Wavetronix SmartSensor Matrix (SS-225) - User Guide User Manual

Page 9

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140 ft

Sensor Pole

140 ft

Figure I.3 – Corner Radar


Line of sight – Position the sensor so that it will be able to detect the entire area of

interest. Avoid occlusion by installing the sensor away from trees, signs and other road-

side structures.


Detection coverage – Position the sensor so that it will be able to reach all the specified

stop bar detection zones. The sensor will often work better if you position it so that it

tracks vehicles for several feet before the first zone in each lane. If the sensor has a view

several feet beyond the stop bar, it is more likely to accurately detect queue dissipation.


Closest roadside – Mount the sensor on the side of the road closest to the lanes of pri-

mary interest. Always mount the sensor high enough to prevent traffic from occluding

approaching vehicles.


Mounting height – A minimum height of 12 ft. (3.6 m) is recommended. Mounting

the sensor higher will generally improve line of sight and decrease the possibility of



Mounting offset – A minimum offset of 6 ft. (1.8 m) to the first lane of interest is



Redundant detection – It is possible to have multiple sensors monitoring the same

approach. Multiple sensors are needed when zones are spread over more than 140 ft.

(42.7 m).


Sensor proximity – When multiple sensors are mounted at the same intersection, inter-

ference can be avoided by configuring each sensor to operate on a unique RF channel.


Departing lanes – There is usually no need to view traffic in departing lanes or to con-

figure departing lanes. However, if they are configured, then the stop bar should not

be configured.


Suspended electrical cables – The sensor is designed to work in the presence of sus-

pended power lines and other electrical cables. However, these cables should be at least

10 ft. (3 m) away from the front of the sensor.


Neighboring structures and parallel walls – The sensor should not be mounted with

signs or other flat surfaces directly behind it. This will help reduce multiple reflection