Yaskawa YTerm User Manual
Page 24

YTerm Software Manual
The pop-up menu has the following options:
• Execute: Starts the current program in the controller.
• Stop: Sends an “ST” command to stop any running motors. This
command also stops the applicaiton program from running.
• Logging: Provides access to the sub-menu for capturing data to a file
(SMCLOG.LOG) of communication in the terminal window.
• Start Logging: Starts writing all communication to the SMCLOG.LOG
file. Once the log file is started it will continue to log the events in the
Terminal window. The file size will continue to increase until logging is
stopped or YTerm ends.
• Stop Logging: Stops writing to the SMCLOG.LOG file.
• View Log File: Loads the SMCLOG.LOG file in Microsoft Write for
• Abort: Stops the execution of the current program in the controller.
• Enable all Servos: Energizes (enable) all servos.
• Disable all Servos: De-energizes (disable) all servos.
• Ethernet Status: Displays a form which contains details about the
Ethernet communications. See Ethernet Status.
• Tell Error: Displays the current position error of all servo motors.
• Tell Position: Displays the current position of all the connected servo
• Program Status: Allows the observation of the program execution. See
• Reset Communication: Resets the communication channel between
the PC and the SMC. This clears any existing communications by
closing the serial port, restarting it again, and verifying that YTerm can
communicate with the SMC. It also redetermines the number of axes on
the LEGEND–MC controller. If Ethernet communication is selected,
connection to the host is reattempted.
• Firmware Upgrade: Upgrades the firmware on a LEGEND–MC or
SMC–4000 controller via the serial port only. Only the LEGEND-MC
and SMC-4000 controllers can have firmware upgraded through YTerm,
and upgrading must be done through the serial port. Once initiated, the
process must not be interrupted, or the controller may fail to restart.
Select the firmware file (*.HEX) from the browser window that will
appear, and the firmware will be automatically downloaded to the
controller. (The SMC-2000 cannot be upgraded with YTerm; it requires
a chip change.)
• Terminal Font Settings: Selects custom fonts for text in the Terminal
window. The settings will be retained for future sessions.
• Copy all Terminal to Clipboard: Copies the contents of the entire
Terminal window buffer (up to 50K) to the clipboard.
• Print Terminal Buffer: Prints the entire content of the Terminal
window buffer or selected text.