Yaskawa E7B Drive Bypass User Manual
E7b drive/bypass technical manual
Table of contents
Document Outline
- YASKAWA manufactures component parts that can be used in a wide variety of industrial applications. The selection and applicatio...
- Product Description
- The E7 Bypass unit provides a means of bypassing the Drive while allowing the motor to operate at full speed, directly from the ...
- Control logic provides industry standard Hand/Off/Auto functions and safety circuit interlocks in both drive and Bypass operating modes.
- E7 Bypass components include: a fused 120 VAC control circuit transformer, an input Motor Circuit Protector (MCP) circuit breaker/disconnect, motor overload relay, selector switches and indicating lights.
- The E7 Drive, a component of the E7 Bypass package, is a Pulse Width Modulated Drive for 3-Phase AC induction motors. This type ...
- The Drive is a variable torque AC drive, designed specifically for HVAC applications in building automation, including fans, blowers and pumps. A new benchmark for size, cost, performance, benefits, and quality, the Drive includes numerous
- built-in features such as network communications, H/O/A, PI, parameter storage and copy functions.
- The Drive has embedded communications for the popular building automation protocols, Johnson Controls Metasys® N2 and Siemens APOGEE™ FLN, as well as Modbus®. An optional Lonworks® interface card is also available.
- The LCD keypad/operator is equipped with Hand/Off/Auto functions, copy feature, 7 language choices, and 5 lines of display with ...
- Built-in PI control eliminates the need for closed loop output signals from a building automation system. It includes feedback d...
- This manual is applicable to E7 Drives defined by model numbers CIMR-E7U_ _ _ _ contained within Bypass units defined by model numbers E7B_ _ _ _. This manual reflects the software version 4010.
- This manual is subject to change as product improvements occur. The latest version of the manual can be obtained from the Yaskawa website www.yaskawa.com . The date shown on the rear cover is changed when revisions are made.
- This manual may describe trademarked equipment, which is the property of other companies. These trademarks are the property of the registered owner companies and may include the following:
- APOGEETM FLN, trademark of Siemens Building Technologies, Inc.
- Metasys®, trademark of Johnson Controls Inc.
- Modbus®, trademark of Schneider Automation, Inc.
- LONWORKS®, trademark of Echelon Corporation
- Other Documents and Manuals are available to support special use or installation of this product. These documents may be provided with the product or upon request or downloaded from www.drives.com. Documents may include the following:
- TM.E7.02.Programming … Manual included on CD ROM with product
- TM.E7.11.Modbus … Manual included on CD ROM with product
- TM.AFD.20.LONWORKS … Manual included on CD ROM with product
- TM.E7.21.APOGEE … Manual included on CD ROM with product
- TM. E7.22. Metasys … Manual included on CD ROM with product
- DriveWizard … Software and Manual…Included on CD ROM with product
- Option Instructions … Included on CD ROM with product
- AC Alternating Current LRA Locked Rotor Amperes
- AIC Amps Interrupting Capacity MCP Motor Circuit Protector
- CB Circuit Breaker MTBF Mean Time Between Failures
- CIMR Control Induction Motor Rotation NC Normally Closed
- CN Connector NEC National Electrical Code
- CPT Control Power Transformer NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association
- CPU Central Processing Unit NO Normally Open
- DIP Dual Inline Package OLR Over Load Relay
- FLA Full Load Amperes PCB Printed Circuit Board
- FVFF Forced Ventilated, inlet Filter, outlet Filter PI Proportional plus Integral control action
- HOA Hand/Off/Auto RTS Request To Send
- HP Horsepower SFS Soft Start
- IEC International Electrotechnical Commission TB Terminal Block
- IGV Inlet Guide Vanes THD Total Harmonic Distortion
- IPM Intelligent Power Module VA Volt Amperes
- KVA Kilo Volt Amperes VAC Volts Alternating Current
- LED Light Emitting Diode VAV Variable Air Volume
- “Standard” or “Configured” options - are available with standard lead times
- “Engineered” or “Custom” options - are available only with extended lead times
- Table of Resources
- Manuals, Installation Guides, and CD’s
- Software
- Flyers, Bulletins, Pricebook, Binders, And Specifications
- See also www.drives.com.
- Bypass Model Number and Enclosure Style
- Enclosure Data
- Confirmations upon Delivery
- Bypass Product Options
- Bypass Component Descriptions
- Bypass Unit Front Control Panel
- Fig 1.4 E7 Bypass Unit Appearance
- Keypad Operator
- Indicating Lights
- HAND/OFF/AUTO Selector Switch
- DRIVE/BYPASS Selector Switch
- NORMAL/TEST Selector Switch
- MCP Motor Circuit Protector Circuit Breaker/Disconnect
- Internal Bypass Panel
- Contactors
- OverLoad Relay
- Control Power Transformer
- Relay and Selector Switch Logic
- Drive/Bypass logic interlocks explained
- PCB Jumpers explained
- Switch Selectable Functions:
- Bypass Unit Front Control Panel
- Exterior and Mounting Dimensions
- Bypass Unit 30 HP and Below, 480 VAC; 15 HP and Below, 208V/240V
- Bypass Unit 30 HP and Below, 480 VAC; 15 HP and Below, 208V/240V With Add-On Box
- Bypass Unit 40 HP to 100 HP, 480 VAC; 20 HP to 40 HP, 208V/240V
- Bypass Unit 40 HP to 100 HP, 480 VAC; 20 HP to 40 HP, 208V/240V With Add-On Box
- Bypass Unit 125 HP to 250 HP, 480 VAC; 50 HP to 125 HP, 208V
- Dimensions and Weights
- (1) Horsepower rating is based on standard NEMA B 4-pole motor design
- (2) Height dimension includes the mounting screw tabs.
- (3) Add-on box adds 13.6 inches to Height dimension and 91 lbs. Max. to total
- (4) Data represents the total weight of the Drive with all possible standard options, not shipping weight.
- (1) Horsepower rating is based on standard NEMA B 4-pole motor design
- (2) Height dimension includes the mounting screw tabs.
- (3) Add-on box adds 13.6 inches to Height dimension and 91 lbs. Max. to total
- (4) Data represents the total weight of the drive with all possible standard options, not shipping weight.
- Checking and Controlling Installation Site
- Termination Configuration - Power Wiring
- Fig 2.1 Typical Input Power Connection, Fig. 2.2 Typical Input and Output Power Wall Mount Unit Connections, Floor Mount Unit
- Fig 2.3 Typical Output Power Connection, Wall Mount Units
- Field Wiring, Pressure Wire Connector, Wire Type, Range and Tightnening Torque Specifications
- Cable Length between Drive and Motor
- Grounding
- Drive and Motor Ground Wire Landing
- Ground Wiring Precautions
- 1. 208-240 VAC Drives should have a ground connection with resistance of less than 100 W..
- 2. 480 VAC Drives should have a ground connection with resistance of less than 10 W..
- 3. Do not share the ground wire with other devices, such as large-current electrical equipment.
- 4. Always use a ground wire that complies with technical standards on electrical equipment and minimize the length of the ground...
- 5. When using more than one Drive, be careful not to loop the ground wire.
- Control Circuit Ground Terminals
- Wire Routing
- Drive Main Circuit Configurations 208-240 VAC
- Control Wiring
- Bypass Field Control Wire Landing
- Annunciation Contacts
- Function
- Type
- TB1 Terminals
- Damper Control Circuit
- Building Automation system Run/Stop circuit:
- Safety Interlock Circuit:
- Building Automation System Interlock Circuit (Drive and Bypass enable input):
- Switch Selectable Functions:
- Bypass Relay Controller PCB
- Drive Speed Control Circuit Wiring
- Drive Terminal Block Configuration
- Wiring Checks
- Control Circuit Wiring Precautions
- 1. Separate control wiring from power/motor wiring and other high-power lines.
- 2. Separate wiring for control circuit terminals for digital outputs from wiring to other control circuit terminals.
- 3. If using an optional external power supply, it should be a UL Listed Class 2 power supply source.
- 4. Use twisted-pair or shielded twisted-pair cables for control circuits to prevent operating faults. Prepare cable ends as shown in Figure 2.10.
- 5. Connect the shield wire to terminal E(G).
- 6. Insulate the shield with tape to prevent contact with other signal lines and equipment.
- Bypass Control Circuit Terminal Functions
- DIP Switch S1
- Shunt Connector CN15
- Parameter No.
- Parameter Name
- Digital Operator Display
- Description
- Setting Range
- Factory Setting
- Menu
- Location
- Wiring Diagram
- Logic Diagram
- Digital Operator and Control Panel Display
- Drive Main Menus
- Example of Changing a Parameter
- Start Up Introduction
- Bypass Basic Programming Parameters
- Discussion of Table 5.2 Option-Dependent Bypass Parameter Settings:
- Options - None; Bypass with no options:
- Options - None; Bypass with no options:
- Options - P "Pneumatic Pressure Transducer"; Bypass with pneumatic input for speed control:
- Options - P and S "Pneumatic Pressure Transducer" and "Speed Pot."; Bypass with pneumatic input and speed potentiometer for speed control:
- Options - S "Speed Pot."; Bypass with speed potentiometer for speed control:
- Options - S "Speed Pot."; Bypass with speed potentiometer for speed control:
- Options - J or L "Serial Communications"; Bypass with serial communication for control:
- Options - J or L "Serial Communications"; Bypass with serial communication for run/stop control and speed monitoring:
- Options - J or L and P "Serial Communications" and "Pneumatic Pressure Transducer"; Bypass with serial communication for run/stop control and speed monitoring, with pneumatic input for speed control:
- Options - J or L and S "Serial Communications" and "Speed Pot."; Bypass with serial communication for control, with hand mode speed potentiometer:
- A1 Initialization
- b1 Sequence
- b2 DC Braking
- b3 Speed Search
- b3-01 Speed Search Selection
- Fig 5.8 Speed Search (Estimated Speed Method) after momentary power loss where the power loss time is less than the minimum baseblock time
- Fig 5.9 Speed Search (Estimated Speed Method) after momentary power loss where the power loss time exceeds the minimum baseblock time
- Fig 5.10 Speed Search (Current Detection Method) at Startup
- Fig 5.11 Speed Search (Current Detection Method) after momentary power loss where the power loss time is less than the minimum baseblock time
- Fig 5.12 Speed Search (Current Detection Method) after momentary power loss where the power loss time exceeds the minimum baseblock time
- b3-02 Speed Search Deactivation Current
- b3-03 Speed Search Deceleration Time
- b3-05 Speed Search Delay Time
- b3-14 Bi-Directional Speed Search Selection
- b3-01 Speed Search Selection
- b5 PI Function
- Digital Operator and Control Panel Display for PI Control
- Discussion of Table 5.4 Options Dependent, PI Control Bypass Parameter Settings:
- b5-01 PI Mode
- b5-02 Proportional Gain Setting
- b5-03 Integral Time Setting
- b5-04 Integral Limit Setting
- b5-06 PI Output Limit
- b5-07 PI Offset Adjustment
- b5-08 PI Primary Delay Time Constant
- b5-09 PI Output Level Selection
- b5-10 PI Output Gain Setting
- b5-11 PI Reverse Selection
- b5-12 PI Feedback Reference Missing Detection Selection
- b5-13 PI Feedback Loss Detection Level
- b5-14 PI Feedback Loss Detection Time
- b5-15 Sleep Function Start Level
- b5-16 Sleep Delay Time
- b5-17 PI Accel/Decel Time
- b5-18 PI Setpoint Selection
- b5-19 PI Setpoint Value
- b5-20 PI Setpoint Display Scaling
- b5-21 Sleep Source
- b5-22 PI Snooze Level
- b5-23 PI Snooze Delay Time
- b5-24 PI Snooze Deactivation Level
- b5-25 PI Setpoint Boost Setting
- b5-26 PI Maximum Boost Time
- b5-27 PI Snooze Feedback Level
- b5-28 PI Feedback Square Root Function Activation
- b5-29 PI Square Root Gain
- b5-30 PI Output Square Root Monitor Selection
- b8 Energy Savings
- C1 Accel/Decel
- d1 Preset References
- d2 Reference (Speed Command) Limits
- d3 Jump Frequencies
- d4 Sequence
- E1 V/f Pattern
- E1-01 Input Voltage Setting
- E1-03 V/f Pattern Selection
- E1-04 Maximum Output Frequency
- E1-05 Maximum Output Voltage
- E1-06 Base Frequency
- E1-07 Mid Output Frequency A
- E1-08 Mid Output Voltage A
- E1-09 Minimum Output Frequency
- E1-10 Mid Output Voltage
- E1-11 Mid Output Frequency B
- E1-12 Mid Output Voltage B
- Fig 5.23 Custom V/f Pattern Programming Curve
- Table 5.9 V/f Pattern Default Settings for Drive Capacity 0.5 to 2 HP for 240V Class (Continued)
- Table 5.10 V/f Pattern Default Settings for Drive Capacity 3 to 40 HP for 240V (Continued)
- Table 5.11 V/f Pattern Default Settings for Drive Capacity 50 to 150 HP for 230V (Continued)
- E2 Motor Setup
- F6 Com OPT Setup (Applies only to the LonWorks® option)
- H1 Digital Inputs
- H2 Digital Outputs
- H3 Analog Inputs
- L2 Momentary Power Loss Ride-thru Function
- L3 Stall Prevention
- L4 Speed Command Loss Detection
- L5 Fault Restart
- L6 Torque Detection
- L8 Hardware Protection
- o1 Monitor Configuration
- o2 Key Selections
- o2-03 User Parameter Default Value
- o2-05 Frequency Reference Setting Method Selection
- o2-06 Operation Selection when Digital Operator is Disconnected
- o2-07 Cumulative Operating Time Setting
- o2-08 Cumulative Operation Time Selection
- o2-10 Cumulative Cooling Fan Operation Time Setting
- o2-12 Fault Trace / Fault History Clear Function
- o2-14 kWh User Monitor Initialization
- o3 Digital Operator Copy Function
- T1 Auto-Tuning
- Discussion of Table 5.2 Option-Dependent Bypass Parameter Settings:
- Bypass Diagnostics
- Drive Diagnostics
- Drives Technical Support in USA and Canada
- To contact Drives Technical Support, please call 1-800-YASKAWA (927-5292).
- From the menu, dial 2 for Technical Assistance.
- Drives Technical Support can also be reached by e-mail at [email protected].
- Support information, such as technical manuals, FAQs, instruction sheets and software downloads are available at our website, www.yaskawa.com.
- When calling for technical support, please have the following materials available:
- · The appropriate Technical Manual in hand because the support associate may refer to this.
- · Complete nameplate information from the Drive and the motor. (Confirm that Drive Nameplate Output amps is equal to or greater than Motor Nameplate amps)
- · A list with your parameter settings.
- · A sketch of the electrical power train, from AC line to motor, including filters and disconnects.
- Contact Drives Technical Support for help with any of these needs.
- Training is conducted at Yaskawa training centers, at customer sites, and via the internet.
- For information, visit www.yaskawa.com or call 1-800-YASKAWA (927-5292).
- From the phone menu, dial 4 for Product Training.
- Fault Detection
- The Run Command (Start Command) needs to be removed prior to resetting a fault. Resetting a fault by removing and reapplying pow...
- LF
- Output Open-phase
- An open-phase occurred at the Drive output
- This fault is detected when output current has exceeded 5% imbalance.
- Some features within the PI function group cause the Drive to shut down momentarily (e.g. Sleep Function, Snooze Function, Feedb...
- Alarm Detection
- Operator Programming Errors (OPE)
- An Operator Programming Error (OPE) occurs when an inapplicable parameter is set or an individual parameter setting is inappropriate.
- The Drive does not operate until the parameter is set correctly. (Alarm output and fault contact do not operate.)
- If an OPE occurs, change the appropriate parameter by checking the cause shown in Table 6.3.
- Auto-Tuning Faults
- Digital Operator COPY Function Faults
- Drive Troubleshooting
- If Parameter Cannot Be Set
- If the Motor Does Not Operate
- Ensure the digital operator is securely connected to the Drive.
- The motor does not operate when the HAND key on the Digital Operator is pressed.
- The motor does not operate when an external run command is input.
- The motor stops during acceleration or when a load is connected.
- The motor only rotates in one direction.
- The Direction of the Motor Rotation is Reversed
- If the Motor Does Not Put Out Torque or If Acceleration is Slow
- If the Motor Operates at a Higher Speed Than the Speed Command
- If the Motor Overheats
- The load is too high.
- The ambient temperature is too high.
- The withstand voltage between the motor phases is insufficient.
- If Peripheral Devices Like DDCs or Others are Influenced by Starting or Running Drive
- If noise is generated by Drive switching, implement the following countermeasures:
- 1. Change the Drive's Carrier Frequency Selection (C6-02) to lower the carrier frequency. This will help to reduce the amount of internal switching.
- 2. Install an Input Noise Filter at the Drive's input power terminals.
- 3. Use metal conduit. Electric waves can be shielded by metal, so encase the Drive and power wires in metal.
- 4. Ground the Drive and motor.
- 5. Separate main circuit wiring from control wiring.
- If noise is generated by Drive switching, implement the following countermeasures:
- If a “Stand Alone” Ground Fault Interrupter Operates When the Drive is Run
- If There is Mechanical Vibration
- . Disable integral (I) control.
- . Reduce the proportional gain (P) until hunting stops.
- . Reintroduce the integral function, starting with long integral time values, to eliminate the P offset.
- If the Motor Rotates Even When Drive Output is Stopped
- Drive Main Circuit Test Procedure
- Prior to removing any protective cover or wiring any part of the Drive, remove all power sources, including main input power and...
