Magnum Energy MMS-E Series User Manual

Page 16

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© 2011 Magnum Energy, Inc.

2.0 Installation


2.3 Locating and Mounting the Inverter

• Do not mount the inverter near any fl ammable or

combustible fl uid or components

• Provide adequate clearance/ventilation to the inverter

• Mount only on a non-combustible surface

• Maximum ambient temperature around the inverter
must not exceed 25° C (77° F) to meet power
specifi cations

The inverter should only be installed in a location that meets the
following requirements:

Clean and Dry - The inverter should not be installed in an area
that allows dust, fumes, insects, or rodents to enter or block the
inverter’s ventilation openings. The area also must be free from any
risk of condensation, water, or any other liquid that can enter or fall
on the inverter. The inverter uses stainless steel fasteners, plated
copper busbars, and a powder-coated aluminum base. Also, the
internal circuit boards are conformal coated. The above measures are
undertaken to help fi ght the harmful effects of corrosive environments.
However, the life of the inverter is uncertain if used in any of these
types of environments, and inverter failure under these conditions
is not covered under warranty.

Cool - The inverter should be protected from direct exposure to the
sun or to any equipment that produces extreme heat. The ambient
air temperature should be between 0° C (32° F) and 40° C (104°
F); keep in mind that the inverter’s output specifi cations are rated at
25° C (77° F), so the cooler the better within this range.

Ventilated - In order for the inverter to provide full output power
and avoid over-temperature fault conditions, do not cover or block
the inverter’s ventilation openings or install this inverter in an area
with limited air fl ow. Allow as much clearance around the inverter’s
intake and exhaust ventilation openings as possible, see Items 16
and 17 in Figure 1-3. At the minimum, allow an airspace clearance of
15 cm (6”) at the front and back, and 7.5 cm (3”) everywhere else
to provide adequate ventilation.

If installed in an enclosure, a fresh air intake opening must be provided
directly to the front side (intake vent) and an exhaust opening on
the back side (exhaust vent) of the inverter. This will allow cool air
from the outside to fl ow into the inverter, and heated air to exit away
from the inverter and the enclosure. When mounted in an enclosed
compartment, air fl ow must be at least 59 cfm in order to maintain no
more than a 20° C (68° F) rise in compartment temperature. Minimum
clearances can be reduced if air fl ow is increased, but in no case should
clearance around the inverter be less than 5 cm (2”) on all sides.