Welltech SIPPBX 6200A User Manual
Page 34
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Prompt Recording. Default is 000. That means password is not
necessary if this field is empty.
System Prompt
Recording Prefix
The prefix is for access code of System Prompt Recording.
Default is **. For example, the access code for
[greeting-day.wav] is **111. So the System Prompt Recording
Prefix is **. If you change the Prefix to *1, that means the
access code for [greeting-day.wav] should be *1111.
Note: Previously, you can just dial to the access code, such as
**111, for announcement recording. But we change this
procedure due to the security issue.
For example, the record procedure of greeting message will be:
“Dial to [*50]Æ Input password [000]Æ dial to access code
[**111]Æ Start to record greeting-day.wav”. For more
information about announcement recording, please refer to
user manual: CH4.1.3 How to record the other system
System Prompt
Listen Prefix
The prefix is for access code of System Prompt listening.
Default is ***. For example, the access code for
[greeting-day.wav] listening is ***111. So the System Prompt
Recording Prefix is ***. If you change the Prefix to *11, that
means the access code for [greeting-day.wav] listening should
be *11111.
DND Activated
The code to activate DND. Default is *78.
DND Deactivated
The code to deactivate DND. Default is *79.
UCF Activated
The code to activate Unconditional Forward. Default is *72. For
example, dialing to *72101 will forward all the call to 101.
UCF Deactivated
The code to deactivate Unconditional Forward. Default is *73.
BF Activated
The code to activate Busy Forward. Default is *90. For
example, dialing to *90101 will forward call to 101 if you are on
the phone.
BF Deactivated
The code to deactivate Busy Forward. Default is *91.
NAF Activated
The code to activate No Answer Forward. Default is *92. For
example, dialing to *92101 will forward call to 101 if you are
not answering.
NAF Deactivated
The code to deactivate No Answer Forward. Default is *93.
UAF Activated
The code to activate Unavailable Forward. Default is *94. For
example, dialing to *94101 will forward call to 101 if your
phone is not registering.
UAF Deactivated
The code to deactivate Unavailable Forward. Default is *95.