- Measure DC Bus Voltage
- Input Diodes
- (D1-D12 or Q1)
- Input Diodes
- (D1-D12 or Q1)
- Soft Charge Resistor Check
- (R1, R2, 6PCB)
- Soft Charge Contactor
- (K1)
- DC Bus Fuse
- Output Transistors
- (Q1-Q12)
- Control Power Fuse
- 24Vdc Cooling Fans
- (Heat Sink & Internal)
- 230/240VAC Cooling Fans
- (Heat Sink)
- Cooling Fan Fuse
- Drive Date Stamp Information
- Notes:
- E7B Maintenance
- Periodic Inspection
- Preventive Maintenance
- Replacing Control Panel indicating lights or selector switches
- Replacing The Relay Controller PCB:
- Drive Heatsink Cooling Fan Replacement
- Drive Models CIMR-_ _ _20P4 thru 2018 (25 HP@208V/240V) and 40P4 thru 4018 (30 HP@480V)
- Removing the Drive Heatsink Cooling Fan
- 1. Always turn OFF the input power before removing and installing the heatsink cooling fan.
- 2. Press in on the right and left sides of the fan cover in the direction of arrows “1” and then pull the fan out in the direction of arrow “2”.
- 3. Pull out the cable connected to the fan from the fan cover and disconnect the power connector. See Figure 7.3.
- 4. Open the fan cover on the left and right sides in the direction of arrows “3” and remove the fan cover from the fan.
- Installing the Drive Heatsink Cooling Fan
- 1. Attach the fan cover to the cooling fan. Be sure that the air flow direction indicated by the arrows above faces into the Drive.
- 2. Connect the power connector securely and place the power connector and cable into the fan cover.
- 3. Mount the fan cover on the Drive. Be sure that the tabs on the sides of the fan cover click into place on the Drive.
- Drive Models CIMR-_ _ _2022 thru 2110 (30 HP and above @ 208V/240V) and 4024 thru 4300 (40 HP and above @ 480V)
- Removing the Drive Cooling Fan Assembly
- 1. Always turn OFF the input power before removing and installing the heatsink cooling fan assembly.
- 2. Remove the terminal cover, Drive cover, Digital Operator, and front cover from the front of the Drive.
- 3. Remove the Control PCB bracket (if necessary) to which the cards are mounted. Remove all cables connected to the Control PCB and remove the cooling fan power connector from the fan board (13 PCB) positioned near the top of the Drive.
- 4. Remove the cooling fan power connectors from the gate Drive board (3PCB) positioned at the back of the Drive.
- 5. Remove the fan assembly screws and pull out the fan assembly from the Drive.
- 6. Remove the cooling fan(s) from the fan assembly.
- Mounting the Drive Cooling Fan Assembly
- Removing and Mounting the Drive Control Terminal Card
- Removing the Drive Terminal Card
- 1. Remove the terminal cover on the Drive.
- 2. Remove the Digital Operator and front cover on the Drive.
- 3. Remove the wires connected to FE and NC on the terminal card.
- 4. Loosen the mounting screws on the left and right sides of the terminal card until they are free. It is not necessary to remove the mounting screws completely. They are captive and self-rising.
- 5. Pull the terminal card out in the direction of the block arrow.
- Mounting the Drive Terminal Card
- Removing the Drive Terminal Card
- Removing and Replacing the Drive in a Bypass Unit
- Parameter No.
- Parameter Name
- Digital Operator Display
- Description
- Setting Range
- Factory Setting
- Menu
- Location
- Initialization
- A1-00
- t
- Language Selection
- Select Language
- Language selection for digital operator display.
- 0: English
- 2: Deutsch
- 3: Francais
- 4: Italiano
- 5: Espanol
- 6: Portugues
- *Not returned to factory setting by initialization
- 0 to 6
- 0
- Programming
- A1-01
- t
- Access Level Selection
- Access Level
- This setting determines which parameters are accessible.
- 0: Operation Only
- 1: User Level
- 2: Advanced Level
- 0 to 2
- 2
- Programming
- A1-03
- Initialize Parameters
- Init Parameters
- Used to return all parameters to their factory or user setting.
- 0: No Initialize
- 1110: User Initialize (The user must set their own parameter default values and then parameter o2-03 must be set to “1” to save ...
- 2220: 2-Wire Initial
- 3330: 3-Wire Initial
- 0 to
- 3330
- 0
- Programming
- A1-04
- Password 1
- Enter Password
- 0 to 9999
- 0
- Programming
- A1-05
- Password 2
- Select Password
- 0 to 9999
- 0
- Programming
- User Parameters
- A2-01
- User Parameter 1
- User Param 1
- b1-01
- to
- o3-02
- -
- Programming
- A2-02
- User Parameter 2
- User Param 2
- -
- Programming
- A2-03
- User Parameter 3
- User Param 3
- -
- Programming
- A2-04
- User Parameter 4
- User Param 4
- -
- Programming
- A2-05
- User Parameter 5
- User Param 5
- -
- Programming
- A2-06
- User Parameter 6
- User Param 6
- -
- Programming
- tDenotes that parameter can be changed when the Drive is running.
- A2-07
- User Parameter 7
- User Param 7
- Selects the parameters to be available in the User Access Level (A1-01 = 1). These are the only parameters accessible for the user level. These parameters are not related to the User Initialize
- function.
- b1-01
- to
- o3-02
- -
- Programming
- A2-08
- User Parameter 8
- User Param 8
- -
- Programming
- A2-09
- User Parameter 9
- User Param 9
- -
- Programming
- A2-10
- User Parameter 10
- User Param 10
- -
- Programming
- A2-11
- User Parameter 11
- User Param 11
- -
- Programming
- A2-12
- User Parameter 12
- User Param 12
- -
- Programming
- A2-13
- User Parameter 13
- User Param 13
- -
- Programming
- A2-14
- User Parameter 14
- User Param 14
- -
- Programming
- A2-15
- User Parameter 15
- User Param 15
- -
- Programming
- A2-16
- User Parameter 16
- User Param 16
- -
- Programming
- A2-17
- User Parameter 17
- User Param 17
- -
- Programming
- A2-18
- User Parameter 18
- User Param 18
- -
- Programming
- A2-19
- User Parameter 19
- User Param 19
- -
- Programming
- A2-20
- User Parameter 20
- User Param 20
- -
- Programming
- A2-21
- User Parameter 21
- User Param 21
- -
- Programming
- A2-22
- User Parameter 22
- User Param 22
- -
- Programming
- A2-23
- User Parameter 23
- User Param 23
- -
- Programming
- A2-24
- User Parameter 24
- User Param 24
- -
- Programming
- A2-25
- User Parameter 25
- User Param 25
- -
- Programming
- A2-26
- User Parameter 26
- User Param 26
- -
- Programming
- A2-27
- User Parameter 27
- User Param 27
- -
- Programming
- A2-28
- User Parameter 28
- User Param 28
- -
- Programming
- A2-29
- User Parameter 29
- User Param 29
- -
- Programming
- A2-30
- User Parameter 30
- User Param 30
- -
- Programming
- A2-31
- User Parameter 31
- User Param 31
- -
- Programming
- A2-32
- User Parameter 32
- User Param 32
- -
- Programming
- Sequence
- b1-01
- Frequency Reference
- Selection
- Reference Source
- Selects the speed command (frequency reference) input source.
- 0: Operator - Digital preset speed d1-01
- 1: Terminals - Analog Input Terminal A1 (or Terminal A2 see parameter H3-13)
- 2: Serial Com - RS-485 terminals R+, R-, S+ and S-
- 3: Option PCB - Option board connected at 2CN
- 0 to 3
- 1
- Quick Setting
- b1-02
- Run Command Selection
- Run Source
- Selects the run command input source.
- 0: Operator - "Hand" and "Off" keys on digital operator
- 1: Terminals - Contact Closure on Terminal S1
- 2: Serial Com - RS-485 terminals R+, R-, S+ and S-
- 3: Option PCB - Option board connected at 2CN
- 0 to 3
- 1
- Quick Setting
- b1-03
- Stopping Method Selection
- Stopping Method
- Selects the stopping method when the run command is removed.
- 0: Ramp to Stop
- 1: Coast to Stop
- 2: DC Injection to Stop
- 3: Coast w/Timer (A new run command is ignored if input before the time in C1-02 expires.)
- 0 to 3
- 0
- Quick Setting
- b1-04
- Reverse Operation Selection
- Reverse Oper
- Determines the forward rotation of the motor, and if reverse operation is disabled.
- 0: Reverse Enabled
- 1: Reverse Disabled
- 2: Exchange Phase - Change direction of forward motor rotation
- 3: Exchange Phase, Reverse Disabled - Change direction of forward motor rotation and disable reverse operation
- 0 to 3
- 1
- Programming
- b1-07
- Local/Remote Run Selection
- 0: Cycle External RUN - If the run command is closed when switching from hand (local) mode to auto (remote) mode, the drive will not run
- 1: Accept External RUN - If the run command is closed when switching from hand (local) mode to auto (remote) mode, the drive WILL run
- 0 or 1
- 0
- Programming
- b1-08
- Run Command Selection
- During Program
- 0: Disabled - Run command accepted only in the operation menu.
- 1: Enabled - Run command accepted in all menus (except when b1-02 = 0).
- 0 or 1
- 0
- Programming
- b1-11
- Drive Delay Time Setting
- Wait to Run Time
- After a run command, Drive output will start after this delay time.
- 0 to 600
- 0sec
- Programming
- b1-12
- Hand Frequency Reference Selection
- HAND Fref Source
- Selects the speed command input source in hand mode.*
- 0: Operator - Digital preset speed d1-01
- 1: Terminals - Analog Input Terminal A1 (or Terminal A2 see parameter H3-13)
- 0 or 1
- 0
- Programming
- b1-13
- HAND/AUTO During Run Selection
- Selects if drive will permit switching between HAND and AUTO modes while running.
- 0: Disabled
- 1: Enabled
- 0 or 1
- 0
- Programming
- b1-14
- Emergency Override Speed
- E Override Speed
- Sets the speed command used in emergency override mode when b1-15=0.
- 0.00 to 120.00 Hz
- 0.00
- Programming
- b1-15
- Emergency Override Reference Selection
- E OverrideRefSel
- Selects the emergency override reverse source.
- 0: Use b1-14 Ref
- 1: Use AUTO Ref
- 0 or 1
- 0
- Programming
- DC Braking
- b2-01
- DC Injection Braking Start Frequency
- DCInj Start Freq
- 0.0 to 10.0
- 0.5Hz
- Programming
- b2-02
- DC Injection Braking
- Current
- DCInj Current
- 0 to 100
- 50%
- Programming
- b2-03
- DC Injection Braking Time at Start
- DCInj Time @ Start
- 0.00 to
- 10.00
- 0.00sec
- Programming
- b2-04
- DC Injection Braking Time at Stop
- DCInj Time @ Stop
- 0.00 to 10.00
- 0.00sec
- Programming
- * If b1-13=1, this parameter instead selects whether the AUTO reference is retained as the new HAND reference (setting=0), or the drive will ramp from the AUTO reference to the existing HAND reference (setting=1).
- b2-09
- Motor Pre-Heat Current
- Preheat Current
- Motor Pre-heat current in % of Drive rated current. This is used to keep the motor warm to prevent condensation and is used in conjunction with a digital input (data = 60).
- 0 to100
- 0%
- Programming
- b2-10
- Motor Pre-Heat Current 2
- Preheat Current2
- Sets the DC preheat current for multi-function output setting 80 (Motor Preheat 2) as a percentage of Motor Rated Current (E2-01).
- 0 to 10%
- 5
- Programming
- Speed Search
- b3-01
- Speed Search Selection
- SpdSrch at Start
- Enables/disables and selects the speed search function at start.
- 0: SpdsrchF Disable - Speed search at start is disabled (estimated speed method is used at other times)
- 1: SpdsrchF Enable - Speed search is enabled (estimated speed method)
- 2: SpdsrchI Disable - Speed search at start is disabled (current detection method is used at other times)
- 3: SpdscrhI Enable - Speed search is enabled (current detection method)
- Estimated Speed Method:
- Actual motor speed and direction is estimated, then the motor is ramped from that speed to the commanded speed.
- Current Detection Method:
- Current level is monitored while output frequency is ramped down.
- 0 to 3
- 2
- Programming
- b3-02
- Speed Search Deactivation Current
- SpdSrch Current
- Used only when b3-01 = 3. Sets the speed search operation current as a percentage of Drive rated current.
- 0 to 200
- 120%
- Programming
- b3-03
- Speed Search Deceleration Time
- SpdSrch Dec Time
- 0.1 to 10.0
- 2.0sec
- Programming
- b3-05
- Speed Search Delay Time
- Search Delay
- 0.0 to
- 20.0sec
- 0.2sec
- Programming
- b3-14
- Bidirectional Speed Search Selection
- Bidir Search Sel
- 0: Disabled
- 0 or 1
- 1
- Programming
- Delay Timers
- b4-01
- Timer Function ON-Delay Time
- Delay-ON Timer
- Used in conjunction with a multi-function digital input and a multi- function digital output. This sets the amount of time between when the digital input is closed, and the digital output is energized.
- 0.0 to
- 3000.0
- 0.0sec
- Programming
- b4-02
- Timer Function OFF-Delay Time
- Delay-OFF Timer
- Used in conjunction with a multi-function digital input and a multi- function digital output. This sets the amount of time the output stays energized after the digital input is opened.
- 0.0 to 3000.0
- 0.0sec
- Programming
- PI Control
- b5-01
- PI Mode Setting
- PI Mode
- This parameter enables / disables the closed loop (PI) controller.
- 0: Disabled
- 1: Enabled (commanded speed becomes PI setpoint)
- 3: Fref+PI
- 0, 1, 3
- 0
- Quick Setting
- b5-02
- t
- Proportional Gain Setting
- P Gain
- Sets the proportional gain of the PI controller.
- 0.00 to
- 25.00
- 2.00
- Quick Setting*
- b5-03
- t
- Integral Time Setting
- PI I Time
- 0.0 to 360.0
- 5.0sec
- Quick Setting*
- b5-04
- t
- Integral Limit Setting
- PI I Limit
- Sets the maximum output possible from the integrator. Set as a % of fmax.
- 0.0 to
- 100.0
- 100%
- Programming
- b5-06
- t
- PI Output Limit
- PI Limit
- Sets the maximum output possible from the entire PI controller. Set as a % of fmax.
- 0.00 to
- 100.0
- 100.0%
- Programming
- b5-07
- t
- PI Offset Adjustment
- PI Offset
- Sets the amount of offset of the output of the PI controller. Set as a % of fmax.
- The PI Offset Adjustment parameter has two different uses. Parameter b5-07 serves different functions depending on whether it is used on a standard PI loop or a Differential PI loop.
- 1: Parameter b5-07 causes an offset to be applied to the output of the PI function in a non-Differential PI loop. Every time the...
- 2: If the Drive is configured for Differential PI Regulation (H3-09=16), then the PI Offset is the targeted maintained differential between the signal measured on analog input A1 and the signal measured on analog input A2.
- -100.0 to +100.0
- 0.0%
- Programming
- t Denotes that parameter can be changed when the drive is running. * Menu location is Quick Setting when b5-01=1, and Programming when b5-01=0.
- b5-08
- t
- PI Primary Delay Time
- Constant
- PI Delay Time
- 0.00 to
- 10.00
- 0.00sec
- Programming
- b5-09
- PI Output Level Selection
- Output Level Sel
- Determines whether the PI controller will be direct or reverse acting.
- 0: Normal Output (direct acting)
- 1: Reverse Output (reverse acting)
- 0 or 1
- 0
- Programming
- b5-10
- PI Output Gain Setting
- Output Gain
- Sets the output gain of the PI controller.
- 0.0 to 25.0
- 1.0
- Programming
- b5-11
- PI Output Reverse Selection Output Rev Sel
- 0 or 1
- 0
- Programming
- b5-12
- PI Feedback Reference Missing Detection Selection
- Fb los Det Sel
- 2: Fault
- 0 to 2
- 0
- Programming
- b5-13
- PI Feedback Loss Detection Level
- Fb los Det Lvl
- Sets the PI feedback loss detection level as a percentage of maximum frequency (E1-04).
- 0 to 100
- 0%
- Programming
- b5-14
- PI Feedback Loss Detection Time
- Fb los Det Time
- Sets the PI feedback loss detection delay time in terms of seconds.
- 0.0 to 25.5
- 1.0sec
- Programming
- b5-15
- Sleep Function Start
- Level
- Sleep Level
- 0.0 to 200.0
- 0.0Hz
- Programming
- b5-16
- Sleep Delay Time
- Sleep Time
- Sets the sleep function delay time in terms of seconds.
- 0.0 to 25.5
- 0.0sec
- Programming
- b5-17
- PI Accel/Decel Time
- Acc/Dec Time
- Applies an accel/decel time to the PI setpoint reference.
- 0.0 to 25.5
- 0.0sec
- Programming
- b5-18
- PI Setpoint Selection
- PI Setpoint Sel
- 0: Disabled
- 1: Enabled
- 0 or 1
- 0
- Programming
- b5-19
- PI Setpoint Value
- PI Setpoint
- *Depends on b5-20.
- 0.00 to
- 100.00**
- 0.00%
- Programming
- b5-20
- PI Setpoint Display Scaling
- Setpoint Scaling
- Set display/setting unit of b5-19, U1-24, and U1-38.
- 0 to 39999
- 1
- Programming
- b5-21
- PI Sleep Input Source
- PI Sleep Source
- Input Source Selection for Sleep function Mode.
- 0: PI Setpoint
- 1: PI Input
- 2: Snooze
- 0 to 2
- 1
- Programming
- b5-22
- t
- PI Snooze Level
- Snooze Level
- Sets the PI snooze function start level as a percentage of maximum frequency (E1-04).
- 0 to 100
- 0%
- Programming
- b5-23
- PI Snooze Delay Time
- Snooze Delay Time
- Sets the PI snooze function delay time in terms of seconds.
- 0 to 3600
- 0sec
- Programming
- b5-24
- PI Snooze Deactivation Level Wake-Up Level
- When the PI feedback drops below this level, normal PI operation starts again. Set as a percentage of maximum frequency (E1-04).
- 0 to 100
- 0%
- Programming
- b5-25
- PI Setpoint Boost Setting
- Setpoint Boost
- Temporary increase of PI setpoint to create an overshoot of the intended PI setpoint.
