Grass Valley 2000NET v3.1 User Manual
Page 22

2000NET Instruction Manual
Establishing Frame Network Identity
this machine. This will occur automatically when
you have completed making changes.
Do you wish to change any of the values? y/n (n): y
For each parameter, you will be given the name of the
parameter and its current value in parenthesis. To
change it, just type in the new value. If you don't
wish to change it, just hit the Enter key.
If you make a mistake on a previous value, continue
with the remaining parameters; you will be given an
opportunity to modify the value again.
Please ensure that you change from Factory defaults
to your network parameters.
The local Ip Address is the Internet address of this
machine. It consists of four numbers separated by pe-
riods ('.'). Each number can be in the range of 0 to
255. For example:
There must an IP address.
IP Address (
The Default Route is the Internet address of the ma-
chine which routes network packets outside of the lo-
cal network. It consists of four numbers separated by
periods ('.').
Each number can be in the range of 0 to 255.
For example:
If you respond with a single period (.),a default
route will not be assigned.
Default Route (
The Subnet Mask is used in the routing algorithm.
The Net Card will use the mask to determine if a ad-
dress is in local net or to send the message to the
default. It consists of four numbers separated by pe-
riods ('.').
Each number can be in the range of 0 to 255.
For example:
If you respond with a single period (.),
a Subnet Mask will not be assigned.
Subnet Mask (