Sigma servo amplifier setup, Figure 26: smc/sigma setup – Yaskawa YTerm User Manual

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YTerm Software Manual

Sigma Servo Amplifier Setup

The Sigma servo amplifier setup program is designed for configuring the
amplifier to work with the SDGA and SDGB only.

Disconnect the serial communications cable from the SMC and connect the
Yaskawa YS-11 Serial Communication Cable to the servopack.
Once this is done, run the setup program from YTerm using the Servopack

Connection will be established with the Servo amplifier, the result is a return
of the servo amplifier's present settings, and should look similar to Figure

Figure 26: SMC/SIGMA Setup

1. Click on Cancel to cancel the current servo amplifier setup.
2. Click on Change present settings to required button to change

the servo amplifier settings to match the required ones After this
is done, a dialog will appear asking wether an absolute encoder is
to be installed. If yes, it will request the selection of the desired
pulse gain dividing ratio.