Remote Processing RPC-210 User Manual

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Page 6-2

Figure 6-2 Connector

n u m be r in g sc h em e

When an input line is brought low, that line
will stay low until or unless pulled high
through a 4.7K ohm, or 1 mA source
current, to + 5V. T his kind of input is not
a problem when driven by external TTL
outputs. However, if driven by open
collector circuits or switches, then a 4.7K
or lowe r pull up r esistor is nec essary to
override the latch. This latch is only active
on 82C55 port A.


C o n ne c to r s J 3 , J5 , a n d J 7 ar e n um b e r ed in a sc h em e
similar to above. The view is looking down at the top,
or com ponent side of th e board . T he squar e pad, visible
on the circuit side of the board, designates pin 1. The
white line next to the connector outline designates a key
plug, if used, on the ribbon connector.


Lines are accessed using the LINE or LINEB
comm ands. Lines ar e configur ed for inp uts or outpu ts
using the CONF IG LINE command.


When configuring lines for outputs using CONF IG
LINE, lines go low momentarily (less than 10
micro-seconds) until they are set high again per the
d a ta in th e co m m a nd li ne . R e fe r to C O N F IG L I N E
command in Appendix A for more inform ation.

J3 is used to interface opto modules (using MPS series
racks), drive small r elays, solenoids, motors, or lamps,
and pro vide gener al purpos e TTL I/O to other logic
devices or mechanical switches. J3, port A is also used
to drive the LC D display port at J4. J3 pin out and a list

of shared pins is at the end of this section.

The lines on J3 are divided into 3 eight bit groups from
an 82C55. Ports A and B are configured as all inputs or
outputs. Port C is progr amm ed as one gr oup of 8 inputs
or outputs or as two groups of four lines (upper and
lower C). T he four lines in upper and lower C can each
be prog ram med as a ll inputs or outp uts. R efer to T able
6-1 to determine the opto channel or J3 pin number for a
port. Use C ONF IG LIN E 100 (Se e Appen dix A) to
configure por ts A, B, and C for inputs or outputs.

Digital I/O lines at J3 are pulled to + 5 volts or ground
through 100K resistor packs. See N OTE above
regard ing Port A latching inputs.

Application program J3-1. BAS configures J3 for 12
inputs and outpu ts. P orts A a nd upper C ar e outputs
while ports B and lower C are inputs. CONFIG LINE,
LINEB, and LINE# com mands are used.

Digital I/O software commands
A brief description of how digital I/O commands are
used is described below. These commands are further
describe d in the RP BASIC -52 softwar e manua l.

CON FIG LIN E determines which lines are inputs and

CONFIG LINE 100,3,255,0,255

Configures port A for output, B for input, upper C
and output, and lower C as input. The last three
numbers determine what state the outputs are after
initialization. You can set certain bits high and
others low by adjusting output data .

LINEB 0a202h,35

W r i te s a b y te - wi de d at a v a lu e of 3 5 t o p o r t C .

A = LINEB(0a201h)

Reads byte-w ide data a t port B.

The 82C 55 allows yo u to read b ack wha t was wr itten to
at a port. It is possible to read a port, set (or clear) a
bit, and w rite out to it again as follows:

LINEB,0a200h,LINEB(0a200h) .OR. 64

The above example reads por t A, sets bit 6 high, and
writes the data back ou t to the same p ort.

Ports A, B, and C are accessed at the addresses listed