- 0 to 100
- 0%
- Programming
- b5-26
- PI Maximum Boost Time
- Max Boost Time
- Sets a time limitation for reaching temporarily boosted PI setpoint (intended PI setpoint + b5-25).
- 0 to 3600
- 0sec
- Programming
- b5-27
- PI Snooze Feedback Level Snooze Feedback
- PI snooze mode will be activated when PI feedback is above this level. Set as a percentage of maximum frequency (E1-04).
- 0 to 100
- 60%
- Programming
- tDenotes that parameter can be changed when the drive is running. ** Range depends on b5-20 setting. Units depend on b5-31 setting.
- b5-28
- PI Feedback Square Root Function Selection
- PI Feedback SqRt
- 0: Disabled
- 1: Enabled
- 0 or 1
- 0
- Programming
- b5-29
- PI Square Root Gain
- PI Fb SqRt Gain
- A multiplier applied to the square root of the feedback.
- 0.00 to 2.00
- 1.00
- Programming
- b5-30
- Output Square Root
- Monitor Selection
- PI Out Moni SqRt
- 0: Disabled
- 1: Enabled
- 0 or 1
- 0
- Programming
- b5-31
- PI Unit Selection
- PI Unit Sel
- Sets units for b5-19, U1-24, U1-38.
- 0: WC:InchOfWater
- 1: PSI:lb/SqrInch
- 2: GPM:Gallons/Min
- 3: F:DegFahrenheit
- 4: CFM:Cubic ft/Min
- 5: CMH:Cubic M/Hr
- 6: LPH:Liters/Hr
- 7: LPS:Liters/Sec
- 8: Bar:Bar
- 9: Pa:Pascals
- 10: C:DegCelsius
- 11: Mtr:Meters
- 0 to 11
- 0
- Quick Setting*
- Energy Saving
- b8-01
- Energy Saving Control
- Selection
- Energy Save Sel
- Energy Savings function enable/disable selection
- 0: Disabled
- 1: Enabled
- 0 or 1
- 0
- Quick Setting
- b8-04
- Energy Saving Coefficient Value
- Energy Save COEF
- 0.0 to
- 655.00
- kVA
- Dependent
- Programming
- b8-05
- Power Detection Filter Time
- kW Filter Time
- 0 to 2000
- 20ms
- Programming
- b8-06
- Search Operation Voltage Limit
- Search V Limit
- 0 to 100
- 0%
- Programming
- Accel / Decel
- C1-01
- t
- Acceleration Time 1
- Accel Time 1
- 0.0
- to
- 6000.0
- 30.0sec
- Quick Setting
- C1-02
- t
- Deceleration Time 1
- Decel Time 1
- 30.0sec
- Quick Setting
- C1-03
- t
- Acceleration Time 2
- Accel Time 2
- 30.0sec
- Programming
- C1-04
- t
- Deceleration Time 2
- Decel Time 2
- 30.0sec
- Programming
- C1-09
- Fast Stop Time
- Fast Stop Time
- 0.0
- to
- 6000.0
- 10.0sec
- Programming
- C1-11
- Accel/Decel
- Switch Frequency
- Acc/Dec SW Freq
- 0.0 to
- 200.0
- 0.0Hz
- Programming
- t Denotes that parameter can be changed when the Drive is running. * Menu location is Programming when PI is disabled and Quick Setting when PI is enabled.
- S-Curve Acc/Dec
- C2-01
- S-Curve Characteristic at Accel Start
- SCrv Acc @ Start
- Run
- command
- 0.00 to
- 2.50
- 0.20sec
- Programming
- C2-02
- S-Curve Characteristic at Accel End
- SCrv Acc @ End
- 0.00 to 2.50
- 0.20sec
- Programming
- Torque Comp
- C4-01
- t
- Torque Compensation Gain Torq Comp Gain
- 0.00 to 2.50
- 1.00
- Programming
- C4-02
- Torque Compensation
- Primary Delay Time
- Torq Comp Time
- This parameter adjusts a filter on the output of the torque compensation function. Increase to add torque stability, decrease to improve torque response.
- 0 to 10000
- 200ms
- Programming
- Carrier Freq
- C6-01
- Normal Duty Selection
- Normal Duty Sel
- 1: Normal Duty 1
- 2: Normal Duty 2
- 1 or 2
- 2
- Programming
- C6-02
- Carrier Frequency Selection
- CarrierFreq Sel
- Carrier frequency sets the number of pulses per second of the output voltage waveform.
- 0: Low Noise (Carrier frequency is randomly moduled for lower audible noise)
- 1: Fc = 2.0 kHz
- 2: Fc = 5.0 kHz
- 3: Fc = 8.0 kHz
- 4: Fc = 10.0 kHz
- 5: Fc = 12.5 kHz
- 6: Fc = 15.0 kHz
- F: Program (Determined by the settings of C6-03 thru C6-05)
- 0 to F
- kVA
- Dependent
- Programming
- C6-03
- Carrier Frequency Upper Limit
- CarrierFreq Max
- Maximum carrier frequency allowed when C6-02 = F.
- 0.4 to 15.0
- kHz
- kVA
- Dependent
- Programming
- C6-04
- Carrier Frequency Lower Limit
- CarrierFreq Min
- Minimum carrier frequency allowed when C6-02 = F.
- 0.4 to 15.0
- kHz
- kVA
- Dependent
- Programming
- C6-05
- Carrier Frequency Proportional Gain
- CarrierFreq Gain
- Sets the relationship of output frequency to carrier frequency when C6-02 = F.
- 0 to 99
- 0
- Programming
- Preset Reference
- d1-01
- t
- Frequency Reference 1
- Reference 1
- 0.00 to
- E1-04
- Value
- 0.00Hz
- Programming
- d1-02
- t
- Frequency Reference 2
- Reference 2
- 0.00Hz
- Programming
- d1-03
- t
- Frequency Reference 3
- Reference 3
- 0.00Hz
- Programming
- d1-04
- t
- Frequency Reference 4
- Reference 4
- 0.00Hz
- Programming
- d1-17
- t
- Jog Frequency Reference
- Jog Reference
- 0.00 to
- E1-04
- Value
- 6.00Hz
- Programming
- tDenotes that parameter can be changed when the Drive is running.
- Reference Limits
- d2-01
- Frequency Reference Upper Limit
- Ref Upper Limit
- Determines maximum speed command, set as a percentage of parameter E1-04. If speed command is above this value, actual Drive speed will be limited to this value. This parameter applies to all speed command sources.
- 0.0 to 110.0
- 100.0%
- Quick Setting
- d2-02
- Frequency Reference Lower Limit
- Ref Lower Limit
- 0.0 to 110.0
- 0.0%
- Quick Setting
- d2-03
- Master Speed Reference Lower Limit
- Ref1 Lower Limit
- 0.0 to 110.0
- 0.0%
- Programming
- Jump Frequencies
- d3-01
- Jump Frequency 1
- Jump Freq 1
- 0.0 to 200.0
- 0.0Hz
- Programming
- d3-02
- Jump Frequency 2
- Jump Freq 2
- 0.0Hz
- Programming
- d3-03
- Jump Frequency 3
- Jump Freq 3
- 0.0Hz
- Programming
- d3-04
- Jump Frequency Width
- Jump Bandwidth
- 0.0 to 20.0
- 1.0Hz
- Programming
- MOP and Trim Control
- d4-01
- MOP Ref Memory
- 0: Disabled
- 1: Enabled
- 0 or 1
- 0
- Programming
- d4-02
- Trim Control Level
- Trim Control Lvl
- 0 to 100
- 10%
- Programming
- V/F Pattern
- E1-01
- Input Voltage Setting
- Input Voltage
- 155 to 255.0
- (240V)
- 310 to 510.0
- (480V)
- 240V
- 480V
- Quick Setting
- E1-03
- V/F Pattern Selection
- V/F Selection
- 0 to FF
- F
- Programming
- E1-04
- Maximum Output Frequency
- Max Frequency
- Output voltage (V)
- 0.0 to
- 200.0
- 60.0Hz
- Programming
- E1-05
- Maximum Output Voltage
- Max Voltage
- 0 to 255.0 (240V)
- 0 to 510.0
- (480V)
- 230V
- 460V
- Programming
- E1-06
- Base Frequency
- Base Frequency
- 0.0 to
- 200.0
- 60.0Hz
- Programming
- E1-07
- Mid Output Frequency A
- Mid Frequency A
- 0.0 to 200.0
- 3.0Hz
- Programming
- E1-08
- Mid Output Voltage A
- Mid Voltage A
- 0 to 255.0 (240V)
- 0 to 510.0
- (480V)
- 18.0VAC
- Programming
- E1-09
- Minimum Output Frequency Min Frequency
- 0.0 to 200.0
- 1.5Hz
- Programming
- E1-10
- Mid Output Voltage
- Min Voltage
- 0 to 255.0 (240V)
- 0 to 510.0
- (480V)
- 10.8VAC
- Programming
- E1-11
- Mid Output Frequency B
- Mid Frequency B
- Set only when V/f is finely adjusted at rated output range.
- Adjustment is not normally required.
- 0.0 to
- 200.0
- 0.0Hz
- Programming
- E1-12
- Mid Output Voltage B
- Mid Voltage B
- 0 to 255.0 (240V)
- 0 to 510.0
- (480V)
- 0.0VAC
- Programming
- E1-13
- Base Voltage
- Base Voltage
- 0 to 255.0 (240V)
- 0 to 510.0
- (480V)
- 0.0VAC
- Programming
- Motor Setup
- E2-01
- Motor Rated Current
- Motor Rated FLA
- Set to the motor nameplate full load amps.
- 10% to 200%
- kVA Dependent
- Quick Setting
- E2-03
- No-Load Current
- Sets the magnetizing current of the motor.
- kVA Dependent
- kVA Dependent
- Programming
- E2-05
- Motor Line-to-Line
- Resistance
- Term Resistance
- 0.000 to 65.000
- 9.842W
- Programming
- Com OPT Setup
- F6-01
- Operation Selection after Communication Error
- Com Bus Flt Sel
- 0 to 3
- 1
- Programming
- F6-02
- Input Level of External Fault from Communication Option Card
- EF0 Detection
- 0: Always detected
- 1: Detected only during run
- 0 or 1
- 0
- Programming
- F6-03
- Stopping Method for
- External Fault from
- Communication Option Card
- EF0 Fault Action
- 0 to 3
- 1
- Programming
- F6-05
- Current Monitor Display Unit Selection
- Current Unit Sel
- 0 or 1
- 0
- Programming
- Digital Inputs
- H1-01
- Terminal S3 Function
- Selection
- Terminal S3 Sel
- 0: 3-wire control
- FWD/REV selection for 3-wire sequence
- 1: Local/Remote Sel
- Hand/Auto Selection - Closed = Hand, Open = Auto
- 2: Option/Inv Sel
- Selects source of speed command and sequence
- Closed = b1-01 & b1-02, Open = Option Card
- 3: Multi-Step Ref 1
- Closed = speed command from d1-02 or Aux Terminal
- Open = speed command determined by b1-01
- 4: Multi-Step Ref 2
- Closed = speed command from d1-03 or d1-04
- Open speed command determined by b1-01
- 6: Jog Freq Ref Closed = speed command from d1-17
- Open = speed command determined by b1-01
- 7: Multi-Acc/Dec 1
- Closed = Accel & Decel Ramps determined by C1-03 & C1-04
- Open = Accel & Decel Ramps determined by C1-01 & C1-02
- 8: Ext BaseBlk N.O. Closed = Output transistors forced off, Open = Normal operation
- 9: Ext BaseBlk N.C. Closed = Normal Operation, Open = Output transistors forced off
- A: Acc/Dec RampHold
- Closed = Acceleration suspended and speed held, Open = Normal Operation
- C: Term A2 Enable
- Closed = Terminal A2 is active, Open = Terminal A2 is disabled
- F: Term Not Used
- Terminal has no effect
- 10: MOP Increase
- Closed = Speed Command Increases, Open = Speed Command Held.
- Must be set in conjunction with MOP Decrease and b1-02 must be set to 1.
- 11: MOP Decrease Closed = Speed Command Decreases, Open = Speed Command Held. Must be set in conjunction with MOP Increase and b1-02 must be set to 1.
- (Continued on next page)
- 0 to 6E
- 24
- Programming
- H1-02
- Terminal S4 Function
- Selection
- Terminal S4 Sel
- 0 to 6E
- 14
- Programming
- H1-03
- Terminal S5 Function
- Selection
- Terminal S5 Sel
- 12: Forward Jog
- Closed = Drive runs forward at speed command entered into parameter d1-17.
- 13: Reverse Jog
- Closed = Drive runs in reverse at speed command entered into parameter d1-17.
- 14: Fault Reset
- Closed = Resets the Drive after the fault and the run
- command have been removed.
- 15: Fast-Stop N.O.
- Closed = Drive decelerates using C1-09, regardless of run command status.
- 17: Fast-Stop N.C.
- Closed = Normal operation
- Open = Drive decelerates using C1-09, regardless of run command status.
- 18: Timer Function
- Input for independent timer, controlled by b4-01 and b4-02.
- Used in conjunction with a multi-function digital output.
- 19: PI Disable
- Turns off the PI controller, and PI setpoint becomes speed command.
- 1B: Program Lockout
- Closed =All parameter settings can be changed.
- Open = Only speed command at U1-01 can be changed.
- 1C: TrimCtl Increase
- Closed = Increase motor speed by value in d4-02.
- Open = Return to normal speed command.
- Not effective when using d1-01 thru d1-04 as a speed command.
- Must be used in conjunction with Trim Ctrl Decrease.
- 1D: Trim Ctl Decrease
- Closed = Decrease motor speed by value in d4-02.
- Open = Return to normal speed command.
- Not effective when using d1-01 thru d1-04 as speed command.
- Must be used in conjunction with Trim Ctrl Increase.
- 0 to 6E
- 3: 2-wire
- 0: 3-wire
- Programming
- Digital Inputs
- H1-04
- Terminal S6 Function
- Selection
- Terminal S6 Sel
- 1E: Ref Sample Hold
- Analog speed command is sampled then held at time of input closure.
- 20: External fault, Normally Open, Always Detected, Ramp To Stop
- 21: External fault, Normally Closed, Always Detected, Ramp To Stop
- 22: External fault, Normally Open, During Run, Ramp To Stop
- 23: External fault, Normally Closed, During Run, Ramp To Stop
- 24: External fault, Normally Open, Always Detected, Coast To Stop
- 25: External fault, Normally Closed, Always Detected, Coast To Stop
- 26: External fault, Normally Open, During Run, Coast To Stop
- 27: External fault, Normally Closed, During Run, Coast To Stop
- 28: External fault, Normally Open, Always Detected, Fast-Stop
- 29: External fault, Normally Open, Always Detected, Fast-Stop
- 2A: External fault, Normally Open, During Run, Fast-Stop
- 2B: External fault, Normally Closed, During Run, Fast-Stop
- 2C: External fault, Normally Open, Always Detected, Alarm Only
- 2D: External fault, Normally Closed, Always Detected, Alarm Only
- 2E: External fault, Normally Open, During Run, Alarm Only
- 2F: External fault, Normally Closed, During Run, Alarm Only
- 34: PI SFS Cancel
- 36: Option/Inv Sel 2 Selects source of speed command and sequence
- Closed = Option Card, Open = b1-01 & b1-02
- 60: Motor Preheat Applies current to create heat to avoid condensation.
- Closed = Apply amount of current as set in parameter b2-09
- 61: Speed Search 1
- When closed as a run command is given, Drive does a speed
- search starting at maximum frequency (E1-04). (Current detection)
- 62: Speed Search 2
- When closed as a run command is given, Drive does a speed
- search starting at speed command. (Current detection).
- 64: Speed Search 3
- 67: Com Test Mode - Used to test RS-485/422 interface.
- 68: High Slip Braking - Closed = Drive stops using High Slip Braking regardless of run command status.
- 69: Jog2 - Closed = Drive runs at speed command entered into parameter d1-17.
- Direction determined by fwd/rev input. 3-wire control Only.
- 6A: Drive Enable - Closed = Drive will accept run command.
- Open = Drive will not run. If running, Drive will stop per b1-03.
- 6B: Com/Inv Sel - Selects source of speed command and sequence
- Closed = Serial Communication (R+,R-,S+,S-), Open = b1-01 & b1-02
- 6C: Com/Inv Sel 2
- 6D: Auto Mode Sel - Hand/Auto Selection - Closed = Auto, Open = Hand
- 6E: Hand Mode Sel - Hand/Auto Selection - Closed = Hand, Open = Auto
- 70: Bypass/Drv Enbl - Same as 6A except a run command is accepted
- 80: Motor Preheat 2 - Closed = Enable motor preheat with the current level as set by b2-10
- 81: EmergOverrideFWD - Closed = Forward Emergency Override Command
- 82: EmergOverrideREV - Closed = Reverse Emergency Override Command
- 0 to 6E
- 4: 2-wire
- 3: 3-wire
- Programming
- H1-05
- Terminal S7 Function
- Selection
- Terminal S7 Sel
- 0 to 6E
- 6: 2-wire
- 4: 3-wire
- Programming
- Parameter No.
- Parameter Name
- Digital Operator Display
- Description
- Setting Range
- Factory Setting
- Menu
- Location
- Digital Outputs
- H2-01
- Terminal M1-M2 Function
- Selection
- Term M1-M2 Sel
- 0: During RUN 1 = Closed when a run command is input or the Drive is outputting voltage.
- 1: Zero Speed = Closed when Drive output frequency is less than Fmin (E1-09)
- 2: Fref/Fout Agree 1 = Closed when Drive output speed equals the speed command within the bandwidth of L4-02.
- 3: Fref/Set Agree 1 = Closed when the Drive output speed and the speed command are equal to the value in L4-01 within the bandwidth of L4-02.
- 4: Freq Detect 1 = Closed when the Drive output speed is less than or equal to the value in L4-01, with hysteresis determined by L4-02.
