Figure 10: the edit pop-up menu – Yaskawa YTerm User Manual

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YTerm Software Manual

Most of the tools look like and have the same function as the tools in other
Windows programs. The ones that do not are explained as follows:

• Find/Replace: Displays a dialog box for finding and replacing text in a


• Goto: Displays a dialog box for jumping to a given line number in a


• Switch Window: Exchanges the visible program for the one that is not

visible (if the program window is maximized).Get From Controller:
Downloads a program or array that is stored in the controller.

• Send To Controller: Uploads a program or array to the controller.
• Execute: (Green light) Sends the EXECUTE (“XQ”) command to the


• Stop: (Red light) Sends the STOP (“ST”) command to the controller.

The Pop-up Menu is accessed by clicking the mouse's right button while the
cursor is located in one of the edit windows. The Active window is
highlighted. The pop-up menu is shown below:

Figure 10: The Edit Pop-up Menu

The pop-up menu has the following options:

• Select Cut to transfer the current selection onto the clipboard.
• Select Copy to duplicate the current selection onto the clipboard.
• Select Paste to insert the contents of the clipboard onto the page at the

current cursor position.

• Select Undo to cancel the last (or more) edit.
• Select Goto to move to a specific line in your program.