Sealey PPLK User Manual
Pplk, Auto probe excel kit 6 - 24v

1. safety instructions
instructions for:
auto ProBe eXceL Kit 6 - 24v
MoDEL no:
thank you for purchasing a sealey product. Manufactured to a high standard this product will, if used according to these instructions and
properly maintained, give you years of trouble free performance.
IMPORTANT: PLease reaD tHese instructions carefuLLy. note tHe safe oPerationaL reQuireMents, WarninGs, anD
cautions. use tHis ProDuct correctLy, anD WitH care for tHe PurPose for WHicH it is intenDeD. faiLure to Do so
May cause DaMaGe anD/or PersonaL inJury anD WiLL invaLiDate tHe Warranty.
1.0 safety instructions
if You ArE in AnY DouBt ABout ELEctricAL
sAfEtY consuLt A QuALifiED ELEctriciAn.
only for use with 6 - 24 volt Dc systems.
Do not apply voltage or current to the probe that
exceeds the specified maximum of 24V Dc.
Do not use with industrial 110V systems.
Do not use on any circuit directly or indirectly
connected to Ac lines or any other Ac power source.
Do not use with any component or circuits of the
ignition system.
Before using this device, check the vehicle’s electrical
wiring and disconnect any part or system sensitive to
voltage and current pulses such as air bags, electronic
control modules, etc.
Always check your instructions and procedures
indicated in the vehicle service manual before
attempting to disconnect any part or subsystem of the
electrical circuit.
When not in use, store the meter carefully in a safe,
dry, childproof location. Avoid extremes of temperature.
Do not use the unit around explosive gases, vapor or
dust. When the power switch is operated (forwards or
backwards), battery current is conducted to the tip of
the probe which may cause sparks when contacting
ground or other certain circuits.
Do not use leads if damaged or if the wire is bared in
any way.
Do not use this tester for any purpose other than that
for which it has been designed.
2.0 introDuction: comprehensive 6-24V Dc test kit.
find bad earths, breaks in continuity and short circuits
quickly and easily. Even power up components on and
off the vehicle. Kit includes flexi extension cable,
crocodile clip, wire probe and back-probe.
3.0 Basic connections.(see fig.1) the probe (2) is
screwed directly into the tester body (1). to increase
accessibility replace the probe (2) with the extension
lead (4). the other accessories, extension probe (3),
Wire probe (5) and crocodile clip (8) can then be
plugged into the socket at the other end of the
extension lead.
3.1 Basic oPeration.(see fig.2) When the rocker
switch (11) is moved forwards to the single bar position
the probe will be connected directly to the rED clamp
(6). When the rocker switch (11) is moved backwards to
the double bar position the probe will be connected
directly to the BLAcK clamp (2). the Auxiliary ground
lead (9) is connected directly to the black clamp (7).
3.2 QuicK seLf test.(see fig.2) unroll the unit’s cable.
Attach the red clamp to the positive terminal of
the vehicle’s battery. Attach the black clamp to the
negative terminal of the vehicle’s battery.
3.2.1 Press and hold down the rocker switch (11) in the
forward, single bar position. the LED indicator should
light rED.
3.2.2 Press and hold down the rocker switch (11) in the
backwards, double bar position. the LED indicator
should light GrEEn.
3.2.3 the unit is now ready to use. if the LED indicator did
not light, the cause may be that the clamp connections
are poor or the unit is damaged.
01284 757500
01284 703534
sole uK Distributor
sealey Group,
Bury st. Edmunds, suffolk.
It is our policy to continually improve products and as such we reserve the right to alter data, specifications and component parts without prior notice.
iMPortant: no liability is accepted for incorrect use of this product.
Warranty: Guarantee is 12 months from purchase date, proof of which will be required for any claim.
inforMation: for a copy of our catalogue and latest promotions call us on 01284 757525 and leave your full name, address and postcode.
issuE no: 2 - 14/01/09
issuE no: 2 - 14/01/09
2. introDuction
3. oPeration
1) tester body 4) extension lead 7) Black (-) clamp
2) Probe
5) Wire probe
8) crocodile clip
3) extn. probe 6) red (+) clamp 9) Ground lead
Declaration of conformity
We, the sole importer into the uK, declare that the product listed here is in
conformity with the following standards and directives.
the construction file for this product
is held by the Manufacturer and may
be inspected, by a national authority,
upon request to Jack sealey Ltd.
For Jack Sealey Ltd.
Sole importer into the
UK of Sealey Power
signed by Mark sweetman
25th July 2008
auto ProBe eXceL Kit 6-24v
Model: PPLK
Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/Ec
EMc Directive 2004/108/Ec
cE Marking Directive 93/68/EEc
roHs Directive 2002/95/Ec
WEEE Directive 2002/96/Ec
environmental Protection.
recycle unwanted materials instead of disposing of them as
waste. All tools, accessories and packaging should be sorted,
taken to a recycle centre and disposed of in a manner which is
compatible with the environment.
When the product is no longer required, it must be disposed of
in an environmentally protective way.
3.11 cHecKinG for BaD GrounD contacts
see fig.10).
3.11.1 Probe the suspected ground wire or contact with the
probe tip. observe the green LED indicator.
3.11.2 Quickly rock the power switch forwards to the single
bar position and release it. if the LED indicator
changes from GrEEn to rED, this is not a true ground.
3.11.3 if the unit sounds, this circuit is more than likely a
direct ground. Keep in mind that high current
components such as a starter motor will also cause
the unit to sound.
4. sPare Parts
Part no.
tEst BoDY (c/w clamps & ground lead)
EXtEnsion ProBE
WirE ProBE
crocoDiLE cLiP
EXtEnsion LEAD