Src/dst mode, Take, Undefined – Grass Valley NV9601 v.2.2 User Manual
Page 58: Virtual level expander, Virtual levels contract, Xy/md mode, Takes, Xy mode, Single-destination panel, Xy mode single-destination panel

Operating Concepts
Src/Dst Mode
The button toggles between source and destination modes. Category selections in source mode
select source devices. Category selections in destination mode select destination devices.
In X-Y mode, a take button routes the preset source device(s) on selected levels to the selected
destination device.
In MD mode, a take button switches the preset source device(s) to the selected destination
device(s) on all levels.
An undefined button cannot be used and appears dark (unlit) on the panel. The term “unde-
fined button” has meaning primarily to the configurer and not the operator.
Virtual Level Expander
In X-Y mode, this button causes the alphanumeric display to show virtual levels at the lowest
level of grouping (with the most detail). The button affects only virtual levels that have been
grouped. See
The button has no effect in multi-destination mode.
Virtual Levels Contract
In X-Y mode, this button causes the alphanumeric display to show virtual levels at the highest
level of grouping (with the least detail). The button affects only virtual levels that have been
grouped. See
The button has no effect in multi-destination mode.
XY/MD Mode
This button switches the panel between X-Y and multi-destination modes.
The button is green for X-Y mode and amber for multi-destination mode.
Following are brief instructions on how to perform a take in 3 scenarios.
XY Mode
1 If required, enter X-Y mode. (Use the XY/MD button.)
2 If required, select a destination.
3 Optionally choose levels.
4 Select a source and press ‘Take’.
Single-Destination Panel
(This scenario assumes that a destination was pre-defined during configuration.)