Verilink WANsuite 5330 (34-00302.F) Product Manual User Manual
Page 37

W e b S e r v e r I n t e r f a c e
port goes high. The unit exits the loop when the LL pin goes low. If you
select “Disable,” the unit ignores the LL pin on the Serial port.
Values: Disable, Enable
Default: Disable
Selecting “Enable” allows the unit to respond to in-band V.54 loop codes. If
you select “Disable,” the unit ignores these codes.
Values: Disable, Enable
Default: Disable
The Clear To Send parameter can be set to “Forced True,” “Forced False,” or
“Internal.” If this parameter is set to “Internal,” the CTS control lead follows
the RTS control lead from the DTE after a delay of a duration established by
the RTS/CTS Delay parameter (see RTS/CTS Delay on page 3-9).
Values: Forced True, Forced False, Internal
Default: Forced True
Data Set Ready can be set to “Forced True,” “Forced False,” or “Internal.”
The “Internal” option sets DSR “On” if the port is enabled and “Off” if the
port is disabled.
Values: Forced True, Forced False, Internal
Default: Forced True
The Data Carrier Detect parameter can be set to “Forced True,” “Forced
False,” or “Internal.” If set to “Internal,” DCD is “On” when network carrier
is being received from the remote end, and is “Off” when network carrier is
not being received from the far end.
Values: Forced True, Forced False, Internal
Default: Forced True
The Request To Send parameter determines the source from which the unit
reads the RTS signal status. If set to “Normal,” the unit gets RTS from the
DTE on the Serial interface. If set to “Forced True,” RTS is always perceived
as “On.”
Values: Normal, Forced True
Default: Normal
The Request To Send/Clear To Send parameter determines how long the unit
waits before it changes the level of CTS to match RTS when the CTS
parameter is set to “Internal.”
Values: Normal (~30 ms delay), Long (~100 ms delay)
Default: Normal
Flow Control
Selects the type of flow control to be used if the port is asynchronous.
Values: None, Xon/Xoff, RTS/CTS
Default: None