Fig.2 fig.3 fig.4 – Sealey PP7 User Manual

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background image

indicator should light GrEEn indicating continuity

through the component.

3.7.3 observe the green LED indicator and quickly

depress and release the switch forward (+). if the

green LED indicator went out and the red positive

sign (+) came on, you may proceed with further


3.7.4 if the green LED indicator went off at that instant

or if the circuit breaker tripped (LcD display

“c B”), the probe has been overloaded. this

could happen for the following reasons:

• The contact you are probing is a direct earth or

negative voltage.

• The component you are testing is short-


• The component is a very high current

component (i.e., starter motor).


testing trailer lights and connections. see


3.8.1 connect the Probe to a good battery.

3.8.2 clip the auxiliary earth clip to the trailer earth.

3.8.3 Probe the contacts at the jack and then apply

voltage to them. this lets you check the


While the PP7 is in “Power

Mode”, contact the probe

tip to a nEGAtiVE circuit.

the green negative sign (-)

LED will light. if the audio

feature is turned on, a low

pitched tone will sound.

While the PP7 is in “Power

Mode”, contact the probe

tip to a PositiVE circuit.

the red positive sign (+)

LED will light and the

voltage reading of the

circuit will be indicated on

the LcD display. if the

audio feature is turned on,

a high pitched tone will


3.6 Continuity Testing. See fig.3.

3.6.1 While the probe is in “Power Mode”,

continuity can be tested on wires and components

attached or disconnected from the vehicle’s

electrical system and by utilizing the Probe

tipwhen connected with a chassis earth or the

auxiliary earth lead.

3.6.2 the Probe indicates continuity using two

resistance levels. When the Probe tip has a

resistance to earth of less than 20K ohms but

greater than 2K ohms the LcD will indicate “0.0”

volts but no green (-) LED.

3.6.3 When the resistance to earth is less than 2K

ohms the LcD will indicate “0.0” volts and the

green (-) LED will illuminate.

3.6.4 the higher resistance continuity function is useful

for checking spark plug wires, disconnected from

ignition, solenoids and magnetic pickup coils

3.6.5 the lower resistance continuity for testing relay

coils and wiring.

3.6.6 Another way to check for continuity of

connections to earth or the battery is to use the

power switch. if the circuit breaker trips (LcD

display “c B”) it is clear that there is a good, solid,

low-resistance connection.

3.7 Activating Components in Your Hand. See fig.4

3.7.1 While the Probe is in “Power Mode” components

can be activated in your hand. connect the

negative auxiliary clip to the negative terminal or

earth side of the component being tested.

3.7.2 contact the probe to the positive terminal of the

component, the green negative sign (-) LED

Original Language Version









no continuity

Continuity <20kΏ but>2kΏ



Green LED=continuity

© Jack sealey Limited

PP7 issue: 1 - 19/11/12

