Configuration, Summary, Adding a panel to an nv9000 configuration – Grass Valley NV9601 v.2.2 User Manual
Page 23: 4 configuration, Summary adding a panel to an nv9000 configuration, Chapter 4, Topics

Chapter 4 provides configuration instructions for the NV9601.
Adding a Panel to an NV9000 Configuration
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NV9601 Panel Configuration Page
Multi-Destination Configuration
This chapter addresses configurers. Operators and other persons not interested in NV9601
configuration need not read this chapter.
The NV9601 has a relatively simple interface: a scrollable display and 36 function buttons. Each
of its buttons (green or amber, low- or high-tally) can either execute a function or select a source
or a destination.
The 8×42 alphanumeric display presents the status of operations as they occur. Under the
display are 8 selection buttons that correspond to the 8 lines of the display. Pressing a selection
button selects (or deselects) the item in the corresponding line of the display.
NV9000-SE Utilities is the software with which to configure the NV9601. Figure 4-1, following,
shows the default NV9601 panel configuration page from NV9000-SE Utilities.
Adding a Panel to an NV9000 Configuration
You must create configurations for the NV9601 using NV9000-SE Utilities. We assume that you
are familiar enough with NV9000-SE Utilities that you can understand the following material. It
is not difficult material, but some of the concepts might not be familiar to everyone.
It takes only a few seconds to add a new panel configuration.