Paint and remove lines, Remove lane, Construct and remove roads – Wavetronix SmartSensor 105 (SS-105) - User Guide User Manual

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lane divider (white line) or lane center (pink line) and drag it to the desired position (see

Figure 6.3). The cursor will change from an arrow to a hand when it is positioned over a

“draggable” line. Lane centers (pink lines) only appear when the cursor is placed directly

over them. To adjust the lane center, click and hold the mouse and move the line up or

down on the screen, but only within the area between the shoulders. Notice that shoulders,

dividers, or centers cannot be dragged past each other.


Lane Divider

Lane Center

Figure 6.3 – Adjusting Lanes

Paint and Remove Lines

The Paint Lines button allows you to add new lanes by inserting lane dividers in paved

(black) areas. SmartSensor Manager allows a maximum of eight lanes.

Again, the cursor will change from an arrow to a hand when it is positioned directly over

a location where it is possible to paint a lane divider. When the cursor appears as a hand,

click and a white line will appear.

To remove a lane divider, click on the Remove Lines button, select the white line you want

to remove and click the left mouse button (again, wait for the cursor to become a hand).

Remove Lane

The Remove Lane button allows you to remove entire lanes by moving the cursor to the

desired lane. When the arrow changes to a hand, click and the selected lane will disappear.

Construct and Remove Roads

To insert a new road, click on the Construct Roads button and select a location anywhere

in the background (khaki-colored) area. Make sure the cursor appears as a hand and then

click to draw the road.