- 5: Freq Detect 2 = Closed when the Drive output speed is greater than or equal to the value in L4-01, with hysteresis determined by L4-02.
- 6: Inverter Ready = Closed when the Drive is not in a fault state, and not in program mode.
- 7: DC Bus Undervolt = Closed when the DC bus voltage falls below the UV trip level (L2-05)
- 8: Base Blk 1 = Closed when the Drive is not outputting voltage.
- 9: Operator Reference = Closed when the speed command is coming from the digital operator.
- A: Remote/Auto Oper = Closed when the run command is coming from the digital operator.
- B: Trq Det 1 N.O. - Closes when the output current exceeds
- the value set in parameter L6-02 for more time than is set in parameter L6-03.
- C: Loss of Ref - Closes when the Drive has detected a loss of analog speed command.
- Speed command is considered lost when it drops 90% in
- 0.4 seconds.
- Parameter L4-05 determines Drive reaction to a loss of speed command.
- D: DB Overheat
- E: Fault - Closes when the Drive experiences a major fault.
- F: Not Used
- 10: Minor Fault - Closes when Drive experiences a minor fault or alarm.
- 11: Reset Cmd Active - Closes when the Drive receives a reset command from terminals or serial comms.
- 12: Timer Output - Output for independent timer, controlled
- by b4-01 and b4-02.
- Used in conjunction with a multi-function digital input.
- 17: Trq. Det 1 N.C. - Opens when the output current
- exceeds the value set in parameter
- L6-02 for more time than is set in parameter L6-03.
- 1A: Reverse Dir - Closes when the Drive is running in the reverse direction.
- 1E: Restart Enabled - Closes when the Drive is performing
- an automatic restart.
- Automatic restart is configured by parameter L5-01.
- 1F: Overload (OL1) - Closes before a motor overload
- occurs. (90% of OL1 time)
- 20: OH Prealarm - Closes when the Drive’s heatsink temperature exceeds the setting
- of parameter L8-02.
- 38: Drive Enable - Closes when the Drive enable input is active.
- 39: Waiting to Run - Closes during the time after a run command is issued, but the Drive is not running due to the time set in parameter b1-10.
- 3A: OH Freq Reduce
- 3B: Run Src Com/Opt
- 3D: Cooling Fan Err = Closed during internal cooling fan failure
- 0 to 3B
- 0
- Programming
- H2-02
- Terminal M3-M4 Function
- Selection
- Term M3-M4 Sel
- 0 to 3B
- A
- Programming
- Parameter No.
- Parameter Name
- Digital Operator Display
- Description
- Setting Range
- Factory Setting
- Menu
- Location
- Analog Inputs
- H3-02
- t
- Terminal A1 Gain Setting
- Terminal A1 Gain
- 0.0 to
- 1000.0
- 100.0%
- Programming
- H3-03
- t
- Terminal A1 Bias Setting
- Terminal A1 Bias
- -100.0 to +100.0
- 0.0%
- Programming
- H3-08
- Terminal A2 Signal Level
- Selection
- Term A2 Signal
- 0 or 2
- 2
- Programming*
- H3-09
- Aux Terminal Function Selection
- Terminal A2 Sel
- 0 to 1F
- 2**
- Programming*
- H3-10
- t
- Terminal A2 Gain Setting
- Terminal A2 Gain
- 0.0 to 1000.0
- 100.0%
- Programming
- H3-11
- t
- Terminal A2 Bias Setting
- Terminal A2 Bias
- -100.0 to
- +100.0
- 0.0%
- Programming
- H3-12
- Analog Input Filter Time Constant Filter Avg Time
- 0.00 to 2.00
- 0.30sec
- Programming
- H3-13
- Master Frequency Reference
- Terminal Selection
- TA1/A2 Select
- 0 or 1
- 0
- Programming*
- t Denotes that parameter can be changed when the drive is running.
- * Menu location is Quick Setting when b5-01=1, and Programming when b5-01=0.
- ** Factory setting changes to “B” when b5-01=1.
- Parameter No.
- Parameter Name
- Digital Operator Display
- Description
- Setting Range
- Factory Setting
- Menu
- Location
- Analog Outputs
- H4-01
- Terminal FM Monitor Selection
- Terminal FM Sel
- Selects which monitor will be output on terminals FM and AC.
- 1: Frequency Ref (100% = max. output frequency)
- 2: Output Freq (100% = max. output frequency)
- 3: Output Current (100% = Drive rated current)
- 6: Output Voltage (100% = 230V or 100% = 460V)
- 7: DC Bus Voltage (100% = 400V or 100% = 800V)
- 8: Output kWatts (100% = Drive rated power)
- 15: Term A1 Level
- 16: Term A2 Level
- 18: Mot SEC Current (100% = Motor rated secondary current)
- 20: SFS Output (100% = max. output frequency)
- 24: PI Feedback
- 31: Not Used
- 36: PI Input
- 37: PI Output (100% = max. output frequency)
- 38: PI Setpoint
- 51: Auto Mode Fref (100% = max. output frequency)
- 52: Hand Mode Fref (100% = max. output frequency)
- 53: PI Feedback 2
- NOTE: 100% = 10V DC output * FM gain setting
- (H4-02).
- 1 to 53
- 2
- Programming
- H4-02
- t
- Terminal FM Gain Setting
- Terminal FM Gain
- 0.0 to 1000.0
- 100.0%
- Programming
- H4-03
- t
- Terminal FM Bias Setting
- Terminal FM Bias
- -110.0 to
- 110.0
- 0.0%
- Programming
- H4-04
- Terminal AM Monitor Selection Terminal AM Sel
- Selects which monitor will be output on terminals AM and AC.
- 1: Frequency Ref (100% = max. output frequency)
- 2: Output Freq (100% = max. output frequency)
- 3: Output Current (100% = Drive rated current)
- 6: Output Voltage (100% = 230V or 100% = 460V)
- 7: DC Bus Voltage (100% = 400V or 100% = 800V)
- 8: Output kWatts (100% = Drive rated power)
- 15: Term A1 Level
- 16: Term A2 Level
- 18: Mot SEC Current (100% = Motor rated secondary current)
- 20: SFS Output (100% = max. output frequency)
- 24: PI Feedback
- 31: Not Used
- 36: PI Input
- 37: PI Output (100% = max. output frequency)
- 38: PI Setpoint
- 51: Auto Mode Fref (100% = max. output frequency)
- 52: Hand Mode Fref (100% = max. output frequency)
- 53: PI Feedback 2
- NOTE: 100% = 10V DC output * AM gain setting (H4-05).
- 1 to 53
- 8
- Programming
- H4-05
- t
- Terminal AM Gain Setting
- Terminal AM Gain
- 0.0 to 1000.0
- 50.0%
- Programming
- tDenotes that parameter can be changed when the Drive is running.
- Analog Outputs
- H4-06
- t
- Terminal AM Bias Setting
- Terminal AM Bias
- -110.0 to
- 110.0
- 0.0%
- Programming
- H4-07
- Terminal FM Signal Level
- Selection
- AO Level Select1
- 0: 0 - 10 VDC
- 2: 4-20 mA*
- 0 or 2
- 0
- Programming
- H4-08
- Terminal AM Signal Level
- Selection
- AO Level Select2
- 0: 0 - 10 VDC
- 2: 4-20 mA*
- * An analog output of 4 - 20 mA can not be used with the standard terminal board. Therefore an optional terminal board (with shunt connector CN15) is needed.
- 0 or 2
- 0
- Programming
- Serial Com Setup
- H5-01
- Drive Node Address
- Serial Com Adr
- Selects Drive station node number (address) for terminals R+, R-, S+, S-.*
- Note: An address of “0” disables serial com.
- 0 to 20 (H5-08=0)
- 0 to FF (H5-08=1)
- 0 to 63 (H5-08=2)
- 1F
- Programming
- H5-02
- Communication Speed Selection Serial Baud Rate
- Selects the baud rate for terminals R+, R-, S+ and S-.*
- 0: 1200 Baud
- 1: 2400 Baud
- 2: 4800 Baud (AGOGEE FLN)
- 3: 9600 Baud (Metasys N2)
- 4: 19200 Baud
- 0 to 4
- 3
- Programming
- H5-03
- Communication Parity Selection Serial Com Sel
- Selects the communication parity for terminals R+, R-, S+ and S-.*
- 0: No Parity
- 1: Even Parity
- 2: Odd Parity
- 0 to 2
- 0
- Programming
- H5-04
- Stopping Method after
- Communication Error
- Serial Fault Sel
- Selects the stopping method when a communication error is detected.
- 0: Ramp to Stop
- 1: Coast to Stop
- 2: Fast-Stop
- 3: Alarm Only
- 4: Runn at D1-04
- 0 to 3
- 3
- Programming
- H5-05
- Communication Error Detection Selection
- Serial Flt Dtct
- Enables or disables the communications timeout detection function.
- 0: Disabled - A communications loss will NOT cause a communications fault.
- 1: Enabled - If communications are lost for more than the time specified in parameter H5-09, a communications fault will occur.
- 0 or 1
- 1
- Programming
- H5-06
- Drive Transmit Wait Time
- Transmit WaitTIM
- Sets the time from when the Drive receives data to when the Drive sends data.
- 5 to 65
- 5ms
- Programming
- H5-07
- RTS Control Selection
- RTS Control Sel
- Enables or disables “request to send” (RTS) control:
- 0: Disabled (RTS is always on)
- 1: Enabled (RTS turns on only when sending)
- 0 or 1
- 1
- Programming
- H5-08
- Communication Protocol Selection
- Protocol Select
- Selects the communication protocol.
- 0: Memobus (Modbus)
- 1: N2 (Metasys)
- 0 to 2
- 0
- Programming
- H5-09
- Communication Error
- Detection Time
- CE Detect Time
- Determines how long communications must be lost before a fault is annunciated. Works in conjunction with parameters H5-05 and H5-04.
- 0 to 10.0 (H5-08=0)
- 0 to 10.0 (H5-08=1)
- 0 to 90.0 (H5-08=2)
- 2.0sec
- Programming
- tDenotes that parameter can be changed when the Drive is running.
- * After these parameters are changed, Drive power must be cycled before the changes will take effect.
- Motor Overload
- L1-01
- Motor Overload Protection
- Selection
- MOL Fault Select
- Enables or disables the motor thermal overload protection.
- 0: Disabled
- 1: Std Fan Cooled (Enabled)
- 2: Std Blower Cooled
- 3: Vector Motor
- 0 to 1
- 1
- Programming
- L1-02
- Motor Overload Protection
- Time
- MOL Time Const
- Determines how much time will elapse prior to a motor overload fault (OL1), when motor amps exceed the value set in parameter E2-01 by 10%. Actual (OL1) trip time will vary depending on severity of overload.
- 0.1 to 20.0
- 8.0min
- Programming
- L1-03
- Motor Overheat Alarm Operation Selection
- Mtr OH Alarm Sel
- Operation selection when the motor temperature analog input (H3-09=E) exceeds the OH3 alarm level (1.17V)
- 0: Ramp to Stop
- 1: Coast to Stop
- 2: Fast-Stop
- 3: Alarm Only
- 0 to 3
- 3
- Programming
- L1-04
- Motor Overheat Fault Operation Selection
- Mtr OH Fault Sel
- Stopping method when the motor temperature analog input (H3-09=E) exceeds the OH4 level (2.34V).
- 0: Ramp to Stop
- 1: Coast to Stop
- 2: Fast-Stop
- 0 to 2
- 1
- Programming
- L1-05
- Motor Temperature Input Filter Time
- Mtr Temp Filter
- Delay Time applied to motor temperature analog input (H3-09=E) for filtering purposes.
- 0.00 to 10.00
- 0.20sec
- Programming
- PwrLoss Ridethru
- L2-01
- Momentary Power Loss Detection Selection
- PwrL Selection
- Enables and disables the momentary power loss function.
- 0: Disabled - Drive trips on (UV1) fault when power is lost.
- 1: PwrL Ride Thru t - Drive will restart if power returns within the time set in L2-02.*
- 2: CPU Power Active - Drive will restart if power returns prior to internal power supply shut down.*
- * In order for a restart to occur, the run command must be maintained throughout the ride thru period.
- 0 to 2
- 2
- Programming
- L2-02
- Momentary Power Loss Ride-thru Time
- PwrL Ridethru t
- Determines the power loss ride-thru time. This value is dependent on the capacity of the Drive. Only effective when L2-01 = 1.
- 0.0 to 25.5sec
- kVA
- Dependent
- Programming
- L2-03
- Momentary Power Loss Minimum Base Block Time
- PwrL Baseblock t
- Used to allow the residual motor voltage to decay before the Drive output turns back on. After a power loss, if L2-03 is greater than L2-02, operation resumes after the time set in L2-03.
- 0.1 to 5.0sec
- kVA
- Dependent
- Programming
- L2-04
- Momentary Power Loss Voltage Recovery Ramp Time
- PwrL V/F Ramp t
- The time it takes the output voltage to return to the preset V/f pattern after speed search (current detection mode) is complete.
- 0.0 to 5.0sec
- kVA
- Dependent
- Programming
- L2-05
- Undervoltage Detection
- Level
- PUV Det Level
- Sets the Drive's DC Bus undervoltage trip level. If this is set lower than the factory setting, additional AC input reactance or DC bus reactance may be necessary.
- Voltage Class
- Dependent
- Voltage Class
- Dependent
- Programming
- Stall Prevention
- L3-01
- Stall Prevention Selection During Accel
- StallP Accel Sel
- 0: Disabled (Motor accelerates at active acceleration, C1-01 or C1-03. The motor may stall if load is too heavy or accel time is too short.)
- 1: General Purpose (When output current exceeds L3- 02 level, acceleration stops. It starts to accelerate at current value recovery.)
- 2: Intelligent (The active acceleration rate, C1-01 or C1- 02, is ignored. Acceleration is completed in the shortest amount of time w/o exceeding the current value set in L3-02.
- 0 to 2
- 1
- Programming
- L3-02
- Stall Prevention Level During Accel
- StallP Accel Lvl
- This function is enabled when L3-01 is “1” or “2”.
- Drive rated current is 100%. Decrease the set value if stalling occurs at factory setting.
- 0 to 200
- 120%
- Programming
- L3-04
- Stall Prevention Selection During Decel
- StallP Decel Sel
- 0: Disabled (The Drive decelerates at the active
- deceleration rate, C1-02 or C1-04. If the load is too large or the deceleration time is too short, an OV fault may occur.)
- 1: General Purpose (The Drive decelerates at the active deceleration rate, C1-02 or C1-04, but if the main
- circuit DC bus voltage reaches the stall prevention level the output frequency will clamp. Deceleration will continue once the DC bus level drops below the stall prevention level.)
- 2: Intelligent (The active deceleration rate is ignored and the Drive decelerates as fast as possible w/o
- hitting OV fault level.)
- 0 to 3
- 1
- Programming
- L3-05
- Stall Prevention Level During Decel
- StallP Run Sel
- 0: Disabled (Drive runs a set frequency.) A heavy load may cause the Drive to trip on an OC fault.
- 1: Decel Time 1 (In order to avoid stalling during heavy loading, the Drive will start to decelerate at Decel time 1 (C1-02) if ...
- 2: Decel Time 2 (Same as setting 1 except the Drive decelerates at Decel Time 2 (C1-04).)
- For 6Hz or less frequency, stall prevention function during run is disabled regardless of L3-05 set.
- 0 to 2
- 1
- Programming
- L3-06
- Stall Prevention Level During
- Running
- StallP Run Level
- This function is enabled when L3-05 is “1” or “2”.
- Drive rated current is set as 100%.
- Normally, changing the setting is not required.
- Decrease the set value if stalling occurs at factory setting.
- 30 to 200
- 120%
- Programming
- Ref Detection
- L4-01
- Speed Agreement Detection Level
- Spd Agree Level
- L4-01 and L4-02 are used in conjunction with the multi-function outputs, (H2-01and H2-02) as a setpoint and hysteresis for a contact closure.
- 0.0 to 200.0
- 0.0Hz
- Programming
- L4-02
- Speed Agreement Detection Width
- Spd Agree Width
- 0.0 to 20.0
- 2.0Hz
- Programming
- L4-05
- Frequency Reference Loss
- Detection Selection
- Ref Loss Sel
- Determines how the Drive will react when the frequency reference is lost.
- 0: Stop (Disabled) - Drive will not run at the frequency reference
- 1: Enabled @ % of PrevRef - Drive will run at a percentage (L4-06) of the frequency reference level at the time frequency reference was lost.
- 0 or 1
- 1
- Programming
- L4-06
- Frequency Reference Level at Loss Frequency
- Fref at Floss
- If Frequency Reference loss function is enabled
- (L4-05=1) and Frequency Reference is lost, then the Drive will run at reduced frequency reference determined by L4-06. New Fref=Fref at time of loss x L4-06.
- 0 to 100.0%
- 80.0%
- Programming
- Fault Restart
- L5-01
- Number of Auto Restart Attempts
- Num of Restarts
- Determines the number of times the Drive will perform an automatic restart.
- 0 to 10
- 0
- Quick Setting
- L5-02
- Auto Restart Operation Selection
- Restart Sel
- Determines if the fault contact activates during an automatic restart attempt.
- 0: No Flt Relay - fault contact will not activate during an automatic restart.
- 1: Flt Relay Active - fault contact will activate during an automatic restart.
- 0 or 1
- 0
- Programming
- L5-03
- Maximum Restart Time After Fault
- Max Restart Time
- If the restart fails (or is not attempted due to a continuing fault condition, e.g. an OV fault) the Drive waits L5-03 seconds before attempting another restart.
- 0.5 to 600.0
- 180.0sec
- Quick Setting
- Torque Detection
- L6-01
- Torque Detection Selection 1
- Load Detection
- Determines the Drive's response to an overtorque / undertorque condition. Overtorque and Undertorque are determined by the settings in parameters L6-02 and L6-03.
- 0: Disabled
- 1: OL@SpdAgree - Alm (Overtorque Detection only active during Speed Agree and Operation continues after detection)
- 2: OL At RUN - Alm (Overtorque Detection is always active and operation continues after detection)
- 3: OL@SpdAgree - Flt (Overtorque Detection only active during Speed Agree and Drive output will shut down on an OL3 fault.)
