Ion Science SF6 P1:p User Manual

Page 21

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Ion Science Ltd

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Unrivalled Detection.

Setting up the operating parameters

Setting date and time

The built in real time clock supplies time marks to saved measured values and calibration data, and should
for this reason be corrected in the case of noticeable deviations.
Setting the real-time clock can become necessary under the following circumstances:

– Daylight saving time change

– Transportation to a different time zone

– Normal running deviation

– When the instrument was separated from the built-in rechargeable battery.

Through [ NEXT ] select day, month, year, hour or minute to be changed and then set through [ + ] and [ - ]
the desired value. Upon exiting the entry through [ E XI T ] the real-time clock is updated with the new

User specific settings
In the User Setup, different parameters have been combined which are described in the following. To change
a parameter, first the inverted entry cursor needs to be placed on the corresponding line using the arrow
keys. Through the buttons [ + ] and [ - ] the value may then be changed within the permissible range. When
exceeding the upper limit of the valid range, the entry then skips to the lower range limit and vice versa.

Display operating mode
The numerical display on the screen as well as the entries for the limits and actual values for calibrations are
output in the unit of measurement selected here. For the different display operating modes, there exist for all
these values as well as for the calibration factor separate memory locations. Therefore when changing
between the display modes “ppm”, “gm/yr” and “cc/s” these will not have to be entered once more.
Currently the following display modes are available:


E-7 cc/s (leak rate, corresponds to ml/s

– mbarl/s)


E-8 cc/s (leak rate) only for HIGHsens instruments


ppm (concentration)


gm/yr (leak rate).

The display operating mode “ppm” is special. Since it requires a higher sensitivity compared to the other
modes, and since on the other hand the response and recovery times during concentration measurements
are irrelevant, an additional low pass filter has been placed in the signal path of this display mode. This filter
smoothes the measured signal, blocks short-term fluctuations thereby ensuring a smooth reading.
In the case of concentration measurements you will, for this reason, have to expect significantly longer
response and recovery times, which, depending on the measured concentration, can amount to up to 10

Moreover, in the “ppm” display operating mode, the Search Mode is not available, since the extended
response time does not agree with the intentions of the Search Mode.

Peak hold function of the pointer gauge
Owing to the short recovery time of the P1:p, this function is useful during leak detection. The current peak
value is held for the preset time by the pointer instrument of the handset. In the OFF position, this function is
switched off, position MANUAL requires deleting of the peak value by pressing the Zero or the memory
button at the handset.

Start-up measurement mode
Here it is possible to define which mode (Search Mode or Measurement Mode) the instrument shall run after
switching on. During operation of the instrument, it is possible to change at any time between the two modes.