1 prosys installer menu options, Zones – RISCO Group Upload/Download software User Manual
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Chapter 5: Main Menu Bar Options
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5.3.1 ProSYS Installer Menu Options
Bus scan:
For reading the list of all the accessories connected
to the systemʹs Bus.
Test bells and
For sending a command to test the bells and
Power supply:
For testing the 3A switched power supplies
connected to the system.
For testing the sirens (ProSound) connected to the
Bus detectors:
For testing the bus detectors, such as: Industrial
Lunar, WatchOut.
For testing AGM.
You can send a command
to perform different actions
on the system. From the
main menu select
Installer>Diagnostics and
one of these options:
Note: Communication with the
panel must be open.
For testing PKR (Proximity Key Reader).
For setting a list of zones, labels, their partition,
type, sound etc.
Zone crossings: For setting the correlation and time intervals
between pairs of zones.
Zone self‐test:
Soak test:
For testing zones.
5. Zones
For setting zone
configurations, from the
main menu select
Installer>Zones and one of
these options:
BUS detectors:
For setting special parameters for BUS detectors,
such as: Industrial Lunar and WatchOut.