- 4: OL At RUN - Flt (Overtorque Detection is always active and Drive output will shut down on an OL3 fault.)
- 5: LL@SpdAgree - Alm (Undertorque Detection is only active during Speed Agree and operation continues after detection.)
- 6: LL at RUN - Alm (Undertorque Detection is always active and operation continues after detection.)
- 7: LL @ SpdAgree - Flt (Undertorque Detection only active during Speed Agree and Drive output will shut down on an OL3 fault.)
- 8: LL At RUN - Flt (Undertorque Detection is always active and Drive output will shut down on an OL3 fault.)
- 0 to 8
- 0
- Programming
- L6-02
- Torque Detection Level 1
- Load Det Lvl
- 0 to 300
- 15%
- Programming
- L6-03
- Torque Detection Time 1
- Loss Det Time
- Sets the length of time an overtorque / undertorque condition must exist before being recognized by the Drive. OL3 is then displayed.
- 0.0 to 10.0
- 10.0sec
- Programming
- Hdwe Protection
- L8-01
- Internal Dynamic Braking Resistor Protection Selection
- DB Resistor Prot
- 0: Not Provided
- 1: Provided
- 0 or 1
- 0
- Programming
- L8-02
- Overheat Pre-Alarm Level
- OH Pre-Alarm Lvl
- When the cooling fin temperature exceeds the value set in this parameter, an overheat pre-alarm (OH) will occur.
- 50 to 130
- 95˚C
- Programming
- L8-03
- Overheat Pre-Alarm Operation Selection
- OH Pre-Alarm Sel
- Drive Operation upon OH Pre Alarm Detection.
- 0: Ramp to Stop (Decel Time C1-02).
- 1: Coast to Stop
- 2: Fast-Stop (Decel Time = C1-09).
- 3: Alarm Only
- *0 to 2 is recognized as fault detection, and 3 is
- recognized as alarm. (For the fault detection, the fault contact operates.)
- 4: OH Alarm & Reduce (Continue operation and reduce
- output frequency by L8-19)
- 0 to 4
- 4
- Programming
- L8-06
- Input Phase Loss Detection Level
- Ph Loss In Lvl
- Monitors the DC Bus current ripple and activates when one of the input phases is lost (PF).
- 0.0 to 25.0
- kVA Dep.
- Programming
- L8-09
- Output Ground Fault Detection Selection
- Ground Fault Sel
- Enables and disables Drive output ground fault detection.
- 0: Disabled
- 1: Enabled
- 0 or 1
- 1
- Programming
- L8-10
- Heatsink Cooling Fan Operation Selection
- Fan On/Off Sel
- Controls the Heatsink Cooling Fan Operation.
- 0: Fan On-Run Mode (Fan will operate only when Drive is running and for L8-11 seconds after RUN is removed).
- 1: Fan Always On (Cooling fan operates whenever Drive is powered up.)
- 0 or 1
- 0
- Programming
- L8-11
- Heatsink Cooling Fan Operation Delay Time
- Fan Delay Time
- When L8-10=0 this parameter sets a delay time for Cooling Fan de-energization after the run command is removed.
- 0 to 300
- 300sec
- Programming
- L8-12
- Ambient Temperature Setting
- Ambient Temp
- When the Drive is installed in an ambient temperature exceeding its rating, Drive overload (OL2) protection level is reduced.
- 45 to 60˚C
- 45˚C
- Programming
- L8-15
- OL2 Characteristic Selection at Low Speeds
- OL2 Sel @ L-Spd
- This parameter assists in protecting the output transistor junctions from overheating when output current is high and output frequency is low.
- 0: Disabled
- 1: Enabled (L8-18 is active)
- 0 or 1
- 1
- Programming
- L8-18
- Soft CLA Selection
- Soft CLA Sel
- Enables and disables current limit “A”
- 0: Disabled
- 1: Enabled.
- 0 or 1
- 1
- Programming
- L8-19
- OH Frequency Reference
- Reduction Level
- Fref During OH
- Sets the amount of frequency reference reduction when an Overheat Pre-alarm (OH) is detected.
- 0.0
- to
- 100.0
- 20.0%
- Programming
- L8-32
- OH1 Detection Selection for Fan Failure
- OH1 Detect Sel
- Selects the drive response upon failure of the internal cooling fan.
- 0: Disabled
- FAN alarm is displayed
- 1: Enabled
- OH1 fault occurs
- 0 or 1
- 1
- Programming
- Hunting Prev
- n1-01
- Hunting Prevention Selection
- Hunt Prev Select
- 0: Disabled (Hunting prevention function disabled.)
- 1: Enabled (Hunting prevention function enabled.)
- If the motor vibrates while lightly loaded, hunting
- prevention may reduce the vibration. There is a loss of responsiveness if hunting prevention is enabled.
- 0 or 1
- 1
- Programming
- n1-02
- Hunting Prevention Gain Setting
- Hunt Prev Gain
- Gain setting for the Hunting Prevention Function.
- If the motor vibrates while lightly loaded and n1-01=1, increase the gain by 0.1 until vibration ceases.
- If the motor stalls while n1-01=1 decrease the gain by 0.1 until the stalling ceases.
- 0.00 to 2.50
- 1.00
- Programming
- HighSlip
- n3-01
- High-Slip Braking Deceleration Frequency Width
- HSB Decel Width
- Sets how aggressively the Drive decreases the output frequency as it stops the motor. If overvoltage (OV) faults occur during HSB, this parameter may need to be increased.
- 1 to 20
- 5%
- Programming
- n3-02
- High-Slip Braking Current Limit
- HSB Current Ref
- Sets the maximum current to be drawn during a HSB stop. Higher n3-02 settings will shorten motor stopping times but cause increased motor current, and therefore increased motor heating.
- 100 to 200
- 150%
- Programming
- n3-03
- High-Slip Braking Dwell Time at Stop
- HSB DwelTim@ Stp
- Sets the amount of time the Drive will dwell at E1-09 (Minimum Frequency). If this time is set too low, the machine inertia can cause the motor to rotate slightly after the HSB stop is complete and the Drive output is shut off.
- 0.0 to 10.0
- 1.0sec
- Programming
- n3-04
- High-Slip Braking Overload Time
- HSB OL Time
- Sets the time required for a HSB Overload Fault to occur when the Drive output frequency does not change for some reason during a HSB stop. Normally this does not need to be adjusted.
- 30 to 1200
- 40sec
- Programming
- Monitor Select
- o1-01
- t
- User Monitor Selection
- User Monitor Sel
- Selects which monitor will be displayed upon power-up when o1-02 = 4.
- 6 to 53
- 6
- Programming
- o1-02
- User Monitor Selection After Power-Up
- Power-On Monitor
- Selects which monitor will be displayed upon
- power-up.
- 1: Frequency Ref
- 2: Output Freq
- 3: Output Current
- 4: User Monitor (set by o1-01)
- 1 to 4
- 1**
- Programming
- o1-03
- Digital Operator Display Selection
- Display Scaling
- Sets the units of the Frequency References (d1-01 through d1-17) and the Frequency Reference Monitor (U1-01).
- 0: Hz
- 1: % (100%. = E1-04)
- 2 to 39: RPM. (Enter the number of motor poles.)
- 40 to 39999: User display
- Desired set/display value is set at Max. output frequency.
- 4 digit number.
- The number of digits from the right the decimal point is displayed.
- Example: If “200.0 is displayed at Max. output frequency, set “12000”.
- When o1-03³40 (user units), the unit selected in o1-09 will be displayed for D1-01 to D1-17, U1-01, U1-02, and U1-20
- 0 to 39999
- 0
- Programming
- o1-05
- LCD Brightness Adjustment
- LCD Contrast
- Set Value
- Description
- 5
- LCD display becomes dark
- 3
- Standard setting
- 1
- LCD display becomes light
- 0 to 5
- 3
- Programming
- ** Factory setting changes to “2” when b5-01=1
- o1-06
- User Monitor Selection Mode Monitor Mode Sel
- Selects the "U1" monitors displayed on the 4th and 5th lines of the digital operator display.
- 0: 3 Mon Sequential (Displays the next 2 sequential U1 monitors.)
- 1: 3 Mon Selectable (Displays U1 monitors set by o1-07 and o1-08.)
- 0 or 1
- 0**
- Programming
- o1-07
- Second Line User Monitor
- Selection
- 2nd Monitor Sel
- Sets the "U1" monitor always displayed on the 4th line of the digital operator display. Effective only when o1- 06 = 1.
- 1 to 53
- 2**
- Programming
- o1-08
- Third Line User Monitor
- Selection
- 3rd Monitor Sel
- Sets the "U1" monitor always displayed on the 5th line of the digital operator display. Effective only when o1-06 = 1.
- 1 to 53
- 3**
- Programming
- o1-09
- t
- Frequency Reference Display Units
- Frq Display Unit
- Sets unit display for the frequency reference parameters and frequency related monitors when o1-03³40.
- 0: WC:InchOfWater
- 1: PSI:lb/SqrInch
- 2: GPM:Gallons/Min
- 3: F:DegFahrenheit
- 4: CFM:Cubic ft/Min
- 5: CMH:Cubic M/Hr
- 6: LPH:Liters/Hr
- 7: LPS:Liters/Sec
- 8: Bar:Bar
- 9: Pa:Pascals
- 10: C:DegCelsius
- 11: Mtr:Meters
- 0 to 11
- 0
- Programming
- Key Selections
- o2-01
- Local/Remote Key Function
- Selection
- Local/Remote Key
- Has no function when HOA operator (Part# JVOP-162) is connected.
- o2-02
- OFF Key Function During Auto Run
- Oper OFF Key
- Determines if the off key on the digital operator will stop the Drive when Drive is operating from external terminals or serial communications.
- 0: Disabled
- 1: Enabled
- 0 or 1
- 1
- Programming
- o2-03
- User Parameter Default Value
- User Defaults
- Allows storing of current parameter values as a User Initialization Selection at parameter A1-03.
- 0: No Change (No user parameter set active).
- 1: Set Defaults (Saves current parameter settings as user initialization. A1-03 now allows selecting <1110> for user initialization.
- 2: Clear All (Clears the currently saved user initialization. A1-03 no longer allows selecting <1110>.
- 0 to 2
- 0
- Programming
- o2-04
- Drive/kVA Selection
- Inverter Model #
- Sets the kVA of the Drive. Enter the number based on Drive Model #. Use the ®®®® portion of the
- CIMR-E7®®®® Model Number.
- Reference Appendix 2
- 0 to FF
- kVA Dependent
- Programming
- o2-05
- Frequency Reference Setting Method Selection
- Operator M.O.P.
- Determines if the Data/Enter key must be used to input a frequency reference from the digital operator.
- 0: Disabled - Data/Enter key must be pressed to enter a frequency reference.
- 1: Enabled - Data/Enter key is not required. The frequency reference is adjusted by the up and down arrow keys on the digital operator without having to press the data/enter key.
- 0 or 1
- 1
- Programming
- o2-06
- Operation Selection when Digital Operator is Disconnected
- Oper Detection
- Determines if the Drive will stop when the digital operator is removed.
- 0: Disabled - The Drive will not stop when the digital operator is removed.
- 1: Enabled - The Drive will fault (OPR) and coast to stop when the operator is removed.
- 0 or 1
- 1
- Programming
- o2-07
- Cumulative Operation Time
- Setting
- Elapsed Time Set
- Sets the initial value of the elapsed operation timer.
- 0 to 65535
- 0H
- Programming
- t Denotes that parameter can be changed when the drive is running.
- ** Factory settings change when b5-01=1 as follows: o1-06=1, o1-07=38, o1-08=24.
- o2-08
- Cumulative Operation Time
- Selection
- Elapsed Time Run
- Sets how time is accumulated for the elapsed timer
- (o2-07).
- 0: Power-On Time (Time accumulates whenever Drive is powered).
- 1: Running Time (Time accumulates only when Drive is running)
- 0 or 1
- 1
- Programming
- o2-09
- Initialization Specification
- Selection
- Init Mode Sel
- Determines parameter values after a drive initialization (A1-03) is executed. This should always be set to "1" American Spec.
- 1: American spec
- Parameter o2-09 should always be set to “1: American Spec.” (Do not set.) This parameter does not normally require adjustment. P...
- This parameter is not available in software versions > 4010.
- 1
- 1
- Programming
- o2-10
- Cumulative Cooling Fan
- Operation Time Setting
- Fan ON Time Set
- Sets the initial value of the heatsink fan operation time.
- 0 to 65535
- 0H
- Programming
- o2-12
- Fault Trace/Fault History Clear Function
- FLT Trace Init
- Clears the fault memory contained in the U2 and U3 monitors.
- 0: Disabled (no effect).
- 1: Enabled - resets U2 and U3 monitors, and returns o2-12 to zero.
- 0 or 1
- 0
- Programming
- o2-14
- kWh User Monitor (U1-29)
- Initialization
- kWh MonitorClear
- Used to reset the kilowatt Hour monitor to zero
- 0: Disabled (no change).
- 1: Clear all - Resets U1-29 to zero and returns o2-14 to zero.
- 0 or 1
- 0
- Programming
- o2-15
- Hand Key Function Selection
- Oper Hand Key
- Enables or disables the "Hand" key on the digital operator.
- 0: Disabled
- 1: Enabled
- 0 or 1
- 1
- Programming
- COPY Function
- o3-01
- Copy Function Selection
- Copy Function Sel
- This parameter controls the copying of parameters to and from the digital operator.
- 0: COPY SELECT (no function)
- 1: INV -> OP READ - All parameters are copied from the Drive to the digital operator.
- 2: OP -> INV WRITE - All parameters are copied from the digital operator into the Drive.
- 3: OP<-->INV VERIFY - Parameter settings in the Drive are compared to those in the digital operator.
- NOTE: When using the copy function, the Drive model number and software number (U1-14) must match or an error will occur.
- 0 to 3
- 0
- Programming
- o3-02
- Read Allowed Selection
- Read Allowable
- Enables and disables all digital operator copy functions.
- 0: Disabled - No digital operator copy functions are allowed.
- 1: Enabled - Copying allowed
- 0 to 1
- 0
- Programming
- Auto-Tuning
- T1-02
- Motor Rated Power
- Mtr Rated Power
- Sets the motor rated power in kW. NOTE: T1-02 should be left at the Drive default (the last 3 digits of the Drive model number).
- 0.00 to 650.00
- kVA
- Dependent
- Auto-Tuning
- T1-04
- Motor Rated Current
- Rated Current
- Sets the motor rated current. (Used only during an auto- tune).
- kVA
- Dependent
- kVA
- Dependent
- Auto-Tuning
- Parameter No.
- Parameter Name
- Digital Operator Display
- Description
- Monitor
- U1-01
- Frequency Reference
- Frequency Ref
- Frequency reference (speed command) monitor when in auto mode, frequency reference (speed command) setting location when in hand mode. Units changeable via o1-03.
- U1-02
- Output Frequency
- Output Freq
- Output frequency (speed) monitor. Units changeable via o1-03.
- U1-03
- Output Current
- Output Current
- Output current monitor
- U1-06
- Output Voltage
- Output Voltage
- Displays Drive output voltage
- U1-07
- DC Bus Voltage
- DC Bus Voltage
- Displays DC Bus Voltage
- U1-08
- Output Power
- Output kWatts
- Displays Drive output power
- U1-10
- Input Terminal Status
- Input Term Sts
- Displays Drive input terminal status
- 1: FWD. run
- (Terminal S1) is ON.
- 1: REV. run
- (Terminal S2) is ON.
- 1: Multi-function input 1
- (Terminal S3) is ON.
- 1: Multi-function input 2
- (Terminal S4) is ON.
- 1: Multi-function input 3
- (Terminal S5) is ON.
- 1: Multi-function input 4
- (Terminal S6) is ON.
- 1: Multi-function input 5
- (Terminal S7) is ON.
- U1-11
- Output Terminal Status
- Output Term Sts
- Output terminal ON/OFF Check
- 1: Multi-function Contact 1
- output 1 (Terminal M1-M2) is ON.
- 1: Multi-function Contact 2
- output 1 (Terminal P1) is ON.
- 1: Multi-function contact output 3 (Terminal P2) is ON.
- Not used
- 1: Fault output
- (Terminal Ma/AB-MC) is ON.
- U1-12
- Drive Operation Status
- Int Ctl Sts 1
- 1: During running
- 1: During zero speed
- 1: During reverse
- 1: During reset signal input
- 1: During speed agree
- 1: Drive operation ready
- 1: During fault detection
- (Minor fault)
- 1: During fault detection
- (Major fault)
- Monitor
- U1-13
- Cumulative Operation Time
- Elapsed Time
- Displays total operating or power-on time of the Drive.
- U1-14
- Software Number
- Displays Drive's software number.
- U1-15
- Terminal A1 Input Voltage
- Term A1 Level
- Displays the input voltage on Terminal A1, as a percentage of 10V DC.
- U1-16
- Terminal A2 Input Voltage
- Term A2 level
- Displays the input current (or voltage) on Terminal A2, as a percentage of 20mA (or 10 V DC).
- U1-18
- Motor Secondary Current (Iq)
- Mot SEC Current
- Displays the amount of current being used by the motor to produce torque (Iq).
- U1-20
- Output Frequency After Soft Start
- SFS Output
- Displays the frequency reference (speed command) after the accel and decel ramps.
- U1-24
- PI Feedback Value
- PI Feedback
- Displays the feedback signal when PI control is used.*
- U1-28
- CPU Number
- Displays control board hardware revision.
- U1-29
- kWh
- kWh Lo 4 Digits
- Displays the accumulated kWh.
- U1-30
- MWh
- kWh Hi 5 Digits
- Displays the accumulated MWh.
- U1-34
- First Parameter Causing an OPE
- OPE Detected
- Displays the parameter number causing an "OPE" fault.
