts
Low power modes and wide input voltages
The RPC-210 uses an Analog Devices ADUC812 CPU
operating at 11.092 MHz. This CPU is software
compatible with the Intel 8051 ser ies of CPU s.
The RPC-210 is available with RPBASIC as described
Full featured with 512K battery backed
RAM , rea l time clock, 512K Flash type
E P R O M , 1 2 b it , 8 ch a nn e l A / D , 2
channel D/A, quadrature encoder/
We can customize the board to reduce costs when
quantities are 25 or more. Contact us at 303 690 1588
or email info@rp3. com to discuss your application.
This manual, along with the application disk, provides
information to write BASIC code and download it to the
E a c h c h ap te r h as o ne o r mo r e re a dy - to - ru n pr o g ra m ,
showing how to use a feature. Wr iting your program
should be a simple matter of combining parts of
program s into your own. T he RPC-210 pr ogramm ing
disk has sour ce code for most exam ples. Sample
p r o gr a m s r u n s ta n d a lo n e, m e a ni ng th e r e i s s o m e
measur ement an d display going o n or an ou tput.
This manual assumes you are fam iliar with BASIC
progr amm ing language . If yo u are no t experien ced with
BASIC, you may want to refer to books and training
program s available through m any colleges.
There are two PD F files on the application disk which
h a ve d et a il e d i nf o rm a ti on a bo u t t he A D U C -8 1 2 C P U .
These files are viewed using a PDF reader such as
Adobe Acrobat, version 2.1 or 3 or later.
A D U C 8 12 _ 0. P D F
Data sheet for CPU
E R 8 12 E 0 . P D F
Errata sheet for CPU
More r ecent information may be available at Analog
D e vi ce s w e bs it e:
www. icrocontroller
Enter in a the sear ch term “A DU C-812" and you shou ld
be direc ted to the ma in page for this part.
The real time clock file is 1689-93.PDF and is read
using a PDF reader.
Information appearing on your screen is shown in a
different type. Exam ple:
Copyright Remote Processing
For RPC-210
Version 1.20
Bytes free: 60234
Text unde r this headin g is helpful infor mation. It is
intended to act as a reminder of some operation or
interaction with another device that may not be obvious.
Information under this heading warns you of situations
which might cause catastrophic or irreversible damage.
Denotes jumper block pins. [a-b] are
the pins to conne ct.