Grass Valley NV9601 v.2.2 User Manual
Page 22

The NV9601, by default, acquires its IP address through DHCP on the system controller’s
panel/router network. You can use the Panel IP Configuration Utility to force the panel to
have a static IP address.
If (in setup mode) you do not see your designated panel ID on the display, you have not ini-
tialized the panel.
2 Is the system controller actually running? With the typical noise levels in a facility, it can
sometimes be difficult to tell. Use the ‘System’ pages of NV9000-SE Utilities to make the
determination. You can determine whether the system has detected your panel by review-
ing the control panels page for your particular system controller.
3 Does the configuration actually work? Is it useful? Can the operator perform takes and per-
form other operations?
The design of an NV9601 “operator interface” is non-trivial. You might want to consider how
well your operator interface works in addition to the basic question of whether it works.