- U1-36
- PI Input
- PI Input
- Displays the "error" in the PI regulator. (U1-36 = PI Setpoint - PI Feedback).
- U1-37
- PI Output
- PI Output
- Displays the output of the PI as a percentage of maximum frequency (E1-04).
- U1-38
- PI Setpoint
- PI Setpoint
- Displays the setpoint of the PI regulator (U1-38 = PI reference + PI bias).*
- U1-39
- Memobus Communication Error Code
- Transmit Err
- U1-40
- Heatsink Cooling Fan Operation Time
- FAN Elapsed Time
- Displays total operating time of the heatsink cooling fan.
- U1-51
- Auto Mode Frequency Reference Value
- AUTO Mode Fref
- Displays the frequency reference (speed command) when in auto mode.
- U1-52
- Hand Mode Frequency Reference Value
- HAND Mode Fref
- Displays the frequency reference (speed command) when in hand mode, or displays Terminal A2 when differential mode is selected.
- U1-53
- PI Feedback 2 Value
- PI Feedback 2
- Displays PI feedback 2 value.
- ** Units depend on b5-31 setting; scaling is set by b5-20
- Fault Trace
- U2-01
- Current Fault
- Current Fault
- U2-02
- Previous Fault
- Last Fault
- U2-03
- Frequency Reference at Most Recent Fault
- Frequency Ref
- U2-04
- Output Frequency at Most Recent Fault
- Output Freq
- U2-05
- Output Current at Most Recent Fault
- Output Current
- U2-07
- Output Voltage at Most Recent Fault
- Output Voltage
- U2-08
- DC Bus Voltage at Most Recent Fault
- DC Bus Voltage
- U2-09
- Output Power at Most Recent Fault
- Output kWatts
- U2-11
- Input Terminal Status at Most Recent Fault. The format is the same as for U1-10.
- Input Term Sts
- U2-12
- Output Terminal Status at Most Recent Fault. The format is the same as for U1-11.
- Output Term Sts
- U2-13
- Drive Operation Status at Most Recent Fault. The format is the same as for U1-12.
- Inverter Status
- U2-14
- Cumulative Operation Time at Most Recent Fault
- Elapsed time
- (Note) Fault trace is not executed at CPF00, CPF01, CPF03, UVI and UV2.
- Fault History
- U3-01
- Most Recent Fault
- Last Fault
- U3-02
- 2nd Most Recent Fault
- Fault Message 2
- U3-03
- 3rd Most Recent Fault
- Fault Message 3
- U3-04
- 4th Most Recent Fault
- Fault Message 4
- U3-05
- Cumulative Operation Time at Most Recent Fault
- Elapsed Time 1
- U3-06
- Cumulative Operation Time at 2nd Most Recent Fault
- Elapsed Time 2
- U3-07
- Cumulative Operation Time at 3rd Most Recent Fault
- Elapsed Time 3
- U3-08
- Cumulative Operation Time at 4th Most Recent Fault
- Elapsed Time 4
- U3-09
- 5th Most Recent Fault
- Fault Message 5
- U3-10
- 6th Most Recent Fault
- Fault Message 6
- U3-11
- 7th Most Recent Fault
- Fault Message 7
- U3-12
- 8th Most Recent Fault
- Fault Message 8
- U3-13
- 9th Most Recent Fault
- Fault Message 9
- U3-14
- 10th Most Recent Fault
- Fault Message 10
- U3-15
- Cumulative Operation Time at 5th Most Recent Fault
- Elapsed Time 5
- U3-16
- Cumulative Operation Time at 6th Most Recent Fault
- Elapsed Time 6
- U3-17
- Cumulative Operation Time at 7th Most Recent Fault
- Elapsed Time 7
- U3-18
- Cumulative Operation Time at 8th Most Recent Fault
- Elapsed Time 8
- U3-19
- Cumulative Operation Time at 9th Most Recent Fault
- Elapsed Time 9
- U3-20
- Cumulative Operation Time at 10th Most Recent Fault
- Elapsed Time 10
- (Note) Faults such as CPF00, CPF01, CPF02, CPF03, UV1, and UV02 are not stored in fault history.
- Decimal to Hex Conversion:
- Decimal
- Hex
- Decimal
- Hex
- 1
- 1
- 51
- 33
- 2
- 2
- 52
- 34
- 3
- 3
- 53
- 35
- 4
- 4
- 54
- 36
- 5
- 5
- 55
- 37
- 6
- 6
- 56
- 38
- 7
- 7
- 57
- 39
- 8
- 8
- 58
- 3A
- 9
- 9
- 59
- 3B
- 10
- A
- 60
- 3C
- 11
- B
- 61
- 3D
- 12
- C
- 62
- 3E
- 13
- D
- 63
- 3F
- 14
- E
- 64
- 40
- 15
- F
- 65
- 41
- 16
- 10
- 66
- 42
- 17
- 11
- 67
- 43
- 18
- 12
- 68
- 44
- 19
- 13
- 69
- 45
- 20
- 14
- 70
- 46
- 21
- 15
- 71
- 47
- 22
- 16
- 72
- 48
- 23
- 17
- 73
- 49
- 24
- 18
- 74
- 4A
- 25
- 19
- 75
- 4B
- 26
- 1A
- 76
- 4C
- 27
- 1B
- 77
- 4D
- 28
- 1C
- 78
- 4E
- 29
- 1D
- 79
- 4F
- 30
- 1E
- 80
- 50
- 31
- 1F
- 81
- 51
- 32
- 20
- 82
- 52
- 33
- 21
- 83
- 53
- 34
- 22
- 84
- 54
- 35
- 23
- 85
- 55
- 36
- 24
- 86
- 56
- 37
- 25
- 87
- 57
- 38
- 26
- 88
- 58
- 39
- 27
- 89
- 59
- 40
- 28
- 90
- 5A
- 41
- 29
- 91
- 5B
- 42
- 2A
- 92
- 5C
- 43
- 2B
- 93
- 5D
- 44
- 2C
- 94
- 5E
- 45
- 2D
- 95
- 5F
- 46
- 2E
- 96
- 60
- 47
- 2F
- 97
- 61
- 48
- 30
- 98
- 62
- 49
- 31
- 99
- 63
- 50
- 32
- 100
- 64
- Drive Capacity
- Standard Drive and Bypass Specifications
- Using Modbus Communication
- Modbus Communication Configuration
- Master
- Fig D. 1 Example of Connections between Master and Drive
- Communication Specifications
- Communication Connection Terminal
- Fig. D.2 Communication Connection Terminals and Terminating Resistance
- 1. Separate the communication cables from the main circuit cables and control circuit wiring.
- 2. Use shielded cables for the communication cable, and use proper shield clamps.
- 3. When using RS-485 communication, connect S+ to R+, and S- to R-, on the control circuit terminal board. See Fig. D-3 below.
- 4. Shield at one end only.
- Fig. D.3 RS-485 Communication Connection
- Fig. D.2 Communication Connection Terminals and Terminating Resistance
- Procedure for Setting Up Communication
- 1. Turn OFF the input to the Drive power and connect the communication cable between the PLC and the Drive.
- 2. Turn ON the input power to the Drive.
- 3. Set the required communication parameters (H5-01 to H5-09) using the Digital Operator.
- 4. Turn OFF the input to the Drive power, and check that the Digital Operator display has completely disappeared.
- 5. Turn ON the input power to the Drive once again.
- 6. Perform communication with the DDC.
- Related Parameters
- Message Format
- Fig. D.4 Message Format
- Fig. D.5 Message Spacing
- Slave Address
- Function Code
- Data
- Error Check
- 1. The factory setting for CRC-16 communication is typically zero, but when using the Modbus system, set the factory setting to one (e.g., set all 16 bits to 1).
- 2. Calculate CRC-16 using MSB as slave address LSB, and LSB as the MSB of the final data.
- 3. Calculate CRC-16 for response messages from the slaves and compare them to the CRC-16 in the response messages.
- Modbus Function Code Details
- Modbus Data Tables
- Modbus Self-Diagnosis
- 1. Turn ON the power supply to the Drive, and set parameter H1-05 (Terminal S7 Function Selection) to 67 (Com Test Mode).
- 2. Turn OFF the power supply to the Drive.
- 3. Perform wiring according to the following diagram while the power supply is turned OFF.
- 4. Turn ON the terminating resistance. (Turn ON pin 1 on DIP switch 1.)
- 5. Turn ON the power supply to the Drive again.
- 6. During normal self-diagnostic operation, the Digital Operator displays the frequency reference value. If an error occurs, a C...
- Metasys N2 Point Database
- APOGEE FLN Point Database
- APOGEE FLN Point List Summary
- 1. Points not listed are not used in this application.
- 2. A single value in a column means that the value is the same in English units and in SI units.
- 3. Point numbers that appear in brackets, e.g. {03}, can be unbundled at the field panel.
- Point Number
- Point Type
- Point Name
- Factory Default
- (SI Units)
- Engr. Units
- (SI Units)
- Slope
- (SI Units)
- Intercept
- (SI Units)
- On
- Text
- Off
- Text
- E7
- Parameter
- Point Number
- Point Type
- Point Name
- Factory Default
- (SI Units)
- Engr. Units
- (SI Units)
- Slope
- (SI Units)
- Intercept
- (SI Units)
- On
- Text
- Off
- Text
- Drive
- Parameter
- Point Number
- Point Type
- Point Name
- Factory Default
- (SI Units)
- Engr. Units
- (SI Units)
- Slope
- (SI Units)
- Intercept
- (SI Units)
- On
- Text
- Off
- Text
- Drive
- Parameter
- APOGEE FLN Logical Analog Input (LAI) Summary
- APOGEE FLN Logical Analog Output (LAO) Summary
- APOGEE FLN Logical Digital Input (LDI) Summary
- Mailbox Function Points
- APOGEE FLN Point List Summary
- All E7 Drive models have UL and CSA evaluated motor overload protection built in. Motor overload protection is also provided in ...
- General Peripheral Devices
- Bypass Replacement Parts
- Drive
- E7
- Motor Circuit Protector
- Input Contactor
- Output Contactor
- Bypass Contactor
- Overload Relay
- Control Transformer
- CPT Primary Fuses
- SQ. D
- NO.
- NO.
- P/N
- 5P32-
- SQ. D
- P/N (K1)
- LC1-
- P/N
- 5P32-
- SQ. D
- P/N (K2)
- LC1-
- P/N
- 5P32-
- SQ. D
- P/N (K3)
- LC1-
- SQ. D
- PART (S10)
- NO.
- P/N
- 5P37-
- SQ. D
- P/N
- TF-
- NO.
- NOM.
- HP
- 208
- E7U22P2VA
- 0.5
- D002
- FAL3600712M
- 50188255
- 92
- D0901F7
- 92
- D0901F7
- 92
- D0901F7
- LR2-D1307
- 148
- 300D3
- 50210414
- 5P17-0359
- FNQ-R-4
- E7U22P2VA
- 0.75
- D003
- FAL3600712M
- 50188255
- 92
- D0901F7
- 92
- D0901F7
- 92
- D0901F7
- LR2-D1508
- 174
- 300D3
- 50210414
- 5P17-0359
- FNQ-R-4
- E7U22P2VA
- 1
- D004
- FAL3600712M
- 50188255
- 92
- D0901F7
- 92
- D0901F7
- 92
- D0901F7
- LR2-D1510
- 175
- 300D3
- 50210414
- 5P17-0359
- FNQ-R-4
- E7U22P2VA
- 1.5
- N/A
- FAL3601513M
- 50188256
- 95
- D1801F7
- 95
- D1801F7
- 95
- D1801F7
- LR2-D1512
- 176
- 300D3
- 50210414
- 5P17-0359
- FNQ-R-4
- E7U22P2VA
- 2
- D007
- FAL3601513M
- 50188256
- 95
- D1801F7
- 95
- D1801F7
- 95
- D1801F7
- LR2-D1512
- 176
- 300D3
- 50210414
- 5P17-0359
- FNQ-R-4
- E7U22P2VA
- 3
- D010
- FAL3601513M
- 50188256
- 95
- D1801F7
- 95
- D1801F7
- 95
- D1801F7
- LR2-D1516
- 178
- 300D3
- 50210414
- 5P17-0359
- FNQ-R-4
- E7U23P7VA
- 5
- D016
- FAL3603015M
- 50188250
- 95
- D1801F7
- 95
- D1801F7
- 95
- D1801F7
- LR2-D1521
- 179
- 300D3
- 50210414
- 5P17-0359
- FNQ-R-4
- E7U27P5VA
- 7.5
- D024
- FAL3605016M
- 50188251
- 96
- D2501F7
- 96
- D2501F7
- 96
- D2501F7
- LR2-D1522
- 180
- 300D3
- 50210414
- 5P17-0359
- FNQ-R-4
- E7U27P5VA
- 10
- D030
- FAL3605016M
- 50188251
- 97
- D3201F7
- 97
- D3201F7
- 97
- D3201F7
- LR2-D2553
- 181
- 300D3
- 50210414
- 5P17-0359
- FNQ-R-4
- E7U2011VA
- 15
- D046
- FAL3610018M
- 50188252
- 83
- D5011F7
- 83
- D5011F7
- 83
- D5011F7
- LR2-D3557
- 185
- 300D3
- 50210414
- 5P17-0359
- FNQ-R-4
- E7U2015VA
- 20
- D059
- FAL3610018M
- 50188252
- 84
- D6511F7
- 84
- D6511F7
- 84
- D6511F7
- LR2-D3559
- 186
- 300D3
- 50210414
- 5P17-0359
- FNQ-R-4
- E7U2018VA
- 25
- D074
- KAL3615026M
- 50188260
- 85
- D8011F7
- 85
- D8011F7
- 85
- D8011F7
- LR2-D3563
- 188
- 300D3
- 50210414
- 5P17-0359
- FNQ-R-4
- E7U20221A
- 30
- D088
- KAL3615026M
- 50188260
- 138
- D11500F7
- 138
- D11500F7
- 138
- D11500F7
- LR9-F5567
- 244
- 300D3
- 50210414
- 5P17-0359
- FNQ-R-4
- E7U20301A
- 40
- D114
- KAL3625032M
- 50188267
- 139
- D15000F7
- 139
- D15000F7
- 139
- D15000F7
- LR9-F5569
- 245
- 300D3
- 50210414
- 5P17-0359
- FNQ-R-4
- E7U20301A
- 40
- D114
- KAL3625032M
- 50188267
- 139
- D15000F7
- 139
- D15000F7
- 139
- D15000F7
- LR9-F5569
- 245
- 500D3
- 50210416
- 5P17-0360
- FNQ-R-5
- E7U20370A
- 50
- D143
- KAL3625032M
- 50188267
- 139
- D15000F7
- 139
- D15000F7
- 110
- F185G6
- LR9-F5569
- 245
- 500D3
- 50210416
- 5P17-0360
- FNQ-R-5
- E7U20450A
- 60
- D169
- KAL3625032M
- 50188267
- 139
- D15000F7
- 139
- D15000F7
- 111
- F265F7
- LR9-F5571
- 246
- 500D3
- 50210416
- 5P17-0360
- FNQ-R-5
- E7U20550A
- 75
- D211
- LAL3640036M
- 50188275
- 111
- F265F7
- 111
- F265F7
- 112
- F330F7
- LR9-F7575
- 247
- 500D3
- 50210416
- 5P17-0360
- FNQ-R-5
- E7U20750A
- 100
- D273
- LAL3640036M
- 50188275
- 112
- F330F7
- 111
- F265F7
- 113
- F400F7
- LR9-F7575
- 247
- 500D3
- 50210416
- 5P17-0360
- FNQ-R-5
- E7U20900A
- 125
- D343
- MAL3660036M
- UCB000061
- 113
- F400F7
- 112
- F330F7
- 114
- F500F7
- LR9-F7579
- 248
- 750D3
- 50210417
- 5P17-0361
- FNQ-R-7 1/2
- E7U21100A
- 150
- D396
- MAL3660036M
- UCB000061
- 114
- F500F7
- 113
- F400F7
- 114
- F500F7
- LR9-F7579
- 248
- 750D3
- 50210417
- 5P17-0361
- FNQ-R-7 1/2
- 240
