Grass Valley iTX Delivery Manager v.2.6 User Manual
Page 24

Configuration Profiles and Endpoint Tabs
Generic Endpoint Configuration Settings
Cache Content
Click the browse button, then select the workflow used to move media
and assets from the monitored endpoint to the iTX store (which may
trigger other jobs also). Click
to confirm you choice. .
Post Media Import
The Post Media Import is an optional setting. See
, on page 6 for more information.
Generate Proxy
This checkbox is only available when the
Post Media Import
is field is available. When checked, low resolution proxy
versions of the media (e.g. smooth stream or MP4) will be generated
on import.
Asset Template Name
Click the browse button, then select an iTX media asset template, so
that all of the clips are registered with the same characteristics. Click
OK to confirm your choice.
For more information on creating asset templates see the iTX System
Administration Guide.
Max Concurrent Jobs
Enter a value for the total number of jobs that are allowed to run
simultaneously from the endpoint. The default is 5. A value of 0 is
equal to unlimited.
Allow Media Deletes
Check this option if you want the endpoint driver to process and act
upon delete requests.
When an endpoint is operating in Content Change mode and is
monitoring a network repository where media is placed temporarily
(i.e. just for iTX to ingest) it is recommended that this option is
checked. This means that once new media has been processed and
ingested, the copy deposited in the Content Change folder is actively
deleted by iTX.
However, if an endpoint is running in Content Change mode but is
monitoring a permanent network store, such as a NAS, then the option
should be unchecked to prevent accidental deletion of media being
added to the storage.
Checking this option also makes the
Maximum Concurrent Delete
option appear.
Maximum Concurrent
Delete Jobs
This setting is only available if
Allow Media Deletes
is checked. The
maximum number of concurrent delete jobs you can set is 5.
Keep Media Location
This option appears within the configuration options for certain
endpoint types.
If you are exporting media or sending it an archive that is external to
iTX, you should consider checking this option. When checked, the iTX
database knows where the media has been moved to. Retrieving and
restoring the media to iTX is then a quicker process, as Delivery
Manager does not need to request all endpoints to search their stores
or archives when trying to find this asset.
Test Connection
If available, click this button to connect to the endpoint using the
current settings. This will confirm if the endpoint is correctly