- E7U22P2VA
- 0.5
- A002
- FAL3600311M
- 50188254
- 92
- D0901F7
- 92
- D0901F7
- 92
- D0901F7
- LR2-D1307
- 148
- 300D1
- 5P58-1010
- 5P617-0391
- FNQ-R-3 1/2
- E7U22P2VA
- 0.75
- A003
- FAL3600712M
- 50188255
- 92
- D0901F7
- 92
- D0901F7
- 92
- D0901F7
- LR2-D1508
- 174
- 300D1
- 5P58-1010
- 5P617-0391
- FNQ-R-3 1/2
- E7U22P2VA
- 1
- A004
- FAL3600712M
- 50188255
- 92
- D0901F7
- 92
- D0901F7
- 92
- D0901F7
- LR2-D1508
- 174
- 300D1
- 5P58-1010
- 5P617-0391
- FNQ-R-3 1/2
- E7U22P2VA
- 1.5
- N/A
- FAL3601513M
- 50188256
- 95
- D1801F7
- 95
- D1801F7
- 95
- D1801F7
- LR2-D1512
- 176
- 300D1
- 5P58-1010
- 5P617-0391
- FNQ-R-3 1/2
- E7U22P2VA
- 2
- A006
- FAL3601513M
- 50188256
- 95
- D1801F7
- 95
- D1801F7
- 95
- D1801F7
- LR2-D1512
- 176
- 300D1
- 5P58-1010
- 5P617-0391
- FNQ-R-3 1/2
- E7U22P2VA
- 3
- A009
- FAL3601513M
- 50188256
- 95
- D1801F7
- 95
- D1801F7
- 95
- D1801F7
- LR2-D1514
- 177
- 300D1
- 5P58-1010
- 5P617-0391
- FNQ-R-3 1/2
- E7U23P7VA
- 5
- A015
- FAL3603015M
- 50188250
- 95
- D1801F7
- 95
- D1801F7
- 95
- D1801F7
- LR2-D1521
- 179
- 300D1
- 5P58-1010
- 5P617-0391
- FNQ-R-3 1/2
- E7U25P5VA
- 7.5
- A022
- FAL3605016M
- 50188251
- 96
- D2501F7
- 96
- D2501F7
- 96
- D2501F7
- LR2-D1522
- 180
- 300D1
- 5P58-1010
- 5P617-0391
- FNQ-R-3 1/2
- E7U27P5VA
- 10
- A028
- FAL3605016M
- 50188251
- 97
- D3201F7
- 97
- D3201F7
- 97
- D3201F7
- LR2-D2553
- 181
- 300D1
- 5P58-1010
- 5P617-0391
- FNQ-R-3 1/2
- E7U2011VA
- 15
- A042
- FAL3610018M
- 50188252
- 83
- D5011F7
- 83
- D5011F7
- 83
- D5011F7
- LR2-D3557
- 185
- 300D1
- 5P58-1010
- 5P617-0391
- FNQ-R-3 1/2
- E7U2015VA
- 20
- A054
- FAL3610018M
- 50188252
- 84
- D6511F7
- 84
- D6511F7
- 84
- D6511F7
- LR2-D3559
- 186
- 300D1
- 5P58-1010
- 5P617-0391
- FNQ-R-3 1/2
- E7U2018VA
- 25
- A068
- FAL3610018M
- 50188252
- 85
- D8011F7
- 85
- D8011F7
- 85
- D8011F7
- LR2-D3561
- 187
- 300D1
- 5P58-1010
- 5P617-0391
- FNQ-R-3 1/2
- E7U20221A
- 30
- A080
- KAL3615026M
- 50188260
- 85
- D8011F7
- 85
- D8011F7
- 85
- D8011F7
- LR2-D3563
- 188
- 300D1
- 5P58-1010
- 5P617-0391
- FNQ-R-3 1/2
- E7U20301A
- 40
- A104
- KAL3615026M
- 50188260
- 138
- D11500F7
- 138
- D11500F7
- 138
- D11500F7
- LR9-F5569
- 245
- 300D1
- 5P58-1010
- 5P617-0391
- FNQ-R-3 1/2
- 230
- E7U20370A
- 50
- A130
- KAL3625032M
- 50188267
- 139
- D15000F7
- 139
- D15000F7
- 139
- D15000F7
- LR9-F5569
- 245
- 500D1
- 50210407
- 5P17-0360
- FNQ-R-5
- E7U20370A
- 60
- A154
- KAL3625032M
- 50188267
- 139
- D15000F7
- 139
- D15000F7
- 110
- F185G6
- LR9-F5571
- 246
- 500D1
- 50210407
- 5P17-0360
- FNQ-R-5
- E7U20450A
- 75
- A192
- KAL3625032M
- 50188267
- 111
- F265F7
- 111
- F265F7
- 111
- F265F7
- LR9-F5571
- 246
- 500D1
- 50210407
- 5P17-0360
- FNQ-R-5
- E7U20750A
- 100
- A248
- LAL3640036M
- 50188275
- 111
- F265F7
- 111
- F265F7
- 112
- F330F7
- LR9-F7575
- 247
- 500D1
- 50210407
- 5P17-0360
- FNQ-R-5
- E7U20750A
- 125
- A312
- MAL3660036M
- UCB000061
- 112
- F330F7
- 112
- F330F7
- 113
- F400F7
- LR9-F7579
- 248
- 500D1
- 50210407
- 5P17-0360
- FNQ-R-5
- E7U20900A
- 150
- A360
- MAL3660036M
- UCB000061
- 113
- F400F7
- 112
- F330F7
- 114
- F500F7
- LR9-F7579
- 248
- 750D1
- 50210405
- 5P17-0361
- FNQ-R-7 1/2
- 480
- E7U42P2VA
- 0.5
- B001
- FAL3600311M
- 50188254
- 92
- D0901F7
- 92
- D0901F7
- 92
- D0901F7
- LR2-D1306
- 146
- 300D1
- 5P58-1010
- 5P17-0356
- FNQ-R-1 1/2
- E7U42P2VA
- 0.75
- B001
- FAL3600311M
- 50188254
- 92
- D0901F7
- 92
- D0901F7
- 92
- D0901F7
- LR2-D13X6
- 146
- 300D1
- 5P58-1010
- 5P17-0356
- FNQ-R-1 1/2
- E7U42P2VA
- 1
- B002
- FAL3600712M
- 50188255
- 92
- D0901F7
- 92
- D0901F7
- 92
- D0901F7
- LR2-D1307
- 148
- 300D1
- 5P58-1010
- 5P17-0356
- FNQ-R-1 1/2
- E7U42P2VA
- 1.5
- N/A
- FAL3600712M
- 50188255
- 92
- D0901F7
- 92
- D0901F7
- 92
- D0901F7
- LR2-D1508
- 174
- 300D1
- 5P58-1010
- 5P17-0356
- FNQ-R-1 1/2
- E7U42P2VA
- 2
- B003
- FAL3600712M
- 50188255
- 92
- D0901F7
- 92
- D0901F7
- 92
- D0901F7
- LR2-D1508
- 174
- 300D1
- 5P58-1010
- 5P17-0356
- FNQ-R-1 1/2
- E7U42P2VA
- 3
- B004
- FAL3600712M
- 50188255
- 92
- D0901F7
- 92
- D0901F7
- 92
- D0901F7
- LR2-D1510
- 175
- 300D1
- 5P58-1010
- 5P17-0356
- FNQ-R-1 1/2
- E7U43P7VA
- 5
- B007
- FAL3601513M
- 50188256
- 95
- D1801F7
- 95
- D1801F7
- 95
- D1801F7
- LR2-D1512
- 176
- 300D1
- 5P58-1010
- 5P17-0356
- FNQ-R-1 1/2
- E7U45P5VA
- 7.5
- B011
- FAL3601513M
- 50188256
- 95
- D1801F7
- 95
- D1801F7
- 95
- D1801F7
- LR2-D1516
- 178
- 300D1
- 5P58-1010
- 5P17-0356
- FNQ-R-1 1/2
- E7U47P5VA
- 10
- B014
- FAL3603015M
- 50188250
- 95
- D1801F7
- 95
- D1801F7
- 95
- D1801F7
- LR2-D1521
- 179
- 300D1
- 5P58-1010
- 5P17-0356
- FNQ-R-1 1/2
- E7U4011VA
- 15
- B021
- FAL3605016M
- 50188251
- 96
- D2501F7
- 96
- D2501F7
- 96
- D2501F7
- LR2-D1522
- 180
- 300D1
- 5P58-1010
- 5P17-0356
- FNQ-R-1 1/2
- E7U4011VA
- 20
- B027
- FAL3605016M
- 50188251
- 97
- D3201F7
- 97
- D3201F7
- 97
- D3201F7
- LR2-D2553
- 181
- 300D1
- 5P58-1010
- 5P17-0356
- FNQ-R-1 1/2
- N/A
- N/A
- UFU000025
- FWH-5A14F
- UFU000062
- 70308
- 1
- URX000041
- 4RB002
- 5P620-0109
- 4RB003
- 5P620-0017
- RL-00401
- URX000080
- UFI000035
- RF3-0010-4
- N/A
- N/A
- 5P17-0422
- FWH-10A14F
- UFU000062
- 70308
- 1
- 5P620-0111
- 9RB003
- URX000041
- 4RB002
- 5P620-0017
- RL-00401
- 5P620-0132
- UFI000035
- RF3-0010-4
- N/A
- N/A
- 5P17-0422
- FWH-10A14F
- UFU000062
- 70308
- 1
- URX000046
- 12RB004
- 5P620-0111
- 9RB003
- 5P620-0024
- RL-00801
- 5P620-0017
- UFI000035
- RF3-0010-4
- N/A
- N/A
- UFU000028
- FWH-15A14F
- UFU000062
- 70308
- 1
- 5P652-0213
- 12RB003
- URX000046
- 12RB004
- 5P620-0024
- RL-00801
- 5P620-0133
- UFI000035
- RF3-0010-4
- N/A
- N/A
- UFU000028
- FWH-15A14F
- UFU000062
- 70308
- 1
- URX000048
- 18RB003
- 5P652-0213
- 12RB003
- 5P620-0024
- RL-00801
- 5P620-0133
- UFI000035
- RF3-0010-4
- N/A
- N/A
- UFU000029
- FWH-25A14F
- UFU000062
- 70308
- 1
- URX000052
- 25RB003
- 5P652-0213
- 12RB003
- 5P620-0136
- RL-01801
- 5P620-0134
- UFI000036
- RF3-0018-4
- N/A
- N/A
- UFU000032
- FWH-40B
- 5P19-0104
- 1BS101
- 3
- URX000053
- 25RB004
- URX000052
- 25RB003
- URX000083
- RL-02501
- 5P620-0136
- UFI000036
- RF3-0018-4
- N/A
- N/A
- 5P617-0385
- FWH-50B
- 5P19-0104
- 1BS101
- 3
- 5P620-0120
- 32RB001
- URX000055
- 32RB002
- URX000083
- RL-02501
- 5P620-0139
- UFI000037
- RF3-0025-4
- N/A
- N/A
- 5P17-0363
- FWH-70B
- 5P19-0104
- 1BS101
- 3
- URX000059
- 50RB001
- URX000061
- 50RB003
- 5P620-0044
- RL-03501
- 5P620-0049
- UFI000039
- RF3-0050-4
- N/A
- N/A
- 5P17-0260
- FWH-100B
- 5P19-0104
- 1BS101
- 3
- URX000059
- 50RB001
- URX000059
- 50RB001
- 5P620-0141
- RL-05501
- 5P620-0142
- UFI000039
- RF3-0050-4
- N/A
- N/A
- 5P17-0261
- FWH-125B
- 5P19-0105
- 1BS102
- 3
- URX000068
- 80RB002
- URX000073
- 92RB002
- 5P620-0143
- RL-08001
- 5P620-0144
- UFI000041
- RF3-0090-4
- N/A
- N/A
- UFU000035
- FWH-175B
- 5P19-0105
- 1BS102
- 3
- URX000085
- RL-10001
- 5P620-0143
- UFI000041
- RF3-0090-4
- N/A
- N/A
- 5P17-0245
- FWH-200B
- 5P19-0105
- 1BS102
- 3
- URX000085
- RL-10001
- 5P620-0013
- UFI000042
- RF3-0130-4
- N/A
- N/A
- UFU000052
- FWX-225A
- 5P19-0106
- 1BS103
- 3
- 5P620-0064
- RL-13001
- 5P620-0013
- UFI000042
- RF3-0130-4
- 5P617-0392
- FNQ-R-7
- UFU000052
- FWX-225A
- 5P19-0106
- 1BS103
- 3
- 5P620-0064
- RL-13001
- 5P620-0013
- UFI000042
- RF3-0130-4
- 5P617-0392
- FNQ-R-7
- UFU000055
- FWX-300A
- 5P19-0106
- 1BS103
- 3
- 5P620-0069
- RL-16001
- 5P620-0070
- UFI000043
- RF3-0150-4
- 5P617-0392
- FNQ-R-7
- UFU000055
- FWX-300A
- 5P19-0106
- 1BS103
- 3
- 5P620-0075
- RL-20001
- 5P620-0146
- UFI000044
- RF3-0330-4
- 5P617-0392
- FNQ-R-7
- UFU000057
- FWX-400A
- 5P19-0106
- 1BS103
- 3
- 5P620-0080
- RL-25001
- 5P620-0147
- UFI000044
- RF3-0330-4
- 5P617-0392
- FNQ-R-7
- UFU000044
- FWH-500A
- UFU000063
- 1BS104
- 3
- 5P620-0085
- RL-32001
- 5P620-0148
- UFI000044
- RF3-0330-4
- 5P617-0392
- FNQ-R-7
- UFU000061
- FWX-700A
- UFU000065
- BH3145
- 3
- URX000087
- RL-40001
- 5P620-0090
- UFI000032
- FS5972-600-99
- 5P617-0392
- FNQ-R-7
- UFU000061
- FWX-700A
- UFU000065
- BH3145
- 3
- URX000088
- RL-50001
- 5P620-0094
- UFI000032
- FS5972-600-99
- N/A
- N/A
- UFU000025
- FWH-5A14F
- UFU000062
- 70308
- 1
- URX000041
- 4RB002
- 5P620-0109
- 4RB003
- URX000080
- RL-00204
- 5P620-0131
- UFI000035
- RF3-0010-4
- N/A
- N/A
- 5P17-0422
- FWH-10A14F
- UFU000062
- 70308
- 1
- 5P620-0111
- 9RB003
- URX000041
- 4RB002
- 5P620-0017
- RL-00401
- 5P620-0132
- UFI000035
- RF3-0010-4
- N/A
- N/A
- 5P17-0422
- FWH-10A14F
- UFU000062
- 70308
- 1
- 5P620-0111
- 9RB003
- URX000044
- 9RB004
- 5P620-0017
- RL-00401
- 5P620-0132
- UFI000035
- RF3-0010-4
- N/A
- N/A
- UFU000028
- FWH-15A14F
- UFU000062
- 70308
- 1
- 5P652-0213
- 12RB003
- 5P620-0111
- 9RB003
- 5P620-0024
- RL-00801
- 5P620-0133
- UFI000035
- RF3-0010-4
- N/A
- N/A
- UFU000028
- FWH-15A14F
- UFU000062
- 70308
- 1
- 5P652-0213
- 12RB003
- URX000046
- 12RB004
- 5P620-0024
- RL-00801
- 5P620-0133
- UFI000035
- RF3-0010-4
- N/A
- N/A
- 5P17-0338
- FWH-20A14F
- UFU000062
- 70308
- 1
- URX000048
- 18RB003
- 5P652-0213
- 12RB003
- 5P620-0134
- RL-01201
- 5P620-0135
- UFI000035
- RF3-0010-4
- N/A
- N/A
- UFU000031
- FWH-35B
- 5P19-0104
- 1BS101
- 3
- URX000052
- 25RB003
- URX000048
- 18RB003
- 5P620-0136
- RL-01801
- 5P620-0137
- UFI000036
- RF3-0018-4
- N/A
- N/A
- UFU000032
- FWH-40B
- 5P19-0104
- 1BS101
- 3
- URX000053
- 25RB004
- URX000052
- 25RB003
- URX000083
- RL-02501
- 5P620-0138
- UFI000037
- RF3-0025-4
- N/A
- N/A
- 5P17-0288
- FWH-60B
- 5P19-0104
- 1BS101
- 3
- 5P620-0120
- 32RB001
- URX000055
- 32RB002
- 5P620-0044
- RL-03501
- 5P620-0139
- UFI000039
- RF3-0050-4
- N/A
- N/A
- UFU000034
- FWH-90B
- 5P19-0104
- 1BS101
- 3
- URX000059
- 50RB001
- URX000060
- 50RB002
- 5P620-0140
- RL-04501
- 5P620-0142
- UFI000039
- RF3-0050-4
- N/A
- N/A
- 5P17-0261
- FWH-125B
- 5P19-0105
- 1BS102
- 3
- URX000068
- 80RB002
- URX000070
- 80RB004
- 5P620-0141
- RL-05501
- 5P620-0142
- UFI000041
- RF3-0090-4
- N/A
- N/A
- 5P17-0279
- FWH-150B
- 5P19-0105
- 1BS102
- 3
- URX000068
- 80RB002
- URX000073
- 92RB002
- 5P620-0143
- RL-08001
- 5P620-0144
- UFI000041
- RF3-0090-4
- N/A
- N/A
- UFU000035
- FWH-175B
- 5P19-0105
- 1BS102
- 3
- URX000085
- RL-10001
- 5P620-0143
- UFI000041
- RF3-0090-4
- N/A
- N/A
- 5P17-0245
- FWH-200B
- 5P19-0105
- 1BS102
- 3
- 5P620-0064
- RL-13001
- 5P620-0013
- UFI000042
- RF3-0130-4
- 5P617-0392
- FNQ-R-7
- UFU000036
- FWH-250A
- 5P19-0106
- 1BS103
- 3
- 5P620-0064
- RL-13001
- 5P620-0013
- UFI000043
- RF3-0150-4
- 5P617-0392
- FNQ-R-7
- UFU000055
- FWX-300A
- 5P19-0106
- 1BS103
- 3
- 5P620-0069
- RL-16001
- 5P620-0070
- UFI000044
- RF3-0330-4
- 5P617-0392
- FNQ-R-7
- UFU000057
- FWX-400A
- 5P19-0106
- 1BS103
- 3
- 5P620-0075
- RL-20001
- 5P620-0146
- UFI000044
- RF3-0330-4
- 5P617-0392
- FNQ-R-7
- UFU000044
- FWH-500A
- UFU000063
- 1BS104
- 3
- 5P620-0080
- RL-25001
- 5P620-0147
- UFI000044
- RF3-0330-4
- 5P617-0392
- FNQ-R-7
- 5P17-0265
- FWH-600A
- UFU000063
- 1BS104
- 3
- 5P620-0085
- RL-32001
- 5P620-0148
- UFI000032
- FS5972-600-99
- 5P617-0392
- FNQ-R-7
- UFU000061
- FWX-700A
- UFU000065
- BH3145
- 3
- URX000087
- RL-40001
- 5P620-0090
- UFI000032
- FS5972-600-99
- N/A
- N/A
- UFU000023
- FWH-3A14F
- UFU000062
- 70308
- 1
- URX000039
- 2RB004
- URX000039
- 2RB004
- URX000078
- RL-00104
- URX000077
- UFI000035
- RF3-0010-4
- N/A
- N/A
- UFU000024
- FWH-4A14F
- UFU000062
- 70308
- 1
- URX000039
- 2RB004
- URX000039
- 2RB004
- 5P620-0131
- RL-00201
- 5P620-0014
- UFI000035
- RF3-0010-4
- N/A
- N/A
- UFU000025
- FWH-5A14F
- UFU000062
- 70308
- 1
- URX000042
- 4RB004
- URX000039
- 2RB004
- 5P620-0131
- RL-00201
- 5P620-0014
- UFI000035
- RF3-0010-4
- N/A
- N/A
- UFU000026
- FWH-6A14F
- UFU000062
- 70308
- 1
- 5P620-0109
- 4RB003
- URX000042
- 4RB004
- 5P620-0132
- RL-00402
- URX000081
- UFI000035
- RF3-0010-4
- N/A
- N/A
- 5P17-0422
- FWH-10A14F
- UFU000062
- 70308
- 1
- 5P620-0109
- 4RB003
- URX000042
- 4RB004
- 5P620-0132
- RL-00402
- URX000081
- UFI000035
- RF3-0010-4
- N/A
- N/A
- UFU000027
- FWH-12A14F
- UFU000062
- 70308
- 1
- URX000044
- 9RB004
- URX000044
- 9RB004
- 5P620-0025
- RL-00803
- 5P620-0018
- UFI000035
- RF3-0010-4
- N/A
- N/A
- 5P17-0338
- FWH-20A14F
- UFU000062
- 70308
- 1
- URX000046
- 12RB004
- URX000044
- 9RB004
- 5P620-0133
- RL-00802
- 5P620-0025
- UFI000035
- RF3-0010-4
- N/A
- N/A
- UFU000029
- FWH-25A14F
- UFU000062
- 70308
- 1
- 5P652-0213
- 12RB003
- URX000046
- 12RB004
- 5P620-0135
- RL-01202
- 5P620-0031
- UFI000036
- RF3-0018-4
- N/A
- N/A
- UFU000030
- FWH-30A14F
- UFU000062
- 70308
- 1
- 5P652-0216
- 18RB004
- URX000049
- 18RB005
- 5P620-0137
- RL-01802
- 5P620-0035
- UFI000036
- RF3-0018-4
- N/A
- N/A
- 5P617-0385
- FWH-50B
- 5P19-0104
- 1BS101
- 3
- URX000056
- 32RB003
- URX000054
- 25RB005
- 5P620-0138
- RL-02502
- 5P620-0040
- UFI000037
- RF3-0025-4
- N/A
- N/A
- 5P17-0363
- FWH-70B
- 5P19-0104
- 1BS101
- 3
- URX000055
- 32RB002
- URX000056
- 32RB003
- 5P620-0139
- RL-03502
- 5P620-0045
- UFI000039
- RF3-0050-4
- N/A
- N/A
- 5P617-0347
- FWH-80B
- 5P19-0104
- 1BS101
- 3
- URX000061
- 50RB003
- URX000061
- 50RB003
- 5P620-0139
- RL-03502
- 5P620-0045
- UFI000039
- RF3-0050-4
- N/A
- N/A
- 5P17-0260
- FWH-100B
- 5P19-0104
- 1BS101
- 3
- URX000061
- 50RB003
- URX000061
- 50RB003
- 5P620-0049
- RL-04502
- 5P620-0012
- UFI000039
- RF3-0050-4
- N/A
- N/A
- 5P17-0260
- FWH-100B
- 5P19-0104
- 1BS101
- 3
- 5P620-0142
- RL-05502
- URX000084
- UFI000041
- RF3-0090-4
- N/A
- N/A
- 5P17-0261
- FWH-125B
- 5P19-0105
- 1BS102
- 3
- 5P620-0144
- RL-08002
- 5P620-0057
- UFI000041
- RF3-0090-4
- N/A
- N/A
- 5P17-0279
- FWH-150B
- 5P19-0105
- 1BS102
- 3
- 5P620-0145
- RL-10002
- 5P620-0061
- UFI000041
- RF3-0090-4
- N/A
- N/A
- 5P17-0245
- FWH-200B
- 5P19-0105
- 1BS102
- 3
- 5P620-0145
- RL-10002
- 5P620-0061
- UFI000042
- RF3-0130-4
- N/A
- N/A
- 5P617-0348
- FWH-225A
- 5P19-0106
- 1BS103
- 3
- 5P620-0013
- RL-13002
- 5P620-0065
- UFI000043
- RF3-0150-4
- 5P617-0392
- FNQ-R-7
- 5P617-0348
- FWH-225A
- 5P19-0106
- 1BS103
- 3
- 5P620-0013
- RL-13002
- 5P620-0065
- UFI000043
- RF3-0150-4
- 5P617-0392
- FNQ-R-7
- UFU000040
- FWH-350A
- 5P19-0106
- 1BS103
- 3
- 5P620-0070
- RL-16002
- URX000086
- UFI000044
- RF3-0330-4
- 5P617-0392
- FNQ-R-7
- UFU000040
- FWH-350A
- 5P19-0106
- 1BS103
- 3
- 5P620-0146
- RL-20002
- 5P620-0076
- UFI000044
- RF3-0330-4
- 5P617-0392
- FNQ-R-7
- UFU000042
- 170M5608
- UFU000064
- 170H3004
- 3
- 5P620-0147
- RL-25002
- 5P620-0081
- UFI000044
- RF3-0330-4
- 5P617-0392
- FNQ-R-7
- UFU000045
- 170M6608
- UFU000064
- 170H3004
- 3
- 5P620-0148
- RL-32002
- 5P620-0086
- UFI000044
- RF3-0330-4
- 5P617-0392
- FNQ-R-7
- 5P17-0265
- FWH-600A
- UFU000063
- 1BS104
- 3
- 5P620-0090
- RL-40002
- 5P620-0091
- UFI000032
- FS5972-600-99
- 5P617-0392
- FNQ-R-7
- UFU000046
- FWH-700A
- UFU000065
- BH3145
- 3
- 5P620-0094
- RL-50002
- URX000089
- UFI000032
- FS5972-600-99
- 5P617-0392
- FNQ-R-7
- UFU000046
- FWH-700A
- UFU000065
- BH3145
- 3
- 5P620-0094
- RL-50002
- URX000089
- UFI000032
- FS5972-600-99
- 5P17-0395
- FNQ-R-10
- UFU000048
- FWH-1000A
- 5P620-0098
- RL-60002
- URX000091
- UFI000032
- FS5972-600-99
- 5P17-0395
- FNQ-R-10
- UFU000048
- FWH-1000A
- 5P620-0098
- RL-60002
- URX000091
- UFI000033
- FS5972-800-99
- A
- -A.TUNE- Menu 3-8, 3-15
- AC Reactor F-3
- Accel/Decel
- Acceleration
- Specification C-4
- Access Level 5-9, A-2
- -ADV- Menu 3-8, 3-14
- Add-on Box 1-4 to 1-6, 1-18, 1-20, 1-26
- Alarm
- Altitude C-4
- Ambient Temperature 1-24
- Analog Inputs
- Analog Outputs
- Annunciation Contacts 2-9
- APOGEE FLN iv, A-18, D-19
- Auto Restart 5-69
- Auto-Tuning
- Auto Transfer to Bypass 1-16, 4-10
- B
- BAS Communication
- iii, 1-9, 5-4 to 5-8, 5-26 to 5-28, 5-51, A-18, D-1
- Base Block
- Basic Programming 5-1 to 5-85
- Baud Rate 6-10, A-18, D-2, D-4
- Bias Adjustments 4-6, 5-58, 5-62, A-16, A-17
- Bottom Bracket 7-11
- Braking
- Broken Belt 5-71
- Building Automation System iii, 1-9 1-12, 2-10, 2-15, 4-10
- Bypass Contactor 1-13, 1-14, 4-4
- Bypass Diagnostics 6-2
- C
- Cable
- Cable Length 2-4, 6-19
- Capacitor Warning i
- Capacity, Rated Output C-2
- Capacity Related Parameters B-1
- Carrier Frequency
- Charge Indicator (LED) 2-13, C-4
- Circuit Breakers 1-12
- Clearances 1-24, 1-26
- Coast to Stop 5-12, 5-51, 5-73
- Com OPT Setup Parameters 5-51, A-11
- Communications 5-4, 5-12, 5-24, 5-51, A-18, D-1
- Components 1-11, 3-2, 7-2
- Conduit
- Configuration
- Connections
- Contact Closure Inputs & Outputs 4-10
- Contactors
- Control Circuit 1-14, 2-5, 2-10, 6-4
- Control Panel 1-11, 3.1
- Control Power Transformer 1-14, 3-5, F-4
- Cooling 1-24, 1-25
- COPY to Keypad Function 1-11, 5-3, 7-9, 7-12
- Cover, Protective 1-25
- Critical Frequency Rejection 5-42, 6-20, 6-21, A-9
- Current
- Customer Wiring 1-13, 2-2, 2-3, 2-8, 2-11
- D
- Damper
- DATA/ENTER Key 3-3, 5-79, A-24
- Data Length D2 to D13
- Date Stamp (Drive) 6-26
- DC Braking 4-5, 4-7, 5-16, A-4
- DC Bus
- DC Injection Braking 4-5, 4-6, 5-2, 5-16, 6-21, A-4
- DC Reactor 1-10, C-2, E-2
- DDC 4-9, 6-19, D-3
- DDLY, Waiting to Run 5-16
- Deadband 5-42, A-9
- Deceleration
- Decimal to Hex Conversion A-30
- Decrease Key 3-3, 6-16
- Defeator 1-12
- Definitions iv
- Delay Timer Parameters A-4, A-5
- Description
- Diagnostics 6-1 to 6-26, D-14
- Digital Inputs
- Digital “Motor Operated Pot” 5-43, 5-79, A-24
- Digital Operator 1-11, 3-1
- Digital Outputs
- Dimensions
- Diode Module
- DIP Switch S1 2-16, 5-60, D-3
- Displaying Faults 1-11, 3-6, 3-7, 3-11, 3-12, A-28, A-29
- Disconnect iii, 1-11, 1-12, 2-2
- “Down Arrow” Key 3-3, 6-16
- DRIVE/BYPASS Selector Switch 1-12, 4-4
- -DRIVE- Menu 3-8, 3-10
- Drive Delay Time 5-16, A-4
- Drive Mode, Troubleshooting 6-16
- Drive, Removing 7-9
- Drive, Replacing 7-11
- DriveWizard Software iv, v, 3-15, 5-85
- E
- F
- Factory Repair 6-3
- Fan, Heatsink Cooling
- Fault
- Feedback (PI Function) 5-22, 5-30, A-5
- Field Wiring 1-13, 2-2, 2-3, 2-11, 2-18
- FLA, Motor 1-4, 4-3, 4-6, 5-50, A-11, B-3
- Flash ID A-27
- Floating Point Control
- Forward Run/Stop Command 5-10, A-4
- Frequency Detection A-15
- Frequency, Output
- Frequency Reference (Speed Command)
- Full Load Amps (FLA) 1-4, 4-3, 4-6, 5-50, A-11, B-3
- Fuse
- FWD Indicator 3-4
- G
- H
- I
- J
- K
- L
- M
- Main Circuit
- Main Menu
- Maintenance 5-80, 7-1 to 7-12
- Master Frequency Reference 2-12, A-9
- Master/Slave A-18, D-1
- Mechanical Vibration, Resonance
- 1-24, 4-6, 5-41, 5-42, 5-47, 6-20, A-9, C-4
- MENU Key 3-3, 3-8, 3-9, 3-16, 4-5
- Menu Trees, Digital Operator 3-9 to 3-15
- Metasys iv, v, 1-9, A-18, D-15 to D-18
- Meters A-23, A-24
- Modbus Communications iv, 1-9, 6-4, A-18, D-2 to D-14
- Mode Selection 1-12, 3-2, 3-4, 5-29, 5-55
- Model Number 1-2 to 1-8, C-2
- Modified Constants (Parameters) Menu 3-8, 3-15, 5-83
- Molded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB) 2-7
- Momentary Power Loss Ride-thru
- 5-64, 5-70, A-19, B-3, C-4
- Monitor 3-2, 3-8, A-17, D-10
- MONITOR Key 3-3
- MOP (Motor Operated Pot) Function 5-43, 5-79, A-12
- Motor
- Mounting 1-24, 1-26
- Mounting Dimensions 1-17 to 1-23
- Mounting Replacement Drive 7-9
- Multi-function Analog Inputs
- 2-12 to 2-15, 5-58, A-4, A-9, A-16
- Multi-function Analog Outputs 2-12 to 2-15, A-17
- Multi-function Digital Inputs
- 2-11 to 2-15, 5-52, A-12 to A-14
- Multi-function Digital Outputs 2-9, 2-15, A-15
- Multi-step Speed Reference (Preset Speed)
- 5-39, 5-53, A-8
- N
- O
- Off-delay Timer A-5
- On-delay Timer 5-16, A-4, A-5
- Open Chassis C-4
- Operation 4-8
- Operator Programming Errors (OPE) 6-13
- Operator MOP 5-79, A-24
- Options 1-8, 1-9
- Option Dependent Parameters 5-4
- Option Dependent PI Control Parameters 5-24
- Orientation, Drive 1-26
- Oscillation
- Output
- Outputs, Analog 2-13, 2-15, 2-18, A-17, A-18
- Outputs, Digital 2-11, 2-15, 5-57, A-15
- Over Current (OC) 4-4, 4-7, 5-70, 6-7
- Overheat (OH)
- Overload
- Overtorque - See Torque Detection 5-71, A-21
- Overvoltage Protection 6-6, 6-9, C-4
- P
- Parameters
- Parity - See Modbus Communications D-2
- Parts
- Password
- Peripheral Devices
- Phase Loss Detection
- Physical Installation -See Installation, Physical 1-1
- PI Function
- PI Mode 5-22, A-5
- PI Monitors
- PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) D-2
- Plenum Rated 1-24
- Pneumatic Input 1-9, 2-10, 2-16, 5-4, 5-62
- Potentiometer (Connection) 2-12, 2-20
- Power
- Power Factor Correction Capacitors 6-8
- Pre-Operation Considerations i to iv; 1-1, 2-1, 4-1
- Preset Speeds A-8
- Preventive Maintenance 7-1
- Programming
- Protective
- PWM Frequency - See Carrier Frequency A-8
- Q
- R
- Ramp to Stop 5-12, A-4
- Rated Current, Motor 4-3, 5-50, A-11, B-3
- Rdy (Ready) 3-2
- Reactors, Preventive Maintenance 7-3
- READ 5-82, A-25
- Ready Display 3-2
- Receiving 1-7
- REF Indicator 3-2, 3-4
- Reference Limits (See Frequency) 5-41, 6-21, A-9
- Reference Selection
- Reference Source 3-4, 5-5 to 5-8, 5-11, A-4
- Relay Controller PCB (A2) 7-2, F-4
- Relays, Digital Output 2-11, 2-15, 5-57, A-15
- Remote Transfer to Bypass
- 1-14, 1-16, 2-10, 2-15, 4-8, 4-10
- Removing the Drive 7-9
- Replacing the Drive 7-11
- Replacement Parts (Bypass) F-2 to F-4
- RESET Key 3-3
- Resistance, Motor Line-to-Line A-11
- Resistor Terminating 2-16, 2-18, 5-5, D-3
- Resonance 1-24, 4-6, 5-41, 5-42, 5-47, 6-20, A-9, C-4
- Resources Available v
- REV Indicator 3-4
- Reverse Operation 5-15, A-4
- Ride-thru, Momentary Power Loss
- 5-64, 5-70, A-19, B-3, C-4
- “Right Arrow” Key 3-3
- RS-485/422 5-51, A-11, A-18, D-1
- RTS Control Selection A-18
- Run Delay 5-16, A-4
- Run Command
- RUN Indicator 3-2, 3-5
- Running
- S
- Safety Circuit 2-10, 2-11, 4-3, 4-4, A-14
- Scaling Display
- Schematic Diagram 2-6, 2-11, 2-20, 2-22
- S-Curve Characteristic A-7
- SEQ 3-2, 3-4
- Selector Switches 1-11, 1-12, 3-2, 4-9
- Sequence Parameters A-4
- Serial Communications D-2 to D-25
- Serial Number 1-7, 1-8
- Setpoint (PI Function) 5-22 to 5-28, 5-33, A-6
- Shield Wire Grounding 2-5, 2-12, 2-14
- Shipping Damage 1-7
- Short Circuit Protection, Branch 1-12
- Shunt Connector CN15 2-17, A-18
- Skip Frequency 4-6, 5-42, 6-20, 6-21, A-9
- Slave D-2
- Sleep Function - See PI Function, Sleep 5-32, A-6
- Smoke Purge 1-11, 1-16, 3-7, 4-8, 4-10
- Snooze Function - See PI Function, Snooze 5-35, A-6
- Soft Charge Contactor
- Soft Charge Resistor
- Soft CLA Selection A-22
- Soft Start A-7
- Software Number (U1-14) A-27
- SPEC 1-8
- Specifications C-1 to C-4
- Speed
- Speed Command - See Frequency Reference
- Speed Reference, Multiple (Multi-step Speed) A-8
- Speed Search 5-18
- Stall Prevention
- Start-up 4-1 to 4-11
- STOP Indicator 3-2, 3-5
- Stopping Method 2-10, 5-12, A-4
- Storage Temperature C-4
- Switch Selectable Functions 1-16, 4-8, 4-10
- Switching (Carrier) Frequency 2-4, A-8, B-3
- T
- Table of Contents vii
- Technical Support Inside Back Cover
- Technical Training Inside Back Cover
- Temperature
- Terminal
- Terminal PCB, Drive
- Terminals, Control Circuit 2-11, 2-15,
- Terminals, Drive 2-13, A-12 to A-18
- Terminating Resistance 2-16, 2-18, 5-5, D-3
- Three-Wire Operation 5-10
- Timers, Delay A-4, A-5
- Timers, Elapsed
- 3-12, 5-80, 5-81, A-24, A-25, A-27 to A-29
- Timer, On Delay 5-16, A-4, A-5
- Top Bracket 7-10
- Torque Compensation A-8
- Torque Detection
- Torque Output 6-18
- Transformers, Preventive Maintenance 7-3
- Transistor Module
- Trim Control Level A-9
- Troubleshooting 6-1 to 6-26
- Two-Wire Operation 5-10
- Twelve-pulse rectification 2-7, C-2, C-3
- U
- V
